Delta 4000 Has Arrived - My First Hunt Ever Was Today!


Bronze Member
Apr 24, 2011
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Delta 4000
Well, the Delta 4000 got here today. Went out to search what I thought may have been an old cellar hole in the woods behind my house near a couple of old fishing holes.

Found a hunk of aluminum, some tin foil, an old belt buckle, and a Lincoln Cent (only 2,799 more to go and this baby has paid for herself)!

Fixing to hit an old school near here that used to be the segregated school for all the black folks back in the day. It's been turned into an annex building for the BOE now. Still has a playground and ball field.

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Found 4 more pennies, a key to an old Cadillac that was sold eons ago, a piece of metal pipe, the rim of an old 50 gallon drum, a few nails, a Pepsi can, and a HUGE piece of a tractor or farm equipment. This was just all around in my yard.

I like the Delta pretty good so far. It will find a penny that's for sure.

I am running discrimination mode w/the sensitivity set at 6 and the discrimination set at 40. Do these #'s sound right to get me started?

I will help you with the learning curve. I have a T2 SE, but the basics are the same. Keep the discrimination at almost zero. Take it real slow. Set the sensitivity as high as you can, without chatty interference. Bouncy signals, that are from high to low, or the opposite are "usually" junk. You will only hear the high signals, if you have your discrimination set high. The low iron signals will be nulled out, resulting in a lot more trash, and nails. Your detector will be really chatty, to the point of annoyance. You will get used to it :icon_thumleft: With the discrimination down, you will be able to find deeper masked items. If in doubt, dig it! Remember, really deep items might not always register as they should. The numbers are just an idea. Look for a decent repeatable signal, and you will have better luck. Always look for old places, and study. Good luck my friend!

I strapped on a headlamp and went back out in the dark after we got a break in the rain. I set the sensitivity to 5 this time. The instructions say to start out low, and when I had it turned up past 10 (even better than Spinal Tap's amps - it goes to TWELVE) it was really "chatty" I guess... I also had the discrimination maxed out at 80. Got nearly no signals, but when I did, it was always something - trash. Found a pull tab, a piece of a wind chime, and a large metal piece of a rake bracket-thing. Next time the discrimination is going to be maxed out on the low end and the sensitivity will be turned up as well.

Just set the discrimination, so it reads everything. It will be chatty, but you will get a better reading of what is in the dirt. :icon_thumleft:

good to hear hombre :icon_thumright:
i know what you mean about the pennies, i found at least 20 of them in one spot in my backyard. it was funny because you could tell it was from the edge of when they switched from copper to zinc because some were chewed up beyond recognition and others were mint.

also glad to hear that the hotrocks dont seem to be a problem

fishbone3d said:
Just set the discrimination, so it reads everything. It will be chatty, but you will get a better reading of what is in the dirt. :icon_thumleft:

Gotcha. :icon_thumright:

Thanks for the info.

DevilDog812 said:
good to hear hombre :icon_thumright:

glad to hear that the hotrocks dont seem to be a problem


The hotrocks haven't been a problem yet - but I think I may know of some areas where I may run into some if what I have been reading about the soil structure in this particular area is accurate.

On big stuff you will get response over the whole thing, so you will know it is big, so you wont dig it. Your machine will have a small response area to coin sized targets. Pinpoint and the size of the target will become very apparent, so you wont have to dig up refrigerators and tractors and wood stoves. It's as simple as it gets.

Just a matter of time before you hit paydirt.

you mentioned "old swimming holes" good place to start swinging that coil, love the avitar...known as the rat, lol :thumbsup:

I myself also have a delta recently purchased. You should run it on the all metals mode, and then familiarize yourself with the sounds of the ding, and what she reads on certain things. A cople of test items is not a bad idea. I've already managed to start minimizing SOME of the junk, and a beach is a great place to have a learning curve, as it is much easier to dig in the sand as it is the ground........ Just get yourself a sand scooper, and familiarize yourself with the sounds.... I haven't played much with the sensitivity but i will be in the near future.

Happy Hunting

learning to "hear" the tones & read the numbers -- (together) this wil really help things * (if they both agree then there is no doubt you should did it up) -- listen to the tones more so than the number if they tend to "disagree" -- if theres any doubt --dig it out. -- is a good rule of thumb

silver and copper are on the high end of the disc out scale -- use a nickle to check your proper disc level setting * ( if the nickle does not "ring" up likely your disc level setting is set a bit too high) --often times when folks use a disc setting they set it too high thus losing out on gold items in the process ---discing is a balancing act * you only want to cut out the trash up to the gold level but not too far or you will lose gold ( look closely once you set your disc level so you will get nickles -- put a gold item or nickle on the ground about 3 ft from a pull tab the two items will be close numbers wize but still "differat by a few digits " --so long as you can detect a nickle your machine should be able to hit gold items as well. --while still cutting out most small iron , foil and trashy pulltabs and thru checking the numbers --you can cull most pulltabs as well --before digging --do some just to "prove it" is true to your self --but always --if in doubt dig it out.

glad to hear you finding coins already :icon_thumright: even if there just cents (for now )- have you noticed the numbers differance between the zinc 1983 and later vs the copper 1982 and earlier cents yet?--read the booklet -- (it has a scale in it that will help as far as the general number target range of items your likely to find)

now only 27, 895 more to go :wink: :icon_thumright:

That is awesome. Just got mine delivered from kellyco yesterday as well. We got the 2nd option package with the headphones and pinpointer thrown in for free. I was surprised to find the headphones were a little better quality than the ones they showed on the site. The ones we got look like the full earcup ones with stereo volume adjustment. It was better than the ones they showed that looked like walkman style (oops, aging myself... ipod style) headphones.

I will have to see how good the pinpointer they included is.

All in all, I am very happy with the detector though. Oh my gosh it is so lightweight. My wife was wondering what was in the box when it got delivered. I told her it was my metal detector and she was shocked at how light it was. It was a snap to put together as well. It took me 10 minutes (would have been 5, but the kids insisted on helping out.) :laughing7:

It was raining last night, so i didn't get a chance to take it out, but I am heading up to Dahlonega, GA this weekend. Maybe try to find some spots out there to hunt... Not sure if there is any place to do it, but we are going to one of the local gold mines up there and going to show the kids how to pan for gold.

I am glad I found this forum. It definitely was very helpful to find all the good reviews on the Delta 4000. It was $100 more than I was thinking about spending, but I would rather spend a little bit up front and get a machine that I will be happy with for a while, rather than get one that I will want to trade out in a few months.

note in gold bearing areas --(which are also often high mineral level areas as well) -- if the machine gets "chatty" (falses a lot-- beeping non stop ) drop the sensivity level slowly a bit at a time just till it stablizes --since your running too hot (overly sensitive) for the area -- thus the machine is picking up all the background minerals as metal and is freaking out --so you need to back off a bit sensitivity level wize -- or suffer the constant beeep beeeep beeep of a "crazy" machine :wink: :icon_thumright:

i've metal detected many years -- the delta 4000 ($279) is a much better buy in my veiw than the ace 250 or several of the bounty hunter models in its general price range--($300 or under )-- (all of which I have used in the past ) --its numbers display 0 to 99 --gives it a much better level of sorting ability that of the ace 250-- 12 blocks which co mingles trash and treasure in the same exact block * vs 100 numbers --= 8 numbers vs 1 block (so as far as which one can sort things to a finer degree - uh- no contest in my book) -- ( the ace 250 ( for $212) is ok if your a " all machines lie - so dig it all " type of person) -- but if you think machines if used properly can tell you 90 % or better whats there (my personal school of thought * )--its not a choice at all really *** for a mere $67 differance * much less time digging junk means more time to hunt and find good high % targets to dig up and better finds for the most part.

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