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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
~ A Short Country Story ~

When I Wandered Off From What I Was Doing...

OK, I'll tale a short one...

One day, I walked out farther, than what I usually do.
I saw some interesting trees and rocks, and looked all
the way over the hill. There were mostly various sized
deer tracks, and I looked close as I kept walking. I found
a bleached out small animal bone, and walked thru a clearing
I never saw before. Then spotted a large cat track, in a little
wet bare spot of a mud puddle. There was barely one small
part of a claw print, and that's one way to tell it's a cat, I
know. That's the first time, I've seen a large cat track,
no bobcat, but definitely probly a cougar...

When I made it up over the ridge, there were more neat
trees to look at, so I snapped a few pictures. But while I
was doing that, I noticed a flock of wild turkeys, and then
stepped up, to try and capture their images. You know
what they did, when they saw me trying to shoot them.:laughing7:

I hurried, zoomed in and clicked, a couple of times. They
can be made out in the shadows, RH middle of the pic, and
they are kinda' crouching lookin' and runnin', in the high
dried grass, and I don't really know why.:dontknow:

But they are there, though if I'd known they were there, and
had been quieter, I may have gotten a better shot... Well, I had
walked a good way, twistin' and windin', over hill and dale, creek
and canyon, thickets and valleys, till I realized that I didn't pay
very close attention to which all creeks, ravines, thickets, valleys
and clearings that I had walked through, to get where I was at...

Just then, an owl sounded off, hooting into the still cool winter
air, piercing the silence, then echoing down thru the canyons...
Right away tho, standing there thinking and looking around,
I knew that I may be lost, and thought I could figure it out
sure enough, but may wind up having to backtrack all the
way over to the big creek. Way out of the area, where I
had left my water, food, and other supplies...

I was getting kinda' thirsty, and knew I only had so
much daylight left. It was probly after 3:30 I thought,
but I had left my watch and everything else, in my 'ol
backpack, with all of my gear, and snacks unattended...

So I walked on back around, and it didn't look familiar.
Then cut back south, down one creek through a clearing,
and over another tree and rock covered hill, past a thick
brier strewn thicket. Then, there was the beginning of
another small creek. I looked over there, and was
instantly a little surprised, as I spotted an unusual... :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
... I kept walkin' and climbin', down creeks, up and around hills...

... ~ OKAY, Think I got the intro straightened up now. :thumbsup:

... So I'll take a short break, pick out a couple
of pics and crop 'em, then be back...

...To finish up on this little S/S. I think you'll kinda'
like it, except for the part where ~ ... :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
~ Still Lookin', Where's My Water And Gear Restin' ~

But where am I, wonderin' around all thirsty...:coffee2:

Good thing it was a fairly clear cool day. Now, I do always

carry a bottle (H2O) in my back pocket, if I go wonderin' off...

But on this particular day, I was kinda' lost, an' it was gettin'... :sunny: :fish:
Late... Big Cat Tracks...??? :find: :clock:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
~ There I am walkin' out in the Boonies Somewhere... ~

An' I wasn't worried, but I was a walkin', snappin' and lookin'...:find:

Started getting a bit more concerned and hungry, and already had been
dry and thirsty, maybe for a few hours already...8-)... :sunny: :fish:
He He, yer gonna' love how this lost in space story ends...:dontknow:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
~ I Remembered All The Images ~

Were the rocks earlier in the good daylight,
talking about cat's big mean faces, maybe even
attacking men, lol. I really don't have no fear, just
walk and look, bein aware, Thy Rod And Thy Staff...

Me, oh just a Colt .38 w/ hollow point super expanders, is all, an'
a 9" razor sharp blade, travelin' along like my good 'ol ancestors,
but dag nab it, where's the right creek and path? ... I looked
over at the head of a creek, and was surprised right away,
at what stood there looking at me... I couldn't believe
my eyes, never saw one 'round these parts...

A beautiful Sycamore, planted in the head of the creek bank,
with golden lookin', leaves still stuck on it, laying way down and
pointing. Well, I started to walk past it, but it got so thick up ahead,
I knew the briars really would rip me bare arms, if I had went that way...

So I went down the creek, with the laying down, pointy like Sycamore.
There were some pretty steep banks on down there, and some overhanging,
with giant tree roots hangin' over dark dugout lookin' places, like varmit holes.
Interesting trees, rocks, tracks, all kinds of things to look at, if there was just time...

And on I walked, knowing I needed to hike outta' there with my gear, hopefully maybe
pretty soon, if I was going to hitch myself up and ride back to my cabin, anytime before dark... :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
~ It's Been Stormin Some ~

~ Okay it's been stormin', an' I'm back writin'...
Hard to think about sleepin' with flash-n-thunder...

So, anyone :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

...I walked down around a clearing, and thought
I'd seen it long ago and far away, so I turned
around and walked back. Yes, now I realize
that I circled around and back sometimes...

Them creeks, hills and ravines, clearings, rocks,
brier thickets, and ivy etc. I knew I was going
basically the right direction, to hit the big creek.
That's the one thing I knew would happen, eventually...

Finally, there it was, the creek banks 12 feet or
so high, wet and muddy. I eased into the silt bank,
thinking I should find the next creek over... I was
going down, sinking fast, and out of the corner of
my eye was sudden movement. I turned quickly to
see, a brownish tan animal dart across the creek...

It was beautiful, a full grown white tail doe, mouth
full of lush sweet grass, stepping sure, and gliding
up the opposite bank, just giving me a curious glance,
then she was gone... I was in quick sand, and I knew
I'd be in serious trouble, if I didn't get free fast. I
leaned hard on my left side, and though my left
foot had sunk into muck too, I worked both of
my boots out, falling over on the solid bank,
and finally getting free. then I hurried up
the creek, to where it leveled out a bit,
and kept movin'. I knew I had just
come from this direction, and it
was getting even dimmer out...

The land went up, and leveled out,
and I was thinking, now I'm on the
right track. Walking steadily, I see an
old wash tub, laying upside down, with
one of it's corners caved in. That's odd,
I thought, stopping to look, but not even
touching it at all. I knew some old timers
had thrown some old stuff out down by the
creek, but had never seen that. I walked on,
and up a little draw, to see, ahhh the pond, now
I know where I am, and what I have done, making
a few mile loop, but now I know to cross the pond dam.

Then walking across another little creek, and up the draw
to the hill, and along the ridge, of where I had been working,
before I took a little break, and curiously walked a little, then
more, until I was way up over a few hills, turned around and
not sure at all, from taking pics, daydreaming and gazing off
into the wild blue yonder...

That was the first time I ever got that lost there, but I saw a
lot of neat things while I was trackin' around. Also, the first
time I had ever brought any whiskey, because I was thinkin'
to offer me flask to 'ol Jesse if he happened to ride up again...

He never did, and I was so busy, I forgot to pour some on the
ground as an offering. Maybe that's superstition, well if I ever
take anymore out there, which doesn't ever happen usually,
I'll maybe try it, but it sure did feel good, to my tired feet,
and went down smooth as I rode my horse in the direction
of the ol cabin... I knew an 'ol gal who used to say, 'All is
well, that ends well", and I second that...

The day I got me Scotch Indian hillbilly self turned around,
and went on a much longer than expected star walkabout...8-) :laughing7: :sunny: :fish:
:cross: ...That's a spirited, and treasured memory... :toothy4:

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Gold Member
May 9, 2012
Primary Interest:
Ah Crosse out getting some of the stink blowed off and turned around.:laughing7:
A good thing, and one I practiced often. Usually swamp related.
Went out the other day hunting mushrooms in a dense area I have hunted for many decades recently logged and now second growth and the changed landscape make occasional bearings checks a good idea.
The truck did not move while I was wandering away from it. Sometimes though a vehicle can sneak away and be hard to find again.....

The nesting hawks by the house moved on.
One adult was doing a lot of screeching yesterday. Calling the single young un to it,then moving and repeating the technique.
Now the squirrels while still vigilant can move about more.
Despite my squirrel dog wondering why furry tree rats are left alone and giving questioning looks after jumping in my lap and watching a potential prey in the yard, there is one litter of three finally getting out and learning gymnastics.
The little ones play and this is day two of momma building a new nest. One watched her build a while yesterday. It was not quite sure what mom was doin but if a female ,probably saying ,"while we're at it...":santasmile:
Whether to dodge fleas or rains soaking the previous nests or other reasons this will be about number six built in the yard. Hard work but good sweat equity.
She cuts green red oak withe's at precarious costs of risky balancing acts sometimes holding on by a single foot for the box spring, and collects dried leaves from under a long parked vehicle for the mattress.
Very industrious.

Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I still can't figure out, why no one else liked this song selection?



Gold Member
May 9, 2012
Primary Interest:
I still can't figure out, why no one else liked this song selection?


Which selection,Mohican?
Cause no one liked the Mohican I selected....:laughing7:
Hey, he is a Mohican.

With the wings of sorrow, I have taken flight
Cloaked in the darkness like a thief in the night
I have watched the farmer planting in his field
And known that what he sows, is there for me to steal

I take what I need, never more, never more
In the art of survival, there's no rich there's no poor
Time passes by, kingdoms come and go
I've seen it all, I'm a raven in the snow

I have watched the seekers searching for their gold
The rape of the land, generations unfold
Nations of the world, their rise and their fall
I've watched it all, I'm a raven in the snow

I have heard the crying, wailing in the wind
Empty words and broken promises, time and time again
Song of the sparrow, call of the crow
Echo in the mountain and the valley's below

The scarecrow and the hunter, can't keep me away
The winter winds a blowin' couldn't lead me astray
You can separate the flock still my colors would show
I will stand out, like a raven in the snow

Read more: Bill Miller - Raven In The Snow Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Read more: Bill Miller - Raven In The Snow Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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Full Member
Dec 14, 2014
Detector(s) used
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting

Here is a friend of mine who has got a whole lot of that treasured spirit we love. Go Matthew!

. Now, he too is of Native American decent with the most amazing story, that he shares freely (otherwise I would not tell). He was found abandoned, on someone's doorstep, in a little box on the reservation, with just a little blanket on a chilly day.

Now, I don't know about you, but that would be a tough one to take. Take it, he did, and became a songwriter of the BEST kind. This last song, Sweet Celine, was written about the happy birth of his own daughter. He is a friend, father, and musician that has walked the walk. He sings and strums from the most sacred places in his heart.

Whoever gave him up that winter day, lost out. But, who knows their story? The best part is that he was born into this world, with stories to share and SING about.

Music is the ultimate gift, and I sure treasure those who bring it, bravely, fourth.

Now, Crosse'. When will you play for us? Waiting... [emoji99][emoji99][emoji99][emoji4]

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Gold Member
May 9, 2012
Primary Interest:
I still can't figure out, why no one else liked this song selection? :dontknow:

It's pretty good, with cool real life drama action too...:icon_scratch: ??? 8-)

Course, it does remind me of Scotch/Irish fiddle playin', an' I

spose some May be a wee bit? Thirsty? Tired? Sleepy?:laughing7::laughing9::laughing7::laughing9 ::laughing7: ... :sunny: :fish:
Surely yer not prejudice against needy raiding Indians, are ye?... :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Hmmn... :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Hmmn...Let's talk about that a minute, ok minute up...

Ahh, this movie soundtrack. It's a like. Like most movies it has it's moments,and this one has a historic theme anyway, with the human interest emphasized at times more than others...Magua's expression is almost puzzlement, but briefly as if it was not his choice.
Though Alice was touched and somewhat protected by that, her difference, perhaps a moment of lucidity crept in.
Someday ,(Yeah right) I'll get another media system and rewatch it.

J.F. Cooper's portrayal of natives leaves a bit to be desired, but reflected multiple views at the time.
The movie directors may have done a smidgen better .

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
I still can't figure out, why no one else liked this song selection?



...Yer a mean Mohican... ??? :laughing7: ...(Just tryin' ta' fun with you again)...

Entitled to yer own favorite music, even if a tad open minded...8-) :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:

Those are very sad songs, a lot of truth, but sad...

I think the Indians (The 5 Civilized Tribes, for example) that blended
in with the Europeans so much, early on in American History, may have
saved some of their future ancestors a lot of grief, adapting. Though
so many, lost all of their tribal customs, heritage, and ancestry...

Many though, did not lose their personal nobility, honesty, integrity.
Love of life and creation, being honorably aware, and considerate... :sunny: :fish:
Not being taught necessarily, but sensing, choosing to be so, is rare now...

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
... "The best part is that he was born into this world, with stories to share and SING about."
Music is the ultimate gift, and I sure treasure those who bring it, bravely, fourth.
Now Crosse'. When will you play for us? Waiting... [emoji99][emoji99][emoji99][emoji4]
...ZZZ Yer funny!

Thanks, tipping guitar, nodding politely and smiling.
Don't know, pretty soon hopefully, been practicin'... :sunny: :fish:

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