Hi Ho SILVER!!!! AWAY! Who Was that Masked Man Doing the CHicken Dance?


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
"To da Dump to da Dump to da Dump Dump Dump..." Well it sure felt like I was detecting at the dump at times today. Sheesh! I dug up and hauled off at LEAST three pounds or more of can slaw and even whole cans.. beer cans, soda cans, and even a soup can! ? Now how did that get there? <shrugging shoulders>
Hi ya Everyone! It's Me again Margaret.. "are ya nekked?" Sorry.. just had a snippet of a song running through my mind there for a second. I'm sure I'd MUCH preffer that most of you reading this be FULLY clothed if and when I ever meet you. <laughing> I hope everyone is having a good day, or week (even though it's only Monday). I'm having a good day/week.. so far. Today was/is the first day of a vacation. Or should I say "Stay-cation"? Not going anywhere this week, no beach, no mountains, no romantic getaway.. just pretty much staying around the house doing some much needed yard work, some odd jobs around the house and of course the ever present "honey-do" jobs that have been put off till just such a time as this. Oh.. that's not to say that I will NOT be indulging in my favorite hobby.. As you can already guess, I started the day off today doing just that! Detecting! Metal detecting that is! Treasure Hunting!.. trash collecting. <shrug>
Actually I started the day off a little more domestically than treasure hunting. I got up a little later than I normally would for work, but it was still dark outside and a bit nippy, so I fixed breakfast for myself and my darling if still sleeping wife. I made biscuts with sausage gravy, cut up a couple of nice ripe tomatoes, and of course some sausage patties that didn't make it into the gravy. After waking my better half up from her beauty rest, I ate breakfast with her then read the paper. We watched a little tv (The Today Show), and by the time the sun was up, I was bored with the witty banter and cutting edge reporting.. time to get out! I told my darling wife I was off to play.. and she smirked and said that she'd see me later in the day.
And so it came to be, that I was on my knees, digging up and bagging can after can after piece of can. I picked the soccer complex in the nearby town of Versailles Kentucky to be my venue de jour. I've hunted here many times and have rarely if EVER been disappointed. Especially after I discovered that I could actually find more coin ON the playing fields than AROUND the outsides of the fields where people sit to watch the games. But I've covered all that before haven't I? <grin> Today was no exception. I was finding coin after coin after coin... a lot of pennies, a lot of dimes, a few quarters. I So VERY much LOVE the sound that coins make when you drop them into a well populated finds bag.. "KlinK" "PlinK" Coin after coin. LOTS of coin!

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$11.09 in clad today.. with one nice little lady.. a Saq dollar.

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...Kind of has a glow about her doesn't she? <smile>

Of course, there was a rather large collection of other stuff found today as well. The usual suspects, like the cans and can slaw, pull tabs were plentiful, along with the odds and ends that sometimes escape description or at least identification. One nice find, out of the ordinary, was another "Toss" coin used by the officials to call the game opening "toss". I've found many such coins here and on other Soccer fields, but this one is a new type.

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The front or face of the coin has the horse facing you.. and the lettering legible. The Back of the coin, has the south end of the horse jumping through the horseshoe and the name Versailles Kentucky in reverse or backwards.. I'm sure this was done intentionally, and it's a good joke. I like IT!

Some other unusual finds for today were a .. SCHOOL BUS!.. or at least the remains of one. Relax! It was just a toy school bus.. kind of wonder where the rest of it made off to though? Then there was the fishing reel. <sound of screaching record needle coming to a halt> WHAT? A Fishing REEL? No ponds, no creeks, no river, no lake, no water whatsoever. What in the heck were they fishing for?

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I don't think this reel is going to be used for fishing ever again... Oh well.. can't save them all I suppose. I believe it would take some heavy duty magic to fix this poor reel up to be useable again. A Silver Bullet maybe? No wait, that would put it out of its misery. Not that I could get a silver bullet out of the gun pieces that I found today. Yeah.. more unusual finds. Two cylinders from a cap pistol from the looks of them. Found both of them within three feet of each other. Must have been some pitched battle there along the sidelines of the soccer field at one time or another. <laughing> But then I *DID* find a silver bullet! Ok..so it wasn't really a bullet, more like a lug nut! Again.. in the middle of a soccer field? Boggles the mind some times doesn't it? <shaking head> But then.. it wasn't long after finding the "silver bullet" that I found this big honkin' tag I'm thinking some sort of livestock tag, perhaps a horse identifier or something, after all that soccer complex used to be a horse farm at one time.

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It's Heavy.. and I suspect it's made or brass or some alloy of brass or copper, see the scratches where my probe marked it on one side. (*sigh*) No matter how carefull you are, sometimes you still leave scratches or marks. It's weird too, that number.. 2207 my house address is 2206 <que theme music from The Twilight Zone... "Deee deee Deee deee Deee deee..">
A few coins later, and several pieces of can slaw and pull tabs... I had another interesting discovery. The target that rang up as an unsteady dime signal (jumping back and forth from dime to quarter).. turned out to be a horse! A WHOLE horse! Not a leg.. not a hoof.. not just the head... and not the backside.. but the WHOLE DEAL. <grin>

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Well.. not actually a horse either.. on closer inspection it can be seen that this horse is actually a Unicorn! Oh how mystical! <clapping like a little girl>

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...it's a tiny little thing as you can see here next to the dime...

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And Yeah.. I did the chicken dance.. Whoopin' and Hollerin'.. I'm sure I put on quite a little show for the kiddies playing the back yard of one of the houses that back up to the soccer park. I had forgotten that it was Columbus Day.. and the kids were out of school. <shrug> Oh well.. I'm sure they'll get over it. <grin> It was/IS after all SILVER! I didn't even have to clean this one up very much to see that, the Sterling stamp was clearly visible nearly straight out of the dirt.

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That was pretty much the topper for my day. I found a few more coins, some more junk, a couple of zipper pulls, some pull tabs, even a piece of pipe.. but that cute little unicorn ring was the highlight for my day. Here's the rest of the stuff.. minus the bag of cans and can slaw of course.

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Today's hunt was about three hours long, including a 30 minute break for my lunch.. an apple that I brought with me <grin> which I ate in the shade under one of the picnic shelters beside the soccer field I was hunting. For Autumn it sure was warm today. More like June weather than October. But it was still nice, and a wonderful beginning to a week of "Staycation" <grin> I hope the rest of you can get out and enjoy the weather this week too. Good luck and as always..

Happy Hunting Everyone!


Upvote 0
Awesome finds! Yeah that is wierd with the numbered thing-a-ma-bob! Keep on huntin!

Nice finds, Frodov. I'd take a day like that anytime.

I wonder if that could be a slave tag. Probably not...just wondering.

Very nice job on all of the clad and the silver ring must of been a surprise! :) That horse looks way cool too! Congratulations on all of the stuff. Everytime I read your posts they are always entertaining from beginning to end! :thumbsup: Keep it up and keep hunting! :)

Cache Crazy said:
Nice finds, Frodov. I'd take a day like that anytime.

I wonder if that could be a slave tag. Probably not...just wondering.

I seriously doubt that this tag thing is a "Slave Tag" or anything like that. It's kind of big I would think, but then I wouldn't know a slave tag if I was holding one in my hand. My first bet would be that it is a livestock tag of some kind. I wonder if there is some sort of web site or data base that might be able to identify this tag. I'll ask around. As for the rest, yeah, I had a ball digging all those targets, even the ones that were just pull tabs or junk. It's kind of like fishing, even a little fish is fun to catch, even if it's not a keeper. <grin> I'm glad I got a few keepers today too though. Here's hoping that the rest of the week, however many times I might get to get out and play, are anywhere near as productive.

Happy Hunting!


Hey Frodov ! You are really starting to get your silver groove on !!! I think whats happening is ,you

are honing your instincts concerning about where and when to hunt. Here in Santa Fe , NM. , I have this

circuit of city parks and school athletic fields that i hunt . I dont have a schedule as to which park/field,

I hunt , I kinda go on gut feeling - I sorta let myself feel my way to a particular location . Also there are

some days when I'm not in the mood to work slow and hard for a deepie , so I'll go to a field or park

where I can hunt for volume of clad and silver by cranking the discrimination up and really covering some

ground. Other days I'm ready to go real slow and work at fetching a 6-7 inch target (hopefully a merc.)

but enuff about me - Congrats on the nice silver ring - Godspeed Argentium.

Looks as if you had a pretty good day. Very nice.

joecoin said:
Sometimes fishing reels are used in kite flying.

You know, I never even thought of that.. I'll bet that's exactly what it was being used for.. flying a kite. Thanks Joe!

Happy Hunting!


Those soccer fields really put out for ya! Congrats on another wonderful hunt!

Hello from south of the state line.lol
Looks like you are starting the week off good. Hope you get many days to detect, and I really hope you find a gold ring.
Tennessee joe

TN-Joe said:
Hello from south of the state line.lol
Looks like you are starting the week off good. Hope you get many days to detect, and I really hope you find a gold ring.
Tennessee joe

Why thank you Joe! That would be nice, a GOLD ring.. or any kind of gold for that matter. Of course that would merely be a "bonus" if I did find something like that. I mean just coins are a blast and make this hobby the only hobby I've ever had that pays me back, all the bling and other treasures are merely bonus as I've said already, the icing on the cake so to speak.

Happy Hunting!


Argentium said:
Hey Frodov ! You are really starting to get your silver groove on !!! I think whats happening is ,you

are honing your instincts concerning about where and when to hunt. Here in Santa Fe , NM. , I have this

circuit of city parks and school athletic fields that i hunt . I dont have a schedule as to which park/field,

I hunt , I kinda go on gut feeling - I sorta let myself feel my way to a particular location . Also there are

some days when I'm not in the mood to work slow and hard for a deepie , so I'll go to a field or park

where I can hunt for volume of clad and silver by cranking the discrimination up and really covering some

ground. Other days I'm ready to go real slow and work at fetching a 6-7 inch target (hopefully a merc.)

but enuff about me - Congrats on the nice silver ring - Godspeed Argentium.

I don't really have a "schedule" that I go by either when metal detecting. The only schedule I have is around work and other activities other than metal detecting.. like the Honey-Do list. <smile> Oh of course there are the common sense items as well.. like NOT detecting on or around a school yard while the kids are in school.. or on or around the soccer fields when there are games or practices in progress. Other than that it's just a matter of what do I have time for (like 20 or 30 minutes after work) before it gets dark or before I have to attend to more pressing items. I do tend to go back to places that I've made good finds at before though, and even revisit some parks and playgrounds that didn't really produce much before, like after a good rain when the soil conditions might be more conducive to detecting, or digging.
As for developing a "sense" for when to visit.. well, I'm still learning this hobby so my "sense" isn't very well honed as of yet. But I guess those insights will develope and hone the longer I get to indulge in this hobby. Here's to hoping they get better!

Happy Hunting!


Bluegrass Soccer Club was formed in 2001 as a division of Woodford Youth Soccer. We have grown over the past 7 years to now field 22 teams. Their teams participate in both the Kentucky Select Soccer League and the Midwest Regional League.

Here's a site with more information regarding the Kick in the Bluegrass Soccer competition:
http://www.kickinthebluegrass.com/KIB 2008/KIB 2008 Tournament Format.pdf

Mackaydon said:
Bluegrass Soccer Club was formed in 2001 as a division of Woodford Youth Soccer. We have grown over the past 7 years to now field 22 teams. Their teams participate in both the Kentucky Select Soccer League and the Midwest Regional League.

Here's a site with more information regarding the Kick in the Bluegrass Soccer competition:
http://www.kickinthebluegrass.com/KIB 2008/KIB 2008 Tournament Format.pdf

Why thank you Mackaydon! <smile> That's more information than I knew was even available for some of these trinkets I've been finding. You said "We" however, and you are in California? How often do you get to the beautiful state of Kentucky and the fair city (town really) of Versailles? <grin> Anyway, thanks for the link and the information. It's always interesting to get some background on the relics and things we find while metal detecting huh? As always..

Happy Hunting!


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