Knockout games

Old Bookaroo

Silver Member
Dec 4, 2008

Another "white" Chuckie Manson:

The Neo-Nazi serial killer who targeted blacks and Jews and paralyzed pornographer Larry Flynt in 1978 has been executed.

Franklin had been convicted of murdering seven people and admitted to killing up 22 during a cross-country reign of terror that lasted from 1977 through 1980.

Franklin was a sniper motivated by racism. He targeted blacks and Jews and whites who were seen mingling with members of other races.

A paranoid schizophrenic, Franklin claimed he wanted to start a race war.

Read more: Joseph Paul Franklin, serial killer who paralyzed Larry Flynt, is executed | Mail Online

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


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May 22, 2013
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somebody tries to coldcock me best be packing a lunch.
instant karma

PWP - The coldcocking usually comes when you are not expecting it or looking. Most of the time, there is nothing you can do about it. If you are targeted by these thugs, you won't know it until you wake up on the ground. It truley is the definition of a coward. Attacking when the other person has no chance. lunch needed!!!! :laughing7:

Native Floridian

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Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Chad your videos and the posts that follow are about racism. This thread is about Knockout. There is no evidence that Knockout has anything to do with race. In was incorrectly posted here that knockout is playing out in Ghettos. When it fact it is happening in upper middle class suburbs. That the assumption is that it is playing out in ghettos you naturally make the jump that ghetto equals blacks and to black racism.You then post videos that have nothing to do with the topic. You have once again turned a thread racist.


Bronze Member
May 22, 2013
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Chad your videos and the posts that follow are about racism. This thread is about Knockout. There is no evidence that Knockout has anything to do with race. In was incorrectly posted here that knockout is playing out in Ghettos. When it fact it is happening in upper middle class suburbs. That the assumption is that it is playing out in ghettos you naturally make the jump that ghetto equals blacks and to black racism.You then post videos that have nothing to do with the topic. You have once again turned a thread racist.

You need to read the posts. It was stated early in the thread " The knock out game is MOSTLY Black on white" < - This statement is a fact. Look up the reports and you will find it true. I know, the truth hurts, and you wish it were not true....but reality is reality. Come join us, won't you? Thanks!


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Chad your videos and the posts that follow are about racism. This thread is about Knockout. There is no evidence that Knockout has anything to do with race. In was incorrectly posted here that knockout is playing out in Ghettos. When it fact it is happening in upper middle class suburbs. That the assumption is that it is playing out in ghettos you naturally make the jump that ghetto equals blacks and to black racism.You then post videos that have nothing to do with the topic. You have once again turned a thread racist.

You didn't read the posts yet.

Old Bookaroo

Silver Member
Dec 4, 2008
Native Floridian:

You are, of course, correct!

People who consider Wing Nutz Daily to be a reliable source are not interested in facts, reason or logic.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


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Jul 27, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting

It's only new if you have been aggressively ignoring the epidemic of black mob violence'Published: 3 days ago

Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist*not*to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.

Ever so slowly, reporters are starting to figure out a version of black mob violence called the Knockout Game.

The first chip in the wall fell in New York, where Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said last week that Orthodox Jews in Crown Heights were the victims of eight episodes of mob violence and vandalism.

He did not see a pattern.

But the New York Post did, reporting: “The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often, some other member of the group records the event so that a video of that ‘achievement’ is put on the Internet to be celebrated.”

The violence, caught on video, was so egregious even the CBS affiliate in New York had trouble ignoring it. The station reported that Rabbi Yaacov Behrman said “he believes the assaults are part of a disturbing game by some African-American teens.”

The same station, however, reported on the Knockout Game in Hoboken just a few days before without mentioning the central organizing feature of the violence: The race of the perpetrators.

In Washington, D.C., the CBS affiliate reported this week that at least two people were recent victims of the Knockout Game. But the station got it wrong on two counts. One was of omission: It did not mention that everyone involved in committing the Knockout Game is black.

The station also did not report that white and Asian people throughout the district are subject to frequent black mob violence on bike trails, on mass transit, in entertainment districts, in “gay” neighborhoods and just about everywhere else, as documented in*“White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

The other error is of commission: They called it “new.”

WND, however, has documented hundreds of examples of the Knockout Game around the country over the last two years.*They include several stories from Washington.

“It’s only new if you have been aggressively ignoring the epidemic of black mob violence around the country,” said Sherry Godfrey, of Springfield, Mo. “But it happened to my son and I had no idea it was happening around the country until I researched it and found the book*“White Girl Bleed A Lot.”

For reporters willing to look, hundreds of examples are easy to find – though more often the perpetrators are identified as “unruly teens” or “rambunctious” rather than creators of racial violence and mayhem.

A smattering:

In*Hoboken, three black people punched a homeless person*in September. He died. Not too much different from an earlier episode in Syracuse, where a black mob killed Michael Daniels in May.

In August in Lansing, several black people tried to play the Knockout Game with a twist: They used a taser. It misfired. The victim’s gun did not. He wounded his attacker but stopped firing after the Knockout Artist begged for mercy.

In January, several members of the University of Alabama national championship football team attacked two students in what many call the Knockout Game.

At the University of*Illinois in Champaign, the game has a different name:*Polar Bear Hunting. But with dozens of examples, including a local TV reporter, the black mobs play by the same rules: Find a defenseless white or Asian person, and punch them in the face until your arms are tired. Or they are knocked out. Or dead.

In Chicago last year, two black people killed a Mexican immigrant and grandfather as he was collecting cans in a downtown alley. The local press had trouble talking about the race of the perpetrators, but Mexican national news did not:*Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #87: Spanish edition.

CNN however, was eager to report that the families of the black people arrested and later convicted of the crime after posting it on Facebook were good boys who were just playing a “prank that got out of hand.”

In St. Cloud, Minn., a car full of black people came upon a college student in an alley walking two girls home from the library. The car screeched to a stop, one man got out and hit*20-year old Colton Gleason in the face. He died.*His attacker was convicted earlier this year after the jury rejected his defense that Colton and the two female college students he was walking home actually hit their car.

In March of this year, six black people were convicted in the stabbing death of Matthew Chew in New London, Conn. The headline tells the story:*25-year-old victim loses Knockout Game.

In Pittsburgh last year, several black people were caught on video punching a teacher in the face as they passed each other in an alley. That happened twice: Earlier that year, another teacher was almost killed as he slipped and fell in traffic while fleeing the Knockout Game, on video.

Last year in Meriden, Conn., DeAndre Felton and his 10 of his friends thought they found an easy mark for a bit of the old Knockout Game. They chose the wrong guy: He pulled a knife and killed DeAndre and wounded one other attacker. The attackers’ parents said their children were innocent, just like Trayvon Martin in Florida.

In St. Louis earlier this year, a black person was sentenced to life for the Knockout Game death of a 72-year old Vietnamese immigrant.

In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes of the Knockout Game.

In Oklahoma earlier this year, an accused killer of the Australian college student Chris Lane tweeted that he was “playing golf” and hitting “woods” prior to the murder earlier this month. Woods is short for “peckerwoods:” White people. The Knockout Game.

He said he did that five times since the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin.

Anyone looking at the hundreds and hundreds of examples – many on video – knows this: The victims can be white. Or Asian. Or women. Or homosexual. But this much they have in common: All of attackers in the Knockout Game are black.

A St. Louis writer, activist and boxing coach talks about the Knockout Game*in his video blog. He says police ignore many Knockout Game assaults because they make the city look bad.The perpetrators are black and the victims are not, he says. But the boxing coach knows why:

Most of the people who get beat up are vegans, gays, artists, non-violent types. Many are kids from the suburbs or recent immigrants. People who are not prepared to defend themselves. There are white neighborhoods – blue collar, middle class neighborhoods – where these folks will not go because they know that people there are willing to defend themselves.

On Monday, April 23, 2012, an elderly lady*was attacked by a group of teenagers at the bus stop on Grand and Page. There has been no media coverage of this event. I have met several victims and the story is always the same going back to 2005.

Finally, this week, it all got to be too much for Greta Van Susteren of Fox News. She did an “off the record” commentary in which she talked about “young African American teenagers viciously and gratuitously attacking a random victim – a teacher – in Pittsburgh, Pa.”

Greta gets points for identifying the attackers, but the victim was not random: He was white.

Greta continued with her description of the Knockout Game, then her commentary took a strange twist: She appealed to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for help in stopping this racial violence.

She totally ignored the role Sharpton had in encouraging racial violence when in 1991 he was involved in three days of black mob violence directed at Jews in Crown Heights.

“I beg of Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and even President Obama to step up right now and speak out,” said Van Susteren.

Maybe they can have a beer summit.

Note: Media wishing to interview Colin Flaherty, the author of “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” please*contact us here

Related commentary:

“Glossing over black thugs’ ‘game’”*by Thomas Sowell

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

See a trailer for White Girl Bleed a Lot:

Last edited:


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May 22, 2013
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Native Floridian:

You are, of course, correct!

People who consider Wing Nutz Daily to be a reliable source are not interested in facts, reason or logic.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Old Bookaroo:

You, of course, are not correct.

Sorry, I can't debate insanity and immature rants -

Good luck to all,

Native Floridian

Bronze Member
Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Excal, Sov GT
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
You need to read the posts. It was stated early in the thread " The knock out game is MOSTLY Black on white" < - This statement is a fact. Look up the reports and you will find it true. I know, the truth hurts, and you wish it were not true....but reality is reality. Come join us, won't you? Thanks!

That's not a statement of fact -the only source for that statement is your uber right wing trash media site.

The mainstream media, including FOX News make no mention of race.

And several of the attacks aren't knockout, they are robberies The NY congresswoman included.

But if you guys want to have a lynching down here - go for it!

Very appropriate considering just this week the Scottsboro Boys were finally Pardoned! Not that it does them any good!

of course threads like this explain why they were convicted in the first place.


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Jul 27, 2006
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Chad your videos and the posts that follow are about racism. This thread is about Knockout. There is no evidence that Knockout has anything to do with race. In was incorrectly posted here that knockout is playing out in Ghettos. When it fact it is happening in upper middle class suburbs. That the assumption is that it is playing out in ghettos you naturally make the jump that ghetto equals blacks and to black racism.You then post videos that have nothing to do with the topic. You have once again turned a thread racist.

Use Google, search Knockout Game and see what is reported. ...

It is black on white violence game, what would be called a "racial attack" if it was reversed but called "random violence: since it is black on white.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!


Bronze Member
May 22, 2013
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That's not a statement of fact -the only source for that statement is your uber right wing trash media site.

The mainstream media, including FOX News make no mention of race.

And several of the attacks aren't knockout, they are robberies The NY congresswoman included.

But if you guys want to have a lynching down here - go for it!

Very appropriate considering just this week the Scottsboro Boys were finally Pardoned! Not that it does them any good!

of course threads like this explain why they were convicted in the first place.

You really need to read before you put your post in. I said "look up the reports and you will find it true" Now I will slowly explain it to you.......Go on-line, search for the crimianl activity of "knock out's" and look in the articles and you can see who the perps are and the victims. Then the light will go BAM and even you will see the TRUTH. Oh, how sad the Lib's are....really. The more the truth comes out, the more you hate it. Wow!!!!!


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May 22, 2013
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Native Floridian

Bronze Member
Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Excal, Sov GT
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting

It's only new if you have been aggressively ignoring the epidemic of black mob violence'Published: 3 days ago

Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist*not*to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.

Ever so slowly, reporters are starting to figure out a version of black mob violence called the Knockout Game.

The first chip in the wall fell in New York, where Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said last week that Orthodox Jews in Crown Heights were the victims of eight episodes of mob violence and vandalism.

He did not see a pattern.

But the New York Post did, reporting: “The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often, some other member of the group records the event so that a video of that ‘achievement’ is put on the Internet to be celebrated.”

The violence, caught on video, was so egregious even the CBS affiliate in New York had trouble ignoring it. The station reported that Rabbi Yaacov Behrman said “he believes the assaults are part of a disturbing game by some African-American teens.”

The same station, however, reported on the Knockout Game in Hoboken just a few days before without mentioning the central organizing feature of the violence: The race of the perpetrators.

In Washington, D.C., the CBS affiliate reported this week that at least two people were recent victims of the Knockout Game. But the station got it wrong on two counts. One was of omission: It did not mention that everyone involved in committing the Knockout Game is black.

The station also did not report that white and Asian people throughout the district are subject to frequent black mob violence on bike trails, on mass transit, in entertainment districts, in “gay” neighborhoods and just about everywhere else, as documented in*“White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

The other error is of commission: They called it “new.”

WND, however, has documented hundreds of examples of the Knockout Game around the country over the last two years.*They include several stories from Washington.

“It’s only new if you have been aggressively ignoring the epidemic of black mob violence around the country,” said Sherry Godfrey, of Springfield, Mo. “But it happened to my son and I had no idea it was happening around the country until I researched it and found the book*“White Girl Bleed A Lot.”

For reporters willing to look, hundreds of examples are easy to find – though more often the perpetrators are identified as “unruly teens” or “rambunctious” rather than creators of racial violence and mayhem.

A smattering:

In*Hoboken, three black people punched a homeless person*in September. He died. Not too much different from an earlier episode in Syracuse, where a black mob killed Michael Daniels in May.

In August in Lansing, several black people tried to play the Knockout Game with a twist: They used a taser. It misfired. The victim’s gun did not. He wounded his attacker but stopped firing after the Knockout Artist begged for mercy.

In January, several members of the University of Alabama national championship football team attacked two students in what many call the Knockout Game.

At the University of*Illinois in Champaign, the game has a different name:*Polar Bear Hunting. But with dozens of examples, including a local TV reporter, the black mobs play by the same rules: Find a defenseless white or Asian person, and punch them in the face until your arms are tired. Or they are knocked out. Or dead.

In Chicago last year, two black people killed a Mexican immigrant and grandfather as he was collecting cans in a downtown alley. The local press had trouble talking about the race of the perpetrators, but Mexican national news did not:*Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #87: Spanish edition.

CNN however, was eager to report that the families of the black people arrested and later convicted of the crime after posting it on Facebook were good boys who were just playing a “prank that got out of hand.”

In St. Cloud, Minn., a car full of black people came upon a college student in an alley walking two girls home from the library. The car screeched to a stop, one man got out and hit*20-year old Colton Gleason in the face. He died.*His attacker was convicted earlier this year after the jury rejected his defense that Colton and the two female college students he was walking home actually hit their car.

In March of this year, six black people were convicted in the stabbing death of Matthew Chew in New London, Conn. The headline tells the story:*25-year-old victim loses Knockout Game.

In Pittsburgh last year, several black people were caught on video punching a teacher in the face as they passed each other in an alley. That happened twice: Earlier that year, another teacher was almost killed as he slipped and fell in traffic while fleeing the Knockout Game, on video.

Last year in Meriden, Conn., DeAndre Felton and his 10 of his friends thought they found an easy mark for a bit of the old Knockout Game. They chose the wrong guy: He pulled a knife and killed DeAndre and wounded one other attacker. The attackers’ parents said their children were innocent, just like Trayvon Martin in Florida.

In St. Louis earlier this year, a black person was sentenced to life for the Knockout Game death of a 72-year old Vietnamese immigrant.

In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes of the Knockout Game.

In Oklahoma earlier this year, an accused killer of the Australian college student Chris Lane tweeted that he was “playing golf” and hitting “woods” prior to the murder earlier this month. Woods is short for “peckerwoods:” White people. The Knockout Game.

He said he did that five times since the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin.

Anyone looking at the hundreds and hundreds of examples – many on video – knows this: The victims can be white. Or Asian. Or women. Or homosexual. But this much they have in common: All of attackers in the Knockout Game are black.

A St. Louis writer, activist and boxing coach talks about the Knockout Game*in his video blog. He says police ignore many Knockout Game assaults because they make the city look bad.The perpetrators are black and the victims are not, he says. But the boxing coach knows why:

Most of the people who get beat up are vegans, gays, artists, non-violent types. Many are kids from the suburbs or recent immigrants. People who are not prepared to defend themselves. There are white neighborhoods – blue collar, middle class neighborhoods – where these folks will not go because they know that people there are willing to defend themselves.

On Monday, April 23, 2012, an elderly lady*was attacked by a group of teenagers at the bus stop on Grand and Page. There has been no media coverage of this event. I have met several victims and the story is always the same going back to 2005.

Finally, this week, it all got to be too much for Greta Van Susteren of Fox News. She did an “off the record” commentary in which she talked about “young African American teenagers viciously and gratuitously attacking a random victim – a teacher – in Pittsburgh, Pa.”

Greta gets points for identifying the attackers, but the victim was not random: He was white.

Greta continued with her description of the Knockout Game, then her commentary took a strange twist: She appealed to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for help in stopping this racial violence.

She totally ignored the role Sharpton had in encouraging racial violence when in 1991 he was involved in three days of black mob violence directed at Jews in Crown Heights.

“I beg of Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and even President Obama to step up right now and speak out,” said Van Susteren.

Maybe they can have a beer summit.

Note: Media wishing to interview Colin Flaherty, the author of “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” please*contact us here

Related commentary:

“Glossing over black thugs’ ‘game’”*by Thomas Sowell

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime – and get links to videos providing the proof – in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

See a trailer for White Girl Bleed a Lot:

Surprise! Media finally wake up to Knockout Game

Greta is a sellout who earns over a million dollars a year to spew to the right. She reads the script she is given

Funny thing - My neighbor tells me Greta is very different in person. (BTW, my neighbor, who in real life is a dyed in the wool Lib, way left of me, chews out liberals and spits them on the floor as part of her FOX News Job. She doesn't make what greta makes, only about a half million a year plus maybe another half mill from speaking engagements and guest appearences, but dude, it's all for money!) You watch, you believe, you repeat on web forums like this - they make millions feeding you the pap you live on!


Gold Member
May 11, 2005
Northern California
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All Treasure Hunting
I suppose if Rachel Maddow, the MSNBC idiot that can't say a word without swinging her hands around, said it was mostly blacks on whites, then we could believe it? Unless she says so, NO BLACKS ARE KNOCKING OUT DEFENSELESS WHITES!!..........................period!! :)
Rachel is hot for Sarah you know? :)


Sr. Member
Aug 31, 2013
North Central Texas
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That's not a statement of fact -the only source for that statement is your uber right wing trash media site.

The mainstream media, including FOX News make no mention of race.

And several of the attacks aren't knockout, they are robberies The NY congresswoman included.

But if you guys want to have a lynching down here - go for it!

Very appropriate considering just this week the Scottsboro Boys were finally Pardoned! Not that it does them any good!

of course threads like this explain why they were convicted in the first place.

Fox News is definitely stating that these "Knockout" games appear to be mostly black on white crime. They couldn't say that all of the victims were white but they did say that all the victims they heard about so far were white, as far as they knew yesterday. (Thursday)

Native Floridian

Bronze Member
Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Here you go - Dem Rep Victim Of ?Knockout? Game?

Kind of like Ed, eh Floridian......or Al, or Rachael. Instead of lying, these people are just plain old Stupid..........I mean, really stupid.........

I'm quoting FOX News, ABC news, and CBS News. You are quoting an agenda driven right wing website.

Your parsed thread speaks of Grace Meng a NY congresswoman

The congresswoman was mugged, as ABC news reported. her purse was stolen.

The attack was man on woman -

And if that doesn't work for you please note - Grace Meng is not white.


Sr. Member
May 1, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Greta is a sellout who earns over a million dollars a year to spew to the right. She reads the script she is given

Funny thing - My neighbor tells me Greta is very different in person. (BTW, my neighbor, who in real life is a dyed in the wool Lib, way left of me, chews out liberals and spits them on the floor as part of her FOX News Job. She doesn't make what greta makes, only about a half million a year plus maybe another half mill from speaking engagements and guest appearences, but dude, it's all for money!) You watch, you believe, you repeat on web forums like this - they make millions feeding you the pap you live on!

Tell your neighbor to log on to the forum!

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