New Fisher F75 Owner Here!


Hero Member
Jun 1, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
Detector(s) used
Fisher F75, Tesoro Tejon, Tesoro Mojave.
By the end of the week I will have in my hands what appears to be a very controversial machine! :D I'm very excited about it - despite all the negative reviews. It seems to be a love hate thing with this detector. I really got a good deal on an upgraded used one - from a reputable seller, so I know it works good. I think all the negative reviews have driven the used prices down, so I had to jump on this one. I think people are just giving up on the F75 right away. Honestly, I'm very curious to see how this performs - if I'm to believe the reviews - it's the best thing since sliced bread or it's a hunk of junk and nowhere in between. Being a little nervous as to what I'm getting myself into, I am looking for encouragement on this purchase from those of you that use and enjoy this detector - any tips for a new user to get the most out of the detector?

Thanks, Ian :thumbsup:

Ian, great to speak with you! The two areas that seem to bring out the lion, even in the meekest of folks, (as I'm sure you know!), besides politics, is religion and detector opinion/loyalty! That said, this is only MY opinion and I'm sure there are many that may agree with me, and likely as many, or more, who won't! However, here goes: The Con's: The relationship with my F75, as I'm sure nearly all will concede, is definitely... I guess Bi- Polar is the best way to put it! ONE outing and you may come home happy as a lark, the next you may have a black cloud following you!! I have been highly critical of the '75 for what, by all experience I have had (with Fisher and several other "top" name detectors) are simply poor materials and poor quality control. This IS a problem with SOME '75's, (I mean seriously, folks can't honestly believe detectorist with 30+ years experience are going to make complaints about build, EMI and ergonomic problems that are very similar to the things complained about by detectorist who have 0 to say, 10 years experience, unless that problem exists.) The younger folks have grown up with surface mount digital tech, while older folks have had to adjust to the change, therefore the generation gap has nothing to do with it. (The sheer number of similar complaints will attest to this fact.) Pro's: This is a no nonsense deeeep detector that will definitely require patience and willingness to accept the learning curve! The operation manual leaves a lot to be desired, but then, most all detector brands do!! I really like the design and operation of the new coil! For the size the coil seems to handle mineralization and trash really well. For info on how to tell bottlecaps from coins, and other useful tips, please read Goldivers post: The F-75 Trashy Areas and Digging Bouncing Signals=Good Results! if you haven't already. I've noticed that you seem to have detector tastes that run similar to mine! I should point out that this unit is EXTREMLY sensitive and doesn't have to be at max sens. to go deep. I have read on this and other forums, (as you have also ,no doubt!) that the JE mode operates best with the frequency set on 7. Now, in East Tennessee, this does not work well for me. JE mode, is in my opinion, the most sens. of all settings, therefore also the most unstable to use, however, once you reach the point in the learning curve, you will find that you'll need a shovel for recovery! For instance: With my '75 set on 50 for sens. in DE mode, pinpoint at 60, fully notching out iron only, (I had to use these settings, as there was an electric fence nearby), threshold set at -6, using a moderate sweep, and personally I prefer the 1 tone setting, I was able to detect a target that jumped between 35-60 at slightly over 8 inches. Being as Colonial soldiers as well as Civil War soldiers camped nearby, I'll dig ALMOST anything! When I pinpointed the target, (The confidence graph was uncertain, although the Fe3 O4 graph read normal ground) I dug a plug 8" deep and sure enough, at the bottom of the hole was a pistol ball that had been fashioned into a field made button that had holes punched trough it by (I suspect) a fork, as the holes were square!! The notch method is not like anything I've used before, so, may I suggest that you memorize how to proprely use the notch system, as this could well cause a host of problems if not do adjusted correctly. I truly believe the '75 is a super piece of equipment, the factory just gave it a crummy place to live! I am almost finished with the modifications on my unit, and believe that the Faraday Shield and some "cold solder" issues are to blame for MY units troubles. I HAVE seemed to notice less problems with the newer units, maybe the factory made a rush to market without properly conducted field tests? I have no clue, but I also own a '70, and it has NONE of the problems inherent to my '75! I'm sure you will receive a fine piece of machinery and will take to it like a fish to water!! I suppose it's like Aeronautical Engineering, the first lesson stresses "An unstable aircraft is a highly maneuverable aircraft". Thusly the '75 WANTS to find targets!! If you haven't read Riedmans post, or Bama Bill's in this section (Most all the posts here are informative), then they will help, for sure!! I'll be posting the results of my mod's later, if you're intrested! Great hunting and good luck!! Regards, skypilot02

Well I dug a VA button today at 11" with witnesses, an 1892 indian head at 10" a 1917 Mercury dime at 9" and a 1916 Wheet at 7" all from a place that was hunted out long ago.
I was there 2 hours. If you need help with the F75 ask. One thing I will tell you is you dont have to always hunt at hign sensitivity I have run mine down to 40 and still get 6" or more on targets. Don't run the Discrimination above 10 or 15 it makes the detector go into high gain and you have to lower your sensitivity to quite it down, better to use the meter with lower discrimination. There are also some sites that the detector just doesn't like freshly plowed fields make it talk to much, but once it rains on them it's fine go figure. The only detector I have ever used that is close to the depth on the F75 is another Fisher the 1266X. And as I sell detectors I have used them all. And at $799. you cant beat the F75.

Ian, as you can see by ReidMan's post the '75 is really a powerhouse! (P.S., ReidMan, never meant to insinuate that you haven't found what you have, and your word is good enough, no witnesses needed! 8)) I also agree that the 1266 and, in my opinion, MAYBE the CZ series are the only detectors to come close to the '75! I myself, while not a dealer, have owned or own piratically every serious detector on the market, therefore feel somewhat qualified in the area of performance evaluation. I know my machine, like several others, does have problems, but if I didn't think they could be worked out, I wouldn't waste my time trying to find the solutions to them, and maybe help someone else at the same time! Great hunting and good luck!! Regards, Richard.

Skypilot and Bama, thanks for sharing your experience with me on this machine! I haven't yet got it, but I can't wait to get out there with it. I'm definitely looking forward to see your mods on the 75 re: the EMI shields. If you dug a pistol ball at 8" and it read relatively solid - that's great! I have no doubt this thing will be deep. I have some sites that I've hunted to death with a Tejon - and I'm anxious to see if I can get a little deeper. So have you used the DFX - and if so, how would you compare depth and performance with that machine?

I'm going to read a few of the posts that you referred to and then when I get the machine I'm going to do a few tests with it and maybe post a video of my results.

Skypilot - you and I DO have almost the same detectors. How do you like those Tesoros? I love them, personally - probably for me it goes: Tesoro, Fisher, Whites, Garrett . . in that order.

Thanks again for your help, Ian

Ian, great to hear from you!! Sorry to reply so late, been off line a few days! The DFX in my opinion is a good machine, although I must add that with two frequencies, (3 and 15kHz) the DFX is very similar to the Fisher CZ line of detectors, (two frequencies also, 5 and 15kHz) as far as detection capabilities go. Of course, the DFX is much more versatile in it's ability to adjust, as well as being able to show target numbers relative to conductivity. That being said, the F-75 with just one frequency, (13kHz) seems to be quite reliable with it's conductivity numbers, and in my experience, picks up small and large non- ferrous targets just fine. Depth is better in my area, S.E. TN., with the '75, without having to experiment with the seemingly endless amount of adjustment combinations of the DFX. Performance on the other hand, the only thing that I have experienced, is the terrible interference from EMI that plagues certain '75's. I'll for sure let you know how my mods in that area work out, whether positive (I hope!!) or negative. The Tejon, which I really like, is for sure a deep seeking detector, (operating @ 17.2 to 17.6kHz, adjustable as you know) however, I seem to get a little more depth from the '75, with greater target accuracy. This is probably due to the confidence gauge and conductivity numbers. Ian, I totally agree with your assessment of the detector breakdown, Tesoro, Fisher, Whites/Minelab then Garrett's. By the way, were you aware that both Fisher, (for the CZ series) and White's (DFX), licensed the multi frequency design from Minelab? Just thought that was an intresting side note. Can't wait to see the video's when you get a chance to use your new machine and post them!! Glad to help in anyway that I can, if possible. Great hunting and good luck! Please respond soon! Regards, Richard.

Okay - Just put my F75 together. I realize I'm a bit excited about this detector and haven't even really used it yet - but I'm dying to tell someone my thoughts this far. My first thoughts about the machine, in the order that I thought them ;D

1st. I don't understand why people say this thing is made like a toy or cheap, heck it's downright nice looking and seems very sturdy.

2nd. I think Fisher went through what we all know to be detector design, and then fixed about everything that bothers us. For instance, 2 way adjustable arm rest. Large, DD, lightweight, sleek coil. Large VDI numbers. LIGHTWEIGHT. Supurb balance. Low power consumption (4aa). All time Lighted screen. Heck - even the coil bolt has been made easier to use with the large grips. Fisher apparently paid attention to what people like and dont like and it shows.

3rd. The rod length is seems perfect for taller people! I felt comfortable swinging this without crouching over.

4th. This detector is easy to set up. It took me about 3 minutes to realize how everything works. I still don't know what settings will be best, but I definitely like the simplicity of this complex machine.

5th. WOW! Talk about sensitive. People are not underestimating the sensitivity of this thing. I was blown away by casually swinging a coin in front of the coil. I'm not kidding, it seems like I got about a foot and a half on a quarter (but I didn't measure it) WOW! Talk about fast response! I swung this thing over my kitchen floor and it picked up every nail on the sweep - and it sounded like a machine gun rat tat tat tat tat tat.

6th. I have a feeling this thing is going to be KILLER on trashy cellar holes.

I'll keep you posted about my first hunt tomorrow morning at 6am


Ian, Hello! Great to know that you love your '75!! It seems the newer models are not as prone to the problems of the 1st gen. On your points, if I may; Compare the construction of your 1266 to the '75, notice how much play there is in the handle of the new one? (Say, when you plug your coil up.) Yours may be different from mine, but if not then the control housing tends to twist if much pressure is applied, the reason for this is the three parts that hold the housing to the pole, two side halves that make up the handle, and then a "T" shaped piece that has two screws in the control housing, and then sticks down through the handle to the first screw. (About an inch.) Agree almost totally with #2, the exception being that if I want the light off, then there should be a switch, and the face plate is too glossy, making reflections a real pain. Agree totally with #3!! Almost totally agree with #4, except that the notch application can be tricky! #5, #6, Agree totally!! Can't wait to hear what you found today, I'm sure you'll do very well!! My main point is folks just don't see them measuring up to the standards of, say, the 1266 as far as construction goes. Please, let us know your impressions when you return today!! Good luck and great hunting!! Regards, Richard.

You are right. That 1266x is by far better constructed and more sturdy than the F75. My F75 also has that bend to the control box when you plug the headphones in. I guess that's the trade off for light weight, I dunno. I hope it's not solely to keep production costs down. I think it will be strong enough to hold up. I did have a problem with the battery springs being too loose. I stretched them out and it worked for a while but it cut off a couple of times. I read your post about a fix for this and I'll try that later.

Okay, so I really love this machine. I really like the sound of the signals it and the ease of swinging it. I hunted an iron infested cellar hole and it was so fast, I was able to pick a couple of targets between the nails. I got a childs silver spoon, and various other trinkets. No old coins though, just a few new quarters >:(

Couple of thoughts:

1. Strange that they wouldn't have figured out the battery spring issue at the factory?? Seems like they all have the problem - even though it's a simple fix they should have caught this.

2. EMI - My pinpointer (vibra probe 560 - makes the detector unusable) This probe stays on for about a minute or two at a time with auto shut off. So, the second you turn it on - the detector goes crazy and only stops when the probe shuts off. I'll be getting a different probe since I like the detector so much - maybe that FX-1 inline probe?

3. Amazingly smooth detector. Once I got that notch thing figured out ( I was inadvertently accepting Iron), it is a great smooth detector. I can't get over the nice and accurate zip zip sound and the dead on pinpointing. I think I'll put an X on the coil where the sweet spot is.

I'm going in the morning again as I didn't have much time this morning. Dantheman and I are hitting a very old homesite at dawn!


Ian, Glad to see you getting some field time with your '75! I'm also glad you can see my point as far as construction and EMI. Really glad to be of some help as far as the batteries go, it was a real hassle until the nylon washers! The only reason I can think of, as far as not catching the battery problem at the factory, is that some rechargeable AA batteries are slightly longer than the alkalines, and the factory considered this when designing the box!? Also, Ian, a cell phone on standby, fluorescent lights, (streetlights), and electrical lines, phone lines and, of course, electric fences all make my '75 go berserk. Congratulations on the silver spoon!! First time out, no less!! See what I meant about learning the new notch system? I believe that could be the cause of some folks' troubles! I also have a Sun Ray probe for my '70/'75, and love it. Whatever your machine is set for, that's all the probe notices! As for my '75 and '70 also, the Sun Ray causes absolutely no interference at all. I think it will be a reliable part of your arsenal, once you use it! Great hunting and good luck!! And once again, don't despair over the newer coins, after all, you did find silver AND coins among the iron, even if they were newer!! The ooold silver (and gold) await you now!! LOL!! regards, Richard. P.S. Please let us know how you do today!!

Okay, I really do like this detector alot. I'm totally in sync with it - it's like perfect for my style of hunting. I must say that I haven't taken a liking to a detector this quick before. It's a little strange considering that most things I read are about how it's unstable and hard to use. It has not been unstable for me - except with my pinpointer. It reminds me of a beep and dig simple type machine with a super amount of information available - if you want to use it. I was out today and dug many good targets that are mixed in with this pile of stuff. I dug some very deep items.



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Awesome!! Wow! I really love love those things you found, Ian!! Looks like you've got it with the '75!! The relics you found really span a cross section of American history! Not only history but lifestyle as well! I can plainly see clock gears, colonial buckles of some sort, spoons, hinges, and that really cool Victorian(?) face decoration, buttons.... Well, needless to say, your learning curve is 90 degrees!! Really happy for you Ian, for sure! Great skill and amazing finds. I hope my machine is stable enough when I've finished it, so I can count on it and really learn/get all I can from it!! Thanks very much for sharing your finds with us! I hope that others who read this will understand what I meant when speaking of the '75, not berating it or seeking fault with it at all, simply trying to say that the majority of this machine's users are VERY knowledgeable, therefore logically, the experienced folks with problems have real issues with the functioning of their '75's. Keep those posts coming, Ian!! Once again, Bravo!!! Great hunting and good luck! Regards, Richard. P.S. You really need to get one of those in line probes we spoke of earlier, that is, if you still want one!!

Thanks for the compliments on the stuff I found. I really got a workout with the 75 the last few days. After about 12 hours with it, I am amazed by this machine. It is in another category of detectors, in my book.

I'm going to say a few things here that may seem overzealous - but I gotta say it.

This detector gets TREMENDOUS depth.

This detector has SUPER discrimination.

This detector is really very FUN!

This detectors build and durability is ?????. (too soon and too close to call- there are some kinks here)

SO why do I like this when others hate it? Well, certainly those that have problems with it are experienced detectorists (more so than I) that know what they are talking about. They know the difference between a good machine and a hunk of junk. I think it all comes down to where you hunt. I imagine this machine would be a NIGHTMARE in a trashy park with power lines. In the right application, this thing rocks.

I hunt far away from EMI in the middle of the woods exclusively. I can crank this baby up almost all the way. THis thing is purring like a cat out there, with no erratic sounds whatsoever - it is amazing. Every signal seems to be a repeatable. However, if my cell phone rings - blamo, this thing blows up with erratic signals tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic - . It is amazing. The probe that I used does the same thing. It tells me 1 of 2 things - either it is poorly insulated or it is the most sensitive detector ever - or both, I guess. The paperwork I got with the machine says " The Fisher F75 is probably the most sensitive metal detector ever manufactured" . I believe this statement based upon what I see coming out of the ground. However, the Tejon, DFX, and 1266 are also very deep detectors and I don't get the same interference with EMI. At this point though, I feel like the F75 is in a whole different league than the rest.

So how does the Sunray Probe affect the balance of the F75? Is it nominal or can you feel the extra weight?

Thanks, Ian

Hello, Ian. You're very welcome for the compliments, they were well deserved! Actually, when I was referring to experienced detectorists, i.e.,.."simply trying to say that the majority of this machine's users are VERY knowledgeable, therefore logically, the experienced folks with problems have real issues with the functioning of their '75's." I was referring to you, also! You see, while some folks may take a few comments from others, (whether positive or negative) and actually form an opinion that they will stand by, I try to do what I believe the majority of folks on T-Net do, experience, experiment, and try the advice of well informed users and,only after that, form my own opinion. I couldn't just take thoughts from the folks with negative experience (such as myself) without taking thoughts from folks with positive experience,(such as yourself), if truly I wanted an informed, well rounded and balanced set of parameters. Believe me, since you obviously adjust so quickly between machines, I DEFINETLY count you as an experienced user and value your opinion as such. As a matter of fact, I agree with everything you said today! Now, if I can only sort out that EMI problem......... Great hunting and good luck, please keep us posted!! Regards, Richard. P.S. Oh yeah, almost forgot, as far as my machines go the Sun Ray doesn't effect balance at all!! I can't tell it's there, the probe itself goes under the forearm, and the control box in front of the machines controll box, 5 oz. for each, 10 well balanced oz.'s.!


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Skypilot - I'm the new owner of a FX-1 probe! I will get it next week sometime. I can't wait to try it out. You have to tell me all about it. I'm particularly interested in using VCO pinpoint with the probe - that should be amazingly accurate.


Hello, Ian! I really believe you'll love the FX-1!! I can tell you a little about it maybe, but the way you learn so quickly, you'll probably have to help me out!! On coins on edge, I've found that they will pinpoint up to 6-7 inches to either side of the coin it's self, depending of course on how deep and what denomination they are! The only reason I know this is because I'm too hard headed to give up on a steady signal! The probe puts an end to the crater sized holes I've had to dig, sometimes in rocky or very hard ground. Of course, when those coins are in a yard or park, not a pasture, I can get them now instead of having to pass them up. The VCO (when set on Delta-Pitch) will definitely let you know what types of metal are around and where the good ones are. One thing, when you hold the probe, try to keep from holdind the cord against your palm, as this will eventually cause fatigue and failure. That may be addressed in the FX-1's manual, I don't remember, but I can get redundant at times, anyway!! LOL!!! All I can really say, is be prepared to do A LOT less searching for your target!!! The '75 pinpoints very well on it's own, but when it comes to tiny objects, or objects lost in the dug soil, the FX-1 rules!! I love it, if for no other reason than that it uses my machine's settings and discrimination. Glad to know you have one on the way!! The faster we find our targets, the more we can recover in our alloted time!! Let me know how you like it, and please keep us posted!! Great hunting and good luck!! Regards, Richard.

I have a real test for the F75 in the morning. My hunting partner and I are hitting a very very hot spot deep in the woods. This is a public gathering place that saw hundreds of thousands of visitors in the late 1800's!! We hit the books and came up with this site. I'm as excited as can be, and this F75 should be able to get to the deep stuff. I'm going to take a couple of videos of any particularly good finds. I'll post pictures and videos here in the next few days.


Ian, Hello! Good luck and great hunting!! Can't wait to see all the goodies you find! Please, do post videos!! I haven't been able to hunt lately, so seeing your finds, (and others!) does me well! Regards, Richard. P.S. My hunting buddy HATES to do research, but I really don't mind. Call me a sucker for punishment!! LOL!!!

I've "tricked" out my F75 and boy does this thing work good! Check out the pics.

F75, FX1, Killer B's . . .

1. I put little rubber disks in the battery case to make the batteries fit snug.

2. I added the FX-1 probe - this thing is awesome, especially in all metal pinpoint mode!

3. I added a Head leather wrap. This was simple to do and cost less than $5 and this thing does make a difference in comfort and it makes the detector feel a bit more sturdy when you swing it. The slight rod wobble that you get with this detector is less obvious with this grip.

I've got 20 + hours on this detector and I am getting better and better with it. The batteries are still on a full charge? Shouldn't it be at least one bar down by now? Well, it smokes the rest of my detectors in alot of ways. I am SO happy I bought this thing. The only thing I wish is that I'd have bought one sooner!



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