One Merc, one phone booth and one car!

Tin Nugget

Bronze Member
Jan 11, 2007
Mesquite Texas
Detector(s) used
Went detecting with a few Tneters a couple of weeks back. The Hunter, Baggins and Fu Man Stu. We went to a secluded area along the Trinity river that was used as a day long picnic/getaway area for Dallas residents 1894-1911 or there abouts. We didn't find the exact spot but we did make some odd finds. First good hit I had was this Merc 1943. About 6 feet away I got an odd hit that bounced around but covered a big area. It was only about five feet from the cliff looking over the river. I started to pass on it then dug it anyway. About 10 inches down I hit a plastic bag and something hard in it. I said man if this is a dead animal somebody buried..... Anyway I finally got the bag out of the ground. It was actually two plastic bags one inside the other. I started to dump the contents onto the ground and first out fell a purplish wax statue I think is supposed to be a woman, then 5 jars fall out of the bag. The were all wrapped in aluminum foil and then had tape around them. I thought OK, this is a little weird. The foil must have been on the bottles quite awhile because you couldn't peel it off and nobody actually wanted to except me. So I took my digger and scraped the first jar. It looked like strawberry jelly. I scraped the next jar and it looked like some kind of dark paste, then the next one had some kind of black or gray liquid with a bunch of junk floating around it when I shook it that I did not recognize. I didn't look at the last two. I put them back in the plastic bag, dropped them back in the hole and covered them up. But I did keep the wax statue even though it was a little spooky looking. I told a guy at work about the wax statue and he said with a straight face, man those people in that neighborhood practice voodo and black magic stuff. We went back to the parking area when we were about done. The Hunter said he had went the other direction along the river and saw a car on the river bank about 30-40 feet straight down the cliff along the river so I went to check it out. The we noticed it looked like a road used to run along the river at that point but had small trees and brush grown up on it. Took a little walk that way and found this phone booth. When I got home I told my wife about the day and before I could say do you want to see the statue, she says, you didn't bring it home with you did you? I showed it to her but she said it was spooky and was not coming in the house! We didn't find the sweet spot but it is close and we eliminated a big area.


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River Rat said:
Tin Nugget said:
River Rat, does that mean I probably shouldn't bring it to the Lousiana Bayou Hunt for show and tell? :o


Honee chile, if you don't want the LaLa sisters to jump on you like a goose on a June bug...we will, if dat what it takes. U just may not return to TX after the hunt. ;D Seriously, take my advise...Debbz, Rudy, TT, Kiko and everyone else is telling you to get rid of it too.

;) RR

I know. Saturday I was in the garage. My A$$ opened the door to say something to me, saw it sitting on the workbench and went off, sort of. I TOLD YOU I DID NOT WANT THAT CREEPY THING IN THE HOUSE! And then for some reason abruptly shut the door just a little harshly. It does creep her out though. I was showing it to some people at work today on the forum. One of the salesman said "you don't want to mess with that". He says his grandmother will know what to do with it, he is supposed to call her tonight and see what she says. I am not very superstitious but it does kinda creep me out also. If she says I have to put it back where I got it, it aint gonna happen. I might toss it out on the highway and then check the news that night to see if anything wierd happened. Just kiddin. Don't want to endanger anyone and if something bad happenend then I would be freeked out. Anyway I am getting rid of it one way or the other.

if that cars really aboanded hacksaw the catlyic converter off for scrap. worth prob bout $20 nowadays. as long as the authorities already know its there of course

Man this post is crazy!! :o :o The wildest I've read on Tnet so far.
Man you picked a bad, bad place to go hunting.
Vandalized phone booths, flipped over cars, burried SANTERIA-VOODOO-MOJO-BLACK MAGIC stuff..
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

ikes4ever said:
if that cars really aboanded hacksaw the catlyic converter off for scrap. worth prob bout $20 nowadays. as long as the authorities already know its there of course

And while your there put back THE VOOO-DOOO DOLL !!!!!!!!!

A hunting buddy of mine unearthed some Voodoo stuff aswell, while digging a coin Signal he came across a coconut that had been glued together, after breaking the coconut open we found these two wax dolls tied together with a bra strap and what seemed like ribbon.

Looks like a fun place to hunt you found, good luck on feature hunts.


I_Dig_NYC said:
ikes4ever said:
if that cars really aboanded hacksaw the catlyic converter off for scrap. worth prob bout $20 nowadays. as long as the authorities already know its there of course

And while your there put back THE VOOO-DOOO DOLL !!!!!!!!!

Put the VooDoo doll in the catalytic converter and get some GOOD mojo!! then leave... quietly... shhhh

GrayCloud said:
Did you check the car for BODIES ?

No, I didn't go down to the car. Maybe I should have. It looked like it has been on fire and the grassy area at the top of the cliff where it went off I suppose, was also burnt. I checked on google earth and and it does not show the car but I don't know how old the satallite pics are.

Tin honey, go rebury the thing the same way you found it----I really want you to make it to LBH and to CTH2 in one peice! Do not throw it out on the side of the road! Somthin will happen to it and you won't be able to redo anything!

The exericisom is due! You really messed with somthin you shoudn't have accident or not!

Marie DeVoe is not going to come and give you hair again no matter how much you rub that things head, I swear!

I had gone back to that area the next weekend, and the only thing I dug up were roughly 50 some odd shell casings...22's 38's, 44's, 45's and some other types...almost all right at the edge of the cliff...

warsawdaddy said:
This probably means we'll have to sacrifice an A$$ at the hunt to remove the bad mojo.

No sacrificing of any A$$es. Not even a 4 legged one.

Tin, I just reread your are now in deep $ posted this yesterday, but found Mamba Jamba several weeks ago. Lordy Merci on you. :o :o That thing is not suppose to be exposed to fresh air any longer than 3 days.

The sisters of the La-La sisterhood has several options for you...either hang you by your toenails from the tallest cypress tree (they grow mighty tall in the bayou) :-\ feed you to the gators, :'( or put you on the Delta Queen and have them drop you in the middle of Old Man River. :-X

Baggins, you too, you know better than to let Tin do something like this. The La-La sisters may have a few options for you. We'll haul you to Marie Laveau's tomb then may take you to the House of Blues or the middle of the Atchafalaya Basin and leave ya. Your choice :-X

And just who was this 3rd person who witnessed you dig this Mamba thing up....well, I starting to feel kinda worried about him. I think his skin is turning a yucky greenish color and some ugly warts are growing. :-\

This 4th person...his hair is turning pink not only that, he has a bad case of pinkeye ::)

;) RR

Wow, the wax statue looks really spooky to me, like someone was screaming when looking at the face...hmm,if I were you, better put it back to the place where you found it..."friendly advice"... :D

Too bad that the phone booth didnt have any coins in it...if there was...maybe you would have found something valuable...but when you found abandoned cars like this, a good advice is to wear gloves so that you wont leave any trace or finger prints on it...sometimes it can be really trouble if you don't...

Anyway, good job though! and have fun with your Mojo.... ;D

God Bless
- James -

Hey, James' comment reminded me that I meant to remark on my own initial impression of the Bad Mojo Job Doll. He/she looks like somebody didn't like his face, his chest, his stomach and the rest of him. Kinda like little pins had been stuck in him/her, whether on purpose or not ::) . Anyway, just tho't I'd share...

Noodle bury that asap as soon as you can.. Please listen to me..I know about black magick and white magick...that is a part of a curse on someone...GET RID OF IT and whatever you do DO NOT BURN IT... re bury it as close to where you found it.... but do not keep it in your HOUSE... I am drop dead serious.. root magick, black magick ( or negative magick) white magick... GET IT OUTTA YOUR HOUSE...

Whoa, whoa now....I never saw that thing he dug up! It must have "slipped" his mind at the time, or already had some sort of power over him... He only showed me the merc and the shells, and that star shaped bottle...The first time I heard of him digging any of that mess up was here on this thread! I am innocent I tell ya!

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