RJC..IS my Hero!

Thanks Mike,Limitool,DeepSeeker,NHBandit,coilygirl,I'll even thank you jeff though we had our ups and downs.Its much appreciated everybody.I'd wouldnt hesitate to stand beside all of you.

Rebel its to bad that you dont care what your ancestor fought for.You should be ashamed and embarrassed.Then again to have those feelings you would need a conscience.

I stand with Red and all the True Patriots!!!! Fight on!!!

I've also got a great great grandfather who was at the battle of Cedar Creek in VA but he was a damn Yankee.... Maybe that's why we bump heads eh ? Although I also have an ancestor who was killed by Indians in Sudbury Mass during King Phillips War in the 1600s, my wife is part Mohawk, and I don't try to blame her for that... lol


Thanks Mike,Limitool,DeepSeeker,NHBandit,coilygirl,I'll even thank you jeff though we had our ups and downs.Its much appreciated everybody.I'd wouldnt hesitate to stand beside all of you.

Rebel its to bad that you dont care what your ancestor fought for.You should be ashamed and embarrassed.Then again to have those feelings you would need a conscience.

Oh, I DO care... STOP the insults! THANKS!



Yea I'd march with'em any day. But we need younger "RJC's" also... a lot of them. I just hope were not a dying breed.
I'am 48...not young, but I will take up the cause!! I bleed Red White and blue!!
RJC!!! Not a dying breed,no. I believe in the constitution, volunteer at the local senior center, I say thank you to out Veterans...try to teach my daughter morals, ethics. She already can shoot (quite well) every gun in the house! I have a few friends feel the same way!!!!

RJC!!! He needs to update his gun, though....:laughing7:

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I would also like to say ''Thank You'' to you too, RJc, for your Loyalty and perseverance and keeping us all up to date. Thank You! :notworthy:

[pey-tree-uht, -ot or, esp. British, pa-tree-uht] Show IPA
a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
( initial capital letter ) Military . a U.S. Army antiaircraft missile with a range of 37 miles (60 km) and a 200-pound (90 kg) warhead, launched from a tracked vehicle with radar and computer guidance and fire control.

[pey-tree-uht, -ot or, esp. British, pa-tree-uht] Show IPA
a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
( initial capital letter ) Military . a U.S. Army antiaircraft missile with a range of 37 miles (60 km) and a 200-pound (90 kg) warhead, launched from a tracked vehicle with radar and computer guidance and fire control.

YOUR definitions...?

I'am 48...not young, but I will take up the cause!! I bleed Red White and blue!!
RJC!!! Not a dying breed,no. I believe in the constitution, volunteer at the local senior center, I say thank you to out Veterans...try to teach my daughter morals, ethics. She already can shoot (quite well) every gun in the house! I have a few friends feel the same way!!!!

RJC!!! He needs to update his gun, though....:laughing7:

THE WHOLE US Constitution (Amend. 1-10, and beyond... (33!)? "Google" List of Amendments to the US Constitution. So do I!

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SC, you really do need to step back and take a look at the direction this nation is going. And someday you will realize there were heroic people trying to wake you up from your hatred of this nation.

Please wake up my friend, your past troubles should show you just what the heck is going on now. Wake up!

1. I find it unacceptable to accuse Donald with "wake you up from your hatred of this nation".
2. Before you all go breaking your arms patting RJC on the back, don't forget that your "hero" passed along false information that was debunked as such multiple times. ALL of the information that RJC posts is readilly available for anyone who cares to find it. I fail to see how copy/pasting such information makes anyone a hero.

Just some food for thought.

1. I find it unacceptable to accuse Donald with "wake you up from your hatred of this nation".
2. Before you all go breaking your arms patting RJC on the back, don't forget that your "hero" passed along false information that was debunked as such multiple times. ALL of the information that RJC posts is readilly available for anyone who cares to find it. I fail to see how copy/pasting such information makes anyone a hero.

Just some food for thought.
And Donald spent the better part of a day a couple days ago cutting & pasting page after page of information on climate change, some of which contradicted what he had already posted. ALL of the information that Donald posts is readily available for anyone who cares to find it. Your point ?

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I have already warned in 2 other threads to stop the BAITING, insults and implied insults....

This is the only warning in this thread....

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

If you don't like the thread put it on ignore...

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Or post this stuff over in your little club because I have no intentions of posting over there.

Either way, knock it off with the "just ignore threads you dont like" mentality.
What's up with all the guys lately telling moderators where to get off ? I'm not a rocket scientist but I don't see that ending well......

Well, before this thread gets closed (thanks fellas),.....
I'll put in my kudos to RJC, as he has always been most respectful to me,
even when we have not seen eye to eye on things.
Imho, I will also say, I believe Reb may be one of the most mis-understood, at times. (he's my friend, so I may throw "kitty scratches" ya'll don't be nice! LOL!)
I have a great love for many of you, and so hate to see everyone not playing nice. We need to lift each other up in this life, not kick each other down.

RJC, thank you for keeping the vigilant watch! I am proud to know you.
Ditto, for you to Reb.

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