Swine Flu?

Montana Fireball said:
I guess the world needs a couple more weeks to see how the death numbers add up to determine if there is anything to worry about. :icon_scratch:

That is the Logical scenario.
Hopefully, in a couple of weeks we will all be sick, of hearing of the pandemic that wasn't.

That's an interesting article they believe samples may be missing "following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory." They have to many, therefore there may not be enough?

If the inference is that this H1N1 virus may be related somehow, I doubt that. The stuff that they use for study at USAMRIID isn't partially fatal it is 100% lethal and would kill in every instance of infection.

Could it be deluted ? They just said after the Presidents talk (car stuff) that they are making a study as to why the cases are so different between Mexico and the US.

I'm not a Virologist but my guess would be no they can't dilute it. An infectious agent is just that infectious, and diluting it I would think would only decrease the amount of exposure thus maybe slowing down the speed with which you might become ill. But I would think the outcome would be the same, Death.

MD Dog said:
I'm not a Virologist but my guess would be no they can't dilute it. An infectious agent is just that infectious, and diluting it I would think would only decrease the amount of exposure thus maybe slowing down the speed with which you might become ill. But I would think the outcome would be the same, Death.

Actually they could splice it with another stain of virus which could possibly make it less likely to kill someone but the skills that would take are not ones that just anyone possesses.

I read a really good book once on bio/chem warfare but cannot remember the name of it now. The way some of this stuff works is pretty amazing.

Experiment with how much it would take to affect a certain # of people in a certain amount of time ?

Why? To test it out and see how it works. To see if it does what they want it to do.

Think about it. If you wanted to attack someone with a virus and affect the most people would you use one that kills or makes people really sick and only kills some of them?

If you have a dead person with a virus that isn't spreading it anymore your goal may not be met.

All depends on what your goal actually is.

Im not the person that said this wasn't a naturally occuring event. Someone else postulated that theory.

I personally believe it is a natural virus that is, at the moment, no worse than the regular influenza virus but the media is just pumping up fear for ratings and other purposes.

well..i guess my world is so small i don't care how this virus came into being...i am concerned on how i might catch it.

feel like monk...where's the wipe...quick...

I Think too much credit is being given to the media here. It isn't the media who comes out two days after news of the Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico and says "It is too late to prevent the spread of this Virus" That was the C.D.C. it was not the media that created a Pandemic alert level system that has been raised with great fanfare at every moment, that was the W.H.O. The media I think is just reflecting the public's fears and concerns after years of bombardment with the messages of scientists who've warned that another Pandemic is coming the only question was when. I've seen at least ten different P.B.S. and Discovery channel shows about the next big plague. The truth is that the virus has probably mutated into a less lethal form for now but it can re-mutate into a lethal form within every generation which is a nice way of saying from person to person. The Flu you may have could be mild while the flu others catch from you could have mutated within you to become deadly.

BTW ME I never meant to insinuate that you had started this line of thought about the missing test vials from USAMRIID. I wasn't even directing most of my posts towards you or anyone but really just stating my thoughts on the subject matter being discussed. I just don't think going off on a conspiracy tangent is warranted just yet. Although I do think a discussion about this being a terrorist attack is.

I still find it too coincidental that this Virus which is a combination of three viruses, A bird, pig, and human virus, was discovered right at the same time as BHO was in Mexico. In fact as I write this the news is coming out that some of the advance team from BHO's visit have come down with a possible case of H1N1. It could be a failed terrorist attempt on BHO's life as well as taking out many Americans with it. One of the resources that Al-Queda terrorist cells have are well educated in American universities members among which I'm sure they would have a Virologist or two since the medical fields are heavily filled out with Muslim men and women.

But time will tell I'm sure the Feds are already doing the needed DNA testing to verify the Virus's origin.

How ironic that would be. BHO, who isn't a muslim, is taken out by Muslim terroists using swine flu.

I really don't know where it started or where it is going all I know is I am taking steps to try and protect my family, friends and self.

Well so far in the STATES only one death a child from Mexico going to a Dr. here for other aliments and seeing family who are all ok!
Then an advisor of BHO one of that persons team gets it while in Mexico.
I think everyone that has it has just returned from Mexico.
CDC Updates threat level. What is the bases they will use to up it to a PANDEMIC (level 6)?
But most Dr.s say just use usall precautions you would use when its just plain ole flu season. I am just being a little more careful in areas I've gotton lax like opening doors in public areas with my backside or sleeve ect. using the wipes Wal-mart has for the cart handle and not touching my mouth or eyes til I wash or at least germ-x.

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