Swine Flu?

Hospital Offical Statement


Well my wife's sister works in a hospital, has for many years, I called her last night to send me an email on this Swine Flu, asked if this is for real.
Her answer: This strain is no worse than any others that have gone around in recent years.
Apparently there is a lack of news lately and something was needed to take America's mind off the economy, hence the new topic of the last several days. Just another case of Big Brother looking out for everyone. This is also a good example of how they control the masses thru the media.

They say its already slowing down in Mexico. But schools are still going to be on caution for a bit here!


I've been watching this for a week and have also wondered why it's being made out to be such a big deal. Hundreds have not died; thousands are not infected. Sounds to me to be weaker than the ordinary flu that goes around every fall/winter/spring. What am I missing? Forgive my ignorance... - Noodle

Noodle said:
I've been watching this for a week and have also wondered why it's being made out to be such a big deal. Hundreds have not died; thousands are not infected. Sounds to me to be weaker than the ordinary flu that goes around every fall/winter/spring. What am I missing? Forgive my ignorance... - Noodle

You're correct... thousands die every year from the flu... so far this is nothing.

The worldwide flu epidemic of 1918 killed more than 20 million people, including 500,000 Americans.

The CDC states that 36,171 flu related deaths happen every year - on average.


Pardon me for being cynical, but isn't this latest 'global pandemic' a bit early to call?
Every year, globally, around 1200 people die of flu. Each day! In China alone, 2000 a day die of smoking-related diseases. That's about one every six seconds. Malaria claims on average 1300 a day globally. How many die each day alone in from alcohol-related disease? No breathless alerts so far on the news media. No calls to ban cigarettes, alcohol or alert us about the rising death-toll from viruses caught in Hospitals, which might be eradicated by simply washing our hands. Or about the 14,000 average globally per day who die from adverse reactions to medicines.
Instead, we are regaled with the scare story of '150' deaths in Mexico. Deaths about which we are asked to accept nothing other than they were 'caused' by the deadly 'Swine-flu'. We know nothing about the care or lack of it these people received, their ages, their lifestyles, their general health. All we are asked to believe is that somehow 150 otherwise hale and hearty Mexicans were struck down by this killer 'swine-flu' virus. And now it's here! Lock up your daughters! We don't deserve to be struck down by some deadly third-world disease started by some brown-skinned peasants in some back-water! We are so much more cultured and educated than that.

Tamiflu is not a cure for the 'Flu. It is not a vaccine, it merely suppresses symptoms and fortifies the body. it's a stronger version of stuff you can buy at the chemists.
Internationally, governments lined up for it when George W. declared '200,000' will die in in America some years ago. Roche, the company with sole rights to the Tamiflu brand, must have been delighted. But of course, those original sales which went unused are now close to their expiry-dates....Just sayin...

Forget the Avian Flu, Eboli, Y2k, 'Global Recession', we've now really got something to worry about. It's called the dawning realisation that, once again, the gullible consumer is being 'had'. Tamiflu must be rolling in the aisles - this time they stand to double their money, thanks in part to a media with the credulousness of seven-year-olds.
To the barricades!

K*E*L*L*Y said:
rmptr said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
does it answer HOW the people got it?

There's KELLY on the sex thing again!

I JUST WANNA KNOW!!! THATS ALL!! i like to know all the facts! LOLOL
Moot point at this time . Fact is that it is here .......
Overmedicated clean freaks are going to be more vulnerable than those of us that live closer to the land and have more natural resistance .

Is this a wrap than? Whats the next topic to dicker about? Say how about that bottle that supposedly had the names of seven death camp inmates that was found in a cement wall over in Europe. I heard they discovered two of them alive and well! Was that whole thing a 60 plus year old hoax?

truckinbutch said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
rmptr said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
does it answer HOW the people got it?

There's KELLY on the sex thing again!

I JUST WANNA KNOW!!! THATS ALL!! i like to know all the facts! LOLOL
Moot point at this time . Fact is that it is here .......
Overmedicated clean freaks are going to be more vulnerable than those of us that live closer to the land and have more natural resistance .

oh sh*t! im in trouble!

No cases in this state the reports there were they were wrong the results still have not came back ??
Other states have came back in a few hours, oh well I've been around some schools in town last couple of days they aren't saying anything or doing anything different. We still stand and squirt the kids with germ-x but, thats a norm everyday, so I would say around here noone is worried.

News says it is a weaker strain than in Mexico ? Now whos feeding the press this info? ::)

Pardon me for being cynical, but isn't this latest 'global pandemic' a bit early to call?
Every year, globally, around 1200 people die of flu - - Kiwijohn

sorry but this is totally incorrect. In the US alone last year between 25,000 and 36,000 died from flu related illnesses in the US alone! This comes directly from the CDC

this is NOT a Pandemic at this time. It is a way for the media to stir up panic and increase ratings and possibly provide a cover for other things going on in the world.

The news needed something to broad cast, its just that simple!
Next thing you know they will have a story on Jimmy Hoffa.
Judge Crater will be found.
A UFO crash on a remote mountain in South America.
Atlantis will be found and then disputed.
Strange transmissions reported being sent to Earth from deep space.
Anyone care to make the next predictions?

MSM is set to their task of diversion from quality investigative reporting of important and significant issues by their owners who have other affairs they'd sooner not see on the front page.

It's great we have an opportunity to discuss various issues amongst ourselves in this format.

Once again, Thanks, Marc!



THAT must be where it all started!
Now we know...

a moment that shall live forever in infamy

Ok, I have read this, and I am annoyed.]

Flu vaccines do not make you sick. They are not live virus vaccines. However, if you THINK it will make you sick, you will blame any little cold you get on the vaccine.

Next: All the various flu strains are very similiar. They pass from humans to birds to swine, and treat domestic swine and bird populations as "mixing vessels" where the virii recombine into different combinations...whichever one ends up the most virulent (i.e. easiest to pass from host to host) is the one that spreads.

You cannot get the flu from getting cold and wet. You can get it from contact with an infected persons mucus. Plain old hand washing for at least 60 seconds is your best defense.

This is no terrorist plot, nor is it something that was engineered to attack hispanics. Seriously, the tinfoil hat crowd can make a conspiracy out of anything!

mastereagle22 said:
Pardon me for being cynical, but isn't this latest 'global pandemic' a bit early to call?
Every year, globally, around 1200 people die of flu - - Kiwijohn

sorry but this is totally incorrect. In the US alone last year between 25,000 and 36,000 died from flu related illnesses in the US alone! This comes directly from the CDC

Mastereagle.. You misquote me.
I wrote that every year, globally 1200 people die of flu.. DAILY!

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