Texas Treasure Novel

My Friend when I get outta work today I have to go to the DMV for my car registration. (I would mail it, but I think our new puppy tore it to shreds.) . As soon as I am through with that I am off to Waldenbooks with your lccn to demand them to order your book. Now don't get to happy, "As soon as I am through" can have a multitude of meanings when your dealing with the DMV. It could be this afternoon, or next week. Regardless I am gonna get that book!!! I wrote that # down and I will have them order it, today!!

For my Tnet buddies that may be interested, I should have a few hundred copies available of Beneath Creek Waters at the end of April for my friends, family and acquaintances. I will personally sign these copies and ship as soon as they are ordered. The copies will be $14.95 and I will pick up the tax and shipping for these sent. If you would like for me to add you to the pre-release list just email me at anytime.

The book is still on for regular release online and at selected book stores on May 20, 2009.

For any inquires or to be added to the list contact me personally at:
[email protected]

Hope everyone is getting some dig time in.


Thanks for the emails and orders from you guys over here at Tnet!

I appreciate all of the interest, Happy Huntin.

Thanks again Tnet crew. I will send out another email when that are placed in my hand hopefully next week.

Happy Huntin,


This looks like a very good read. I would like to get one of these too. I sent you an email I hope it
went out, I just checked my outbox and it didn't show anything so I don't know if it went out or not.

Cyn, I was just going to click on the Michigan thread and saw your name and the name on here as the
most recent and it caught my attention. I am glad it did, because now I would like to have a copy
of this book, too.

Have a good day and Happy Hunting to you all.


You will love the book Ray--definitely get it! I had a sneak preview of a small portion of the book when he was still writing and it is going to be AWESOME! I can barely wait to get my copy and read it! I am glad you clicked here too!

Thanks Ray, added info this morning.

Thanks Cyn.


Signed copies are ready to go of Beneath Creek Waters. All pre-paid will be sent out tomorrow. Thank again for the support everyone and thanks for the patience. MO, Check and paypal will work for the copies I have left, they will be sent out immediately.

Enjoy the read and happy huntin my friends...

[email protected]

hey Jason I never got the info to send the paypal, pm me with it and I will take care of that today
Can't wait to read.

txkickergirl said:
hey Jason I never got the info to send the paypal, pm me with it and I will take care of that today
Can't wait to read.

On its way now Dawn... :wink:

Stopped at my local library to request Beneath Creek Waters be added to the library. It's not done there, but at the main branch in another city. They took my request and will forward to that branch...they looked it up on the www, Lana then asked if I knew you, I said yes, she then asked if this was you in the pic. I said yep, that's Jason. The girls ooohed and aaahed over your pics. If you ever in LA for a signing, let me know. ;D

:wink: RR

Thanks for spreading the word Judie, I just sent one to another library that requested one yesterday. If I get over you guys way for a signing I will let you know first. :wink: ;D

You should have your copy today or tomorrow for sure.

21stTNCav said:
Hey, Hey!!!!! Send that info right here right now(please)!! I wanna signed copy!!!

Shoot me your email info 21stTNCav, I put aside a copy for you a while back. :thumbsup:

Shaw said:
You should have your copy today or tomorrow for sure.

In the mailbox today! :wav:

:wink: RR

Hey Jason, got the book in yesterday I am on Chapter 7, and enjoying it. I gotta say I really need a land rover/camper set up like those guys, dang come to think of it I could use some funding too ;D that is a dream life for me except you would have to add my kiddos in the back saying are we there yet, and awwww not the middle of no where again, mom, why can't you detect somewhere cool ughhh like the mall.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I got it and am already reading it.

Reply has been shot via PM. Gimme info so I can giv money so you can gimme signed book so I can read lots. Sorry, I go into run on sentence mode when I get excited!!

txkickergirl said:
Hey Jason, got the book in yesterday I am on Chapter 7, and enjoying it. I gotta say I really need a land rover/camper set up like those guys, dang come to think of it I could use some funding too ;D that is a dream life for me except you would have to add my kiddos in the back saying are we there yet, and awwww not the middle of no where again, mom, why can't you detect somewhere cool ughhh like the mall.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I got it and am already reading it.

As I was writing the book I thought of a rig that I would love to build and then threw it in there. My little dude would also be somewhere in the mix on my trips as well. I hope you are enjoying it


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