Those that have been scammed..

And why is it that none of you LRL fans have bothered to address the big, red bold paragraph at the top of the new LRL page? You're in here still refusing to provide any kind of evidence that these LRLs do as you claim, when the entire point of this forum even existing is so that people won't get scammed by buying one of these "devices."

Marc is entitled to his opinion....He has not made a single comment to us...He is allowing us to discuss this subject ( if this is what we are doing)…I think we are being monitored closely. …Art

aarthrj3811 said:
And why is it that none of you LRL fans have bothered to address the big, red bold paragraph at the top of the new LRL page? You're in here still refusing to provide any kind of evidence that these LRLs do as you claim, when the entire point of this forum even existing is so that people won't get scammed by buying one of these "devices."

Marc is entitled to his opinion....He has not made a single comment to us...He is allowing us to discuss this subject ( if this is what we are doing)…I think we are being monitored closely. …Art
There may be some monitoring going on, without a doubt, but I think the moderators just pop their heads in now and again to check up on us.

What I was referring to was the fact that Marc thought quite little of LRLs, and that any person that visits this group will see that particular comment before anything else, so what is inside these threads had better be pretty convincing. So far all I've seen from the LRL group is just more rhetoric having nothing to do with how these devices actually work. I'd think certain people here would be working much more diligently to make a case for these things.

But what about all the satisfied customers? What about the feedback that states the device worked? How can that be explained if the device is hokey and doesn't work? I'm just curious how this can be explained..... :dontknow:

It is no secret that it is very easy to pad/fake your own feedback on eBay. It is the negative feedback you need to look at on eBay. The rest is usually made up. Not every A++, Great Seller is created equal.

SWR said:
aarthrj3811 said:
And why is it that none of you LRL fans have bothered to address the big, red bold paragraph at the top of the new LRL page? You're in here still refusing to provide any kind of evidence that these LRLs do as you claim, when the entire point of this forum even existing is so that people won't get scammed by buying one of these "devices."

Marc is entitled to his opinion....He has not made a single comment to us...He is allowing us to discuss this subject ( if this is what we are doing)…I think we are being monitored closely. …Art

Marc made a very bold comment to everyone:

I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE GET RIPPED OFF (defrauded) by people selling so-called "long range locators"

I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE GET RIPPED OFF (defrauded) by people selling used cars, too. It doesn't mean that every used car is bad....or that every used car salesman is dishonest ;D.

(small attempt at humor while still making a valid point)

I bought a used car once. It wouldn't start. When I looked under the hood, there was just some wires hanging. I complained to the seller, but he told me the problem was me being too negative about the car.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Carry on ...

Saturna said:
I bought a used car once. It wouldn't start. When I looked under the hood, there was just some wires hanging. I complained to the seller, but he told me the problem was me being too negative about the car.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Carry on ...


Saturna said:
I bought a used car once. It wouldn't start. When I looked under the hood, there was just some wires hanging. I complained to the seller, but he told me the problem was me being too negative about the car.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Carry on ...
:laughing7: :laughing7:

Here is a true story a friend of mine buried a small jar of silver dimes several years ago and forgot just exactly where they were he wanted to see if me and my friend could find them so we went over there with our mfd and rods he said they were somewhere in the back yard so we set up mfd got signal line with the rods and follered the line until the rods open then backed up until they crossed again then we pin pointed the spot marked it with an x the jar was 18 inches deep but our x was off about 6 inches. now did the mfd and rods work or not we were off 6 inches some would say they worked some would say they did not because we were off a little . WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? Bildon

I would say a known target was found, in a known location. Logic and reasoning probably would have had the same results

Is that same as getting a $12 shovel and digging the whole backyard?..Art

SWR said:
bildon said:
Here is a true story a friend of mine buried a small jar of silver dimes several years ago and forgot just exactly where they were he wanted to see if me and my friend could find them so we went over there with our mfd and rods he said they were somewhere in the back yard so we set up mfd got signal line with the rods and follered the line until the rods open then backed up until they crossed again then we pin pointed the spot marked it with an x the jar was 18 inches deep but our x was off about 6 inches. now did the mfd and rods work or not we were off 6 inches some would say they worked some would say they did not because we were off a little . WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? Bildon

I would say a known target was found, in a known location. Logic and reasoning probably would have had the same results following your reasoning on this recovery, logic and reasoning, (not tools) prevails on a known target in a known location, correct?

So tell me....when someone contacts your business to have an item recovered (a known item in a known location) do you use tools (detectors) to help you find the target? If the target was recently lost, it probably is in plain surely just the naked eye would suffice in the search....but I'm willing to bet you still use detectors, right?

The jar of dimes was buried over 10 year ago and the person that buried them moved in a house next door we were standing over 300 feet away when he said they were in the back yard we turned on the mfd at that point over 300 feet away and traced the line to the dimes and yes we used a two box at that point and yes we used the arc geo logger and yes it showed up on the logger and yes the mfd and rods found the dimes and yes we veryfie all targets before we dig it saves a lot of useless digging and i think any real treasure hunter would do it similier to this sure i would hunt for a known target any day before i would hunt something that may not even be there so if you cant use the mfd and rods so be it go do something you can do and leave us alone we know what we can do . JUST FACTS Bildon

Hey bildon…..These guys have no Treasure Hunting logic….I am told all the time that the gold I recover is known gold…The reason…I find it on known gold producing land…Just one of their misguided theories…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey bildon…..These guys have no Treasure Hunting logic….I am told all the time that the gold I recover is known gold…The reason…I find it on known gold producing land…Just one of their misguided theories…Art
Sooooo, what you're saying is that it's not logical to think you'll find gold when you go to your gold fields? Would it be more logical to say that you'll probably dig up Buicks all day, but then you get the nice suprise of gold once in awhile?

Art, you've told me more than once that you always find gold when you go looking for it, and that you never dig fruitless holes. If you weren't lying about this, then you very obviously go to the gold fields because there's gold there, right?

Hence, you know there is gold there....known gold.....

Here's another question you've never bothered to answer. Are you able to tell how much gold is in the dirt you dig out of a particular hole, and how deep was that gold, before you dig it??? I suspect you've never answered it because you don't know....

Have you ever tried the experiment I suggested? Close you eyes and toss a rock as far as you can into your gold field, then dig a hole there and process it later, then compare that gold to the amount of gold you get from a dowsed hole? You'd be surprised by the results, I can guarantee it.

Gee AF…How I going to answer this:

Sooooo, what you're saying is that it's not logical to think you'll find gold when you go to your gold fields? Would it be more logical to say that you'll probably dig up Buicks all day, but then you get the nice suprise of gold once in awhile?

This needs no answer.

Art, you've told me more than once that you always find gold when you go looking for it, and that you never dig fruitless holes. If you weren't lying about this, then you very obviously go to the gold fields because there's gold there, right?

Yes, I go to places that have a track record of producing gold. My chances of find some is much better there.

Hence, you know there is gold there....known gold.....

You got it ..I know there will be gold somewhere in the area…Is this what you mean when you talk about known targets?

Here's another question you've never bothered to answer. Are you able to tell how much gold is in the dirt you dig out of a particular hole, and how deep was that gold, before you dig it??? I suspect you've never answered it because you don't know....

My rods tell me how deep the gold is..I can et an estimate of how much gold is there but it is not a very good way to do it….If any one has a sure fire way of telling what is under ground before it is dug they would be rich as everyone would want to know.

Have you ever tried the experiment I suggested? Close you eyes and toss a rock as far as you can into your gold field, then dig a hole there and process it later, then compare that gold to the amount of gold you get from a dowsed hole? You'd be surprised by the results, I can guarantee it.

This one defies all logic…Are you talking about Random Chance again…I do not rely on Random Chance to find gold….Besides that Random Chance is based on the odds of flipping a coin. It has nothing to do with Treasure Hunting…..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Gee AF…How I going to answer this:

Sooooo, what you're saying is that it's not logical to think you'll find gold when you go to your gold fields? Would it be more logical to say that you'll probably dig up Buicks all day, but then you get the nice suprise of gold once in awhile?

This needs no answer.
It most certainly does need an answer. Just 3 posts back you wrote that I have no Treasure Hunting logic because I've explained to you that going to a gold field to hunt for gold isn't hunting at all, it's just digging. Since you seem to think this is illogical, you need to explain yourself.

aarthrj3811 said:
Art, you've told me more than once that you always find gold when you go looking for it, and that you never dig fruitless holes. If you weren't lying about this, then you very obviously go to the gold fields because there's gold there, right?

Yes, I go to places that have a track record of producing gold. My chances of find some is much better there.

Hence, you know there is gold there....known gold.....

You got it ..I know there will be gold somewhere in the areaÂ…Is this what you mean when you talk about known targets?
I was referring to known gold, just like I said. Known targets are targets you bury yourself and then "find" later, and then try to use as proof that your little devices work. Known gold is gold you already know to be in a particular area, without doing any searching.

aarthrj3811 said:
Here's another question you've never bothered to answer. Are you able to tell how much gold is in the dirt you dig out of a particular hole, and how deep was that gold, before you dig it??? I suspect you've never answered it because you don't know....

My rods tell me how deep the gold is..I can et an estimate of how much gold is there but it is not a very good way to do itÂ….If any one has a sure fire way of telling what is under ground before it is dug they would be rich as everyone would want to know.
So you've actually recovered gold at two feet, then?

aarthrj3811 said:
Have you ever tried the experiment I suggested? Close you eyes and toss a rock as far as you can into your gold field, then dig a hole there and process it later, then compare that gold to the amount of gold you get from a dowsed hole? You'd be surprised by the results, I can guarantee it.

This one defies all logicÂ…Are you talking about Random Chance againÂ…I do not rely on Random Chance to find goldÂ….Besides that Random Chance is based on the odds of flipping a coin. It has nothing to do with Treasure HuntingÂ…..Art
It defies only the logic of those who do not posess it. I am referring to random chance in a roundabout way. What I want you to see is that the micro-gold you rely on your rods so much to find is most likely everywhere in your gold fields. Hence my proposal. And you're right in saying it has very little to do with treasure hunting as looking for gold in a gold field is a bit like looking for a puppy in a pet store. You're going to find it, but that hardly means you can claim victory in your search...

It most certainly does need an answer. Just 3 posts back you wrote that I have no Treasure Hunting logic because I've explained to you that going to a gold field to hunt for gold isn't hunting at all, it's just digging. Since you seem to think this is illogical, you need to explain yourself.
Because you have to locate it before you can dig.

I was referring to known gold, just like I said. Known targets are targets you bury yourself and then "find" later, and then try to use as proof that your little devices work. Known gold is gold you already know to be in a particular area, without doing any searching.

I agree that testing on known targets in my yard would be known targets….The statement .. Known gold is gold you already know to be in a particular area, without doing any searching. This statement is illogical and shows that you know nothing about how gold is distributed.

It defies only the logic of those who do not posess it. I am referring to random chance in a roundabout way. What I want you to see is that the micro-gold you rely on your rods so much to find is most likely everywhere in your gold fields. Hence my proposal. And you're right in saying it has very little to do with treasure hunting as looking for gold in a gold field is a bit like looking for a puppy in a pet store. You're going to find it, but that hardly means you can claim victory in your search...

I recommend that you don’t go out to the gold fields where there are thousands of acres to search. I don’t understand your statement about finding puppies in a pet store…In fact you are better off in a City Park…Art

I would say a known target was found, in a known location. Logic and reasoning probably would have had the same results

So your telling us that your business does not recovery lost items. You know what was lost and where it was lost. In other words you are just picking up known things…That very interesting…Art

ok swr there is gold and silver buried in the United States now you have a known location so go and find it. bildon

bildon said:
ok swr there is gold and silver buried in the United States now you have a known location so go and find it. bildon

aarthrj3811 said:
It most certainly does need an answer. Just 3 posts back you wrote that I have no Treasure Hunting logic because I've explained to you that going to a gold field to hunt for gold isn't hunting at all, it's just digging. Since you seem to think this is illogical, you need to explain yourself.
Because you have to locate it before you can dig.

I was referring to known gold, just like I said. Known targets are targets you bury yourself and then "find" later, and then try to use as proof that your little devices work. Known gold is gold you already know to be in a particular area, without doing any searching.

I agree that testing on known targets in my yard would be known targets….The statement .. Known gold is gold you already know to be in a particular area, without doing any searching. This statement is illogical and shows that you know nothing about how gold is distributed.

It defies only the logic of those who do not posess it. I am referring to random chance in a roundabout way. What I want you to see is that the micro-gold you rely on your rods so much to find is most likely everywhere in your gold fields. Hence my proposal. And you're right in saying it has very little to do with treasure hunting as looking for gold in a gold field is a bit like looking for a puppy in a pet store. You're going to find it, but that hardly means you can claim victory in your search...

I recommend that you don’t go out to the gold fields where there are thousands of acres to search. I don’t understand your statement about finding puppies in a pet store…In fact you are better off in a City Park…Art
Of course you don't understand what I'm telling you. I've mentioned over and over that your "logic" is quite askew to what a normal person realizes as logic.

So, you don't understand analogies, you don't understand random chance, you don't understand physics, you don't understand the word "opinion," you don't understand experimentation, you don't understand mathematics......

I'm beginning to worry about you Art, seriously.....

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