Treasure Clue, can you help?


Jan 22, 2005
well see math can be deceptive. Even though a radius of one of the circle would only be 279 miles, the mathematical equation for the area of a circle is pi r sqaured. thats a big area to search in. I was just illustrating approx. the regions each one of the coins would have to be placed, i.e. they all wouldnt be on the east coast or west coast. They would all have to be spread out, almost equally.




Okay, so my DC buddies, can you get to any of the 11 states mentioned in 8 hours or 600 miles. You do not have to speed as this would be against the law and Stadther says that you do not have to do anything against the law to find the treasures. I liked the 11 states theory. I am not sure that you can not use the letters twice (there is only 1 A). Or is it a generally accepted rule in puzzles that you do not use the same letter more than once? The one is missing part of the clue seemed to fit the 11 states theory. I also think that the 11 states mentioned above seemed to all be spread out pretty well and probably reachable in a day from everywhere in the USA. Math Guy - do you think that the 11 states mentioned above fit your theory about the jewel locations being about 8 hours drive or 600 miles from any place in the USA?

On to another clue, the poem says that 5 x 5 numbers make up a grid, is that right, something like that. Does that mean in a box shape with five numbers on a ll five sides of a square? What are your thoughts?



Me again, the acorn puzzle is really getting under my skin!! What IS that letter/shape/squiggle under the S on one of the acorns on the bottom of the puzzle (Same acorn as the S)? Does it form a shape when added to other crazy squiggles on other pages. I saw a beetle like creature above that some one had made out of symbols, is it part of that? Is it a number? The grid on this page reminds me of the grid that they speak of in the poem. Are we done with the poem now? There was a post at the earlier that seemed to indicate that the post was done, at least, it looked complete to me.



On page 63, it was posted above that the clue is "Reveals the name where the treasures abide" (post by chellerud). However, I see the word NO or ZO also on this page. How do you think the clue is supposed to read? Is the NO or ZO just part of the jibberish (YCPK and UGFXJ) that appears on this page on two other lots of blocks. What does that jibberish say? Has anyone learned anything about the Playfair Cypher which involves a 5 x 5 puzzle like the one referred to in the poem?


Full Member
Sep 29, 2004
Stafford Va
i am probably totally off base here but what the heck i printed out the acorn pic this morning i read all of the ramblings from jet and it gave me an idea i took the acorn pic and i did an infamous mad fold in with it if you take the right and left sides and match them up using the vines they match perfectly to form sort of a picture so i looked at it for a bit and i noticed that on either end there where leaves in a small cluster do the fold in you will see what i am saying so i decided to fold it again and bring the two ends together and low and behold a butterfly resting on leaves on thorny branches or it could also be a star i don't have the book so i don't know where the acorn pic is relevent in the story someone else play with it and see if you can come up with something

the end result of the butterfly matches the same one on the page that is on the acorn but a different color but looks exactly like it


ps jets a crack pot
look at his website and all of the pic's there pieces of jewelry and not tokens note the word token the jewels them self's are traveling the country jet is a moron and frankly if i ever come across him ill pound him one time for every member on this forum thats working to solve the puzzles grrr idiots like that chap my ass excuse my french


Jan 22, 2005
Back to my math of 12 cirles covering a certain area.
Now that I look at my map Ive drawn, Im beginning to think that there is probably 280 miles or less from where most people are. I took a rough map of the US and drew 12 cirlces each with a radius of 280 miles. That gives a circle with a diameter of 560 miles. If you were to place 12 circles with a diameter of 560 around the US so that they dont over lap so you can have equal access for everyone, the circles would take up a lot of the US map. This however would leave spots that are not in the area of the circle, however, these spots would still be within 8 hour driving "day". So Im beginning to think that atleast 1 treasure is probably within 300 miles of wherever you are.

Im a senior psychology major and Im studying for the GRE (grad school test) and it covers alegbra and geometry and that got me thinking about a mathematical approach to this treasure hunt.




I am new to this board and find all of the clues thus posted very interesting. Does anyone have any ideas about the inside cover of the back of the book? There seem to be some letters in green in the middle of the page, but I can only make out what might be an "A".



No kidding, I read everything today and it fried it.? Only other thing I can contribute is the suggestion about the tweleve seen in various places.? We were talking about extra e's and I think that it is vital part considering that Mr. Stadther put an extra e in his posting.? Mean something?? Not sure, just the eye of a proofreader. . . I personally think it's brilliant.?

One other thing...on his website he released the first and only clue that is not found inside the book - Tackle repositories.? Since then it is off the website.?

Okay, okay, I also noticed that some letters that start the chapters bear heavy resemblence to 3D colors.? With my super 3D glasses, I didn't really see **** except on one page.

Any help or suggestions?

P.S.? I cannot believe I wasted 1 hr reading that Jet crap.? Peace




Look guys, I was born and raised in Louisiana (which, by the way, doesn't make me a dumb tractor drivin' hick), and even I know that the "Tudor" is full of crap. He says that the spider andthe caterpillar are in La. Spider in Many, La, and the Caterpillar in Pickens, La. First of all, there is no "Pickens". There is a "Pickering" and a "Pickin", Louisiana. They are only about 20 miles apart. Furthermore, if the guy was right, which he's not, Many and Pickering/Pickin are AT MOST 2 hours apart. That in itself defies the "days drive" rule laid out by Stadther.
AND, not to rag on my home state, why in his right mind would Stadther hide TWO tokens in the SMALL, INSIGNIFICANT state of Louisiana. I mean, we're not even mentioned on the Weather Channel, for God's sake! That guy is nuts. And I agree with the fellow who said he wasted a whole hour reading his crap. And, by the way, there is NOTHING in Many, La. Just a blinking light and a couple of crappy convience stores. No cemeteries, landmarks, wonderfully hollowed out trees--gimme a break. I really WISH he was right, but I just don't believe it.
Does anyone have any ideas about the pics of parts of trees on pages 18, 24,27,30,43,54,57,65,71,and 76?
Also, does anyone else notice that the crescent moon is a constant throughout the book?
AND I have heard NO ONE say anything about their "puzzle companion guide". We have had no problem getting the book in La---probably b/c most folks down here don't read--but I purchased the book AND the companion book. Has anyone else used the comp. book? Just wondering...
Kinda lost in Louisiana---Sam



I agree with total overload......I think I am starting to see things ..
I noticed there is a small typed "s" on page 66 inside the initial box left hand corner.......also the cracker crumbs inside the pickenrooters leg on page 41.....they look like letters...maybe a R T S ? Or am I just hallucinating???
Sam ...I do have the companion book.......whats nice about it is it explains how some of the illusions are done.....but theere is a lot of info in the book ...I wonder how must is relevant to the book and what is just misdirection..ya know....

keep hunting! Suz



the one clue no one has mentioned so far is the morse code in the border of page 31. if you start at the top left of the inside of the border, the light green bars can be deciphered as dots and dashes with red dots separating the letters. i get "near the overlook'" and then the last bit on the left side near the fallen tree i can't decipher. anyone else try that one? ;D



You can find several post about it and ideas of what it may mean at




In response to sumpter, I just want to say that Jet updated his web page today to address the Louisiana question.



Just a little something I came across---
On pg. 63, the blocks say "Reveals the name where the treasures abide".
BUT, if you look at the blocks separately (by colors of the letters and the borders of the blocks) you can get yet another message.
the blocks with the green letters/borders are: S E R T E
Red letters/borders: F D I N
Pink let/bor: H E T
Yellow: E H O L
Switch 'em around and you get "FIND THE TREES HOLE"
Make anys sense to snyone? Suz? Anyone else pick up on this or follow me?
Yet another twist...

Also, the fence on pg. 54---does it look like it was "cut out" of some other picture? The grass below the fence matches the grass perfectly on pg.57. Just another thought that I am sure will confuse somebody as much as it has me.

I think maybe I'm looking at all this a little too complexly,eh?
Geez...Catch up with ya'll later. Good luck!!!
Sambo from the Bayou



tommyerwin said:
Tackle repositorys

Could this maybe mean a fishing museum?


Bait shop? tackle repository could mean a fish, or a pond or lake?




The whole idea of tackle repository as another name for lake has me thinking... the city each token is located in might contain the word lake. There are 20 simple "Lake City" entries in a search on Yahoo maps. And, you could easily select 12 of them that are spread out throughout the country. Just a thought.





Hello all. Im new to this forum and i enjoy the disscussion about treasures trove. So far everything that i have found is on here already so no new post about that. This Jet guy is a looney. I read on another webite that he revised his final solution and that he claims that Stadther did not let him claim the prizes because he bad mouthed Stadther about his book being sexual and not suited for children. So he claims that Stadther took the tockens and hid them where no one can find them. He says that he went to the other locations where they were supossed to be and they were not there, so therefore Stadther took them and that is why he is updating his website everyday because he knows no one found them because they are not there. I think he is crazy... but the thing about the web site is a little funny...why all the sudden is the website being updated everyday? I was on last night late and it said last updated the 26th and early this morning it says the 27th. A little weird, but who knows. I would like to hear what everyone else thinks? Did anyone actually get in contact with Stadther to see whats going on> Thanks Puzzler.

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