What Would You Do?

To answer your questions. Lots are 1 acre or larger, mine is 1.5 acres, neighbors is almost 2 acres. We live in the county. I do not know the age of the young guy. Ha has not been there very long. The owner is probably late 40s early 50s. I have been told that the owner has some mental issue but cannot verify that to be true and it isn't really any of my business.
The trash is minor. The fact that someone or someones(?) is rambling around out there at all hours of the night bothers me. The fires that have been set are small and I believe they were started in an effort to keep the mosquitoes away. While my property is maintained, my neighbors land is grown up in heavy underbrush. If a fire got away and into the woods the fire department would have a heck of a time getting to it as there is no access to this area other than cutting through my property. The county has a drainage easement across the back of our property but they don't keep it cleaned out. I keep my part of the drainage ditch clean to keep the snakes and other vermin at bay. Even at that a large rattlesnake was killed by the people that live behind me last week.
I think my neighbor chose not to clear all of his land when he bought the house. He probably has about 1 acre cleared and the back half still in it's natural state. It does get swampy on the other side of his land and the adjoining properties.
I will see what happens this weekend.
This doesn't affect any others in our subdivision.

Fyrffytr1, I am willing at great sacrifice to store your goat at my shop. You know that its not good for cars like that to sit, they need to stretch their legs a bit so the seals remain damp, etc etc so again I'll sacrifice and take it out around the country roads. I'm doing this for you and the car, we need to keep it safe. I will maintain my vigil until you find the culprit and maybe just incase he has an accomplice keep it here for a few months longer.

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

HI; First, instead of jumping to conclusions. Maybe if you simply ask them to be carefull with their trash it may solve the problem. You camn't blasme anyonme without proof. Alsop cal;ling cops on something as simple as trash will only serve to tick them off. I agree that it may be junior and his friends.If there is another fire then call the Police and put up the cams ok. Going off half ticked and blaming people that MAY be innocent is definitely NOT the right way to deal with it ok. Good Luck. Let us know ok. PEACE:RONB

I am the last person to blame anyone for anything with out proof. Just ask my wife!:laughing7: And, since I had a chat with the lady next door there have not been any more incidents. Nothing appeared to happen while I was out of town and I am hopeful that nothing else will. If it does I will take DizzyDiggers advice and approach the owner in a nonthreatening manner.
Thanks for all the interest, great advice and offers to take care of my car. I will keep it all in mind.

HI; Glad to hear it. Good Luck in the future. PEACE:RONB :thumbsup:

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