15 gal. to go


Bronze Member
Jan 27, 2008
Villa Rica georgia
Detector(s) used
gold bug pro,garret,whites,tesoro,bounty-hunter,,.....
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
went sat,to go run ole blue.had a decent day found a little n. ga. shine ,did a few pans-brought back 15 gal. of cons.so far looks like a good day ,still a lot to go thru.all in all pretty good till i went to leave and some $0b ^%%^$#@%$$! stole my hand trucks.had to make about 20 trips the hard way,back still hurts -goody's didn't even help.that sucked!!!!


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Love that yellow stuff. Nice finds....Matt

i would trade it,for the thief - :angry4: :angry5: :pain10: :cussing: :argue: most people on here are decent folks,to bad the rest aren't. i left them on the trail for about 10-15 minutes.i was just out of site.i thought i heard something but hard to tell with the sound of water.looked and did not see anyone.went back with a load of cons and they were gone -thank god they didn't get my cons!!!!!!!!!! i guess thats the price you pay when you go it alone.next time i am going to catch a couple of those damn pesky ,ornary ole moccasins that plague this particular place.and leave them a surprise! :o (not really) but i have thought about it!

side note ,sat. i was dredging and was in the shade had my hands in the water working my nozzel .when something caught my eye,looked down and there was moccassin about 6" from my nozzel AND HANDS !!!i moved my hands away,and the snake just stayed right there. till i got a stick and pursued him to leave. he wasn't that big maybe about 18-20 inches.but they say those are the most potent. so watch out boy's they are plentifull this year.i saw about 6 alltogether sat. and 5 were close.one a little too close!!!

Sorry to hear about your hand carts Strick. Hard to believe people can be that lowdown! If you're ever up my way alone, just give me a pm or e-mail ahead of time and I'll come and stand guard for ya. Against thieves and snakes. ;D

Sounds like it might of been where I met ya. If it was, I haven't had much trouble with snakes....yet. Maybe your just a magnet for em.

Great color too bad about ya hand trucks . Hope he falls next time he uses it and knocks out his front teeth. And glad ya didn't get bitten by the snake.

thanks scbuzz, good to hear from you down home.hows the garden?i might have to watch a little better.you had any luck?

:notworthy: Back in 65 I took off from home and hitchhiked from kalif to Shady lane #2 outside a Baton Rouge LA to see the country. After a hard day a pickn' string beans we'd go to the local waterhole to cool off,clean up and imbide a few shots a white--lightning that is-WOW,oops sorry I digress. after a few snorts I jumped in offa the rope swing and landed splat in the cool refreshing water to find out I was right admidst a wiggling serpentine ball of dozens a snakes mating in the water-kind?? what kind ??as that day I learned how to walk on water and NEVER EVER NEBER have I jumped into any water again without a looksee first!!snakes in the water??is nothing sacred --John

Nice color!

strickman said:
went sat,to go run ole blue.had a decent day found a little n. ga. shine ,did a few pans-brought back 15 gal. of cons.so far looks like a good day ,still a lot to go thru.all in all pretty good till i went to leave and some $0b ^%%^$#@%$$! stole my hand trucks.had to make about 20 trips the hard way,back still hurts -goody's didn't even help.that sucked!!!!

Hey Strickman... Try packing one of those bicycle cable chain locks with you, not very heavy and you could run it around a small tree and through several items. If nothing else they would have to work a little harder to get your things and it might just give you the little extra time you need to give them LED poisoning. Keep your powder dry!

Sorry to hear about that man. I am always paranoid of something like this happening to me and so I try to be extra careful. On the bright side, the color looks good. :icon_thumright:

thanks for all the comments,i know ya'll would have my back,as i would your's. and t-sounds good,looking forward to meeting you one day.keep the videos comming.And EVERYBODY watch for snakes,most time they are no problem.i dredge with them all the time.but the one you don't see is the one that will get you! as in stepping on them or reaching under a rock and grabbing on accident.and as a side note- years ago out on the job site some one was stealing our drinks out of the cooler.it was on the back of the truck.bear in mind i would have gladly given a drink to some one in need, or if they ask.i always had extra-and offered them freely.but back to the story- they kept stealing them. I DISPISE A THIEF!!!!!!!!! so i stocked up- and the top one promply open pour out a good bit and urinated to fill it back up. told my buddies to not get the top one.........lunch time came around and it didn't take long to find the thief !!!!!!!!!!!!!and to top it off i told him i had been doing it for a week... it broke him from suck'in eggs -so to speak. :laughing7: :wink:

lmao. Astro and I have been doing ok. Nothing like the color you got but I have been 7 times this year I think and found gold all but one. Went all year last year which was our first year with a skunk so this year has been great.

you will do better every year,overall that is.but i still have my share of skunks too.recently i hit about 5 skunks (checking out new places)then had to go to old faithfull.just to kill them skunks.but that one is a long way for me.there is good stuff a lot closer to me but you have to really do your homework.just ask takoda -but it is here as well.access is the problem,years ago i had 12 or so decent places that were close.but now can't go there anymore due to developement,or property changing hands -also other people ruining it ,for others.but i wish ya'll all the luck.and remember every dog has his day-------even a blind squirrell gets a nut every now and then.....

true true. Wife's dad is not doing very well . So I have decided not to go out this weekend unless he improves. But the Gold will be there when I can. Yall get some for me this weekend.

hope he gets better ,wish him well. i can't go for AWHILE ,on lots of overtime now -even saturdays.i'll probably sleep most of the day sunday.can't wait to get back dredging.

strickman said:
i would trade it,for the thief - :angry4: :angry5: :pain10: :cussing: :argue: most people on here are decent folks,to bad the rest aren't. i left them on the trail for about 10-15 minutes.i was just out of site.i thought i heard something but hard to tell with the sound of water.looked and did not see anyone.went back with a load of cons and they were gone -thank god they didn't get my cons!!!!!!!!!! i guess thats the price you pay when you go it alone.next time i am going to catch a couple of those damn pesky ,ornary ole moccasins that plague this particular place.and leave them a surprise! :o (not really) but i have thought about it!

A few years ago, I was dredging on Bear Creek, (I know, there's a lot of Bear Creeks in Calif.) (lol)

I had built and had spent about 6 months testing out a light-weight winch I had developed. Was getting some really nice nuggets, (1/2 to 3/4 oz,) since I was able to drag those pesky 3 ton boulders out of the way.

In this area, you could only get in with a 4X4, or hike. Even with the 4X4, I still had to carry my equip. about 3/4 of a mile to my dredging area. I had been dredging that area for well over a year, with no problems. Not even any footprints in the area. (Yes, I checked certain areas every morning, as a matter of course.)

One fine morning, I parked, and when I got out of my truck, I noticed some fresh tire tracks. My first thought was, oh S....!! I got to my site, and my winch was gone.

I guess you can imagine how badly I wanted to find that low-life, egg-sucking SOB. There once was a time we didn't even worry about locking our doors when we left home.

Those days are gone, perhaps forever.

good folks are getting farther apart and fewer in between...whatever happened to -if it ain't yours,leave it alone ?

put some bait out leave something in the same place but this time have one of those game cameras hid ill help you castrate them when you find them or him was it around buchannan?

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