
Silver Member
Jul 8, 2007
The Motor City
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Extended Sensory Perception, L-rod, Y-rod, pendulum, angle rods, wand.
White's MXT, Garrett Ultra GTA 500, AT Gold, SCUBA Detector Pro Headhunter, Tesoro Sidewinder, Stingray, 2 box-TF900, Fisher TW-6
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Third Time's A Charm!
This pictured gentleman had his titanium wedding ring slip off back on Memorial day. I returned his call and he texted me a pic of the area where he thought they were. The area was roughly a football field size. I headed out on my own shortly after and did a quick check with my MXT in the most likely area. Did not come up with anything but lots of trash and trash masking more trash.

Since I didn't have a target I.D. for titanium I went to my friend's jewelry store and he happily provided some samples of titanium rings in the approximate size of the lost one. So now I knew what to look for on the MXT meter and ignore everything else. At home that night I also started to photo dowse the image and got a repeatable signal in a certain area as indicated by the 2 arrows pointing towards each other as well as the dashed line indicating the titanium ring's fundamental ray and opposite ray. That's a given that the ring was there.
So I went out a second time and met the man who lost the ring and we walked the area for as long as he could stay. I didn't have my dowsing rod with me as this was a short notice meet with him. Did not search the photo dowsed area at this time as there were people sitting out picknicking, frisbee and what not and didn't want to draw attention to a certain area. So a third visit today turned out productive. When I got on site, I went thru my usual dowsing procedure going off the photo dowse and got an area intersected where to metal detect. Still a large area but when the MXT signaled +18 I knew I got it! It was fairly close to where the red x is on the photo where this beautiful ring was hiding just below the grass, in fact I saw half of it peeking thru the grass I'm surprised no one saw it and picked it up. It was in the shade of a tree but had it been in the sun someone for sure would have saw the glint from the sun off it and grabbed it. So I immediately texted him with excitement and he wanted to meet today to get it back. He first tho had to cancel the order he had placed for a new one! So I learned something today I already knew but since I havn't gotten "skunked" like this in awhile, that is don't give up on finding things out there, keep at it, persist and you will succeed even if your third time isn't a charm!

Nice history ..Dowsing rules :icon_thumleft: and Nessie too

Good evening, how to do localization of lost objects with the dowsing has some video monsters this technique because I would like to learn how to use this technique that can help me.

Good evening, how to do localization of lost objects with the dowsing has some video monsters this technique because I would like to learn how to use this technique that can help me.

Hi Ademir Felix, I'm not sure I understand your post. Are you asking if I have any video's of dowsing techniques?

Very good job there TELE, good explanation also. I love to read stories like that and showing the owner with a big grin helps it too.

Very good job there TELE, good explanation also. I love to read stories like that and showing the owner with a big grin helps it too.
Thank you elh!

Good afternoon, my correct friend do you have any video explaining video of dowsing techniques?

Good work Jon. How many lost engagement and wedding rings returned to the owners, does this make in the last 2-3 years? And if possible, can you list those rings giving the type of metal and/or gemstones?

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Good afternoon, my correct friend do you have any video explaining video of dowsing techniques?
Hi There, No I don't have any video's yet, I am however working on a book. I would like to suggest that you take a look at any post by all the dowsers here as to techniques. I'm not excluding anyone, but Art and Red Desert have very nice diagrams and text explaining dowsing procedures. I think you can search all their posts somehow without scrolling thru back in time. We all have our own methods and there are many ways to make a recovery. Experiment and do the procedures, eventually reactions will start to occur so you can then have a baseline of what to expect. There's no magic pill, you have to put in the time, work, and consistently practice.
Hope this helps,

Good work Jon. How many lost engagement and wedding rings returned to the owners, does this make in the last 2-3 years? And if possible, can you list those rings giving the type of metal and/or gemstones?
Thank you Red_desert! There are quite a few. I used dowsing to find some of them with/without the metal detector. I don't always use dowsing on site to locate depending on what the person tells me. However, (information) dowsing is used on all searches to determine the truth of the matter before I go search. With all the crazy stuff happening in the world now, I always want to know what I'm getting into prior to getting involved. Some I have had to pass on that initially sounded real nice.

Yeah, know what you mean about the world becoming a crazy place. I've been asked about making a dowsing video too. I have seen a couple on YouTube looked good. Right Jon, best advice is to practice, practice, practice.

Yeah, know what you mean about the world becoming a crazy place. I've been asked about making a dowsing video too. I have seen a couple on YouTube looked good. Right Jon, best advice is to practice, practice, practice.
I've watched a few dowsing vids on youtube as well, pretty good, gives me ideas to do some at some point.

I've watched a few dowsing vids on youtube as well, pretty good, gives me ideas to do some at some point.
Video making is an art in itself. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars for a good TV quality camera. Laptops come with wecam cameras but very limited to resolution. I've discovered that if you open the computer camera, then a software program such as PowerDirect 14 (disc install version) which has newer version downloads available also, but no disc install. Anyway, open the program after opening your webcam, the software will use the cam to make video footage in a HQ DVD file format. The settings for program capture allow you to pick the resolution of your choice, all the way up to super HD TV quality. Actually, a resolution slightly above a camcorder such as used by Sony Handycam is probably the most you'll ever need. Later when you edit a video, there are ways to improve color saturation.

Now add an external USB camera and do the same with your movie software...now it is possible to do table top videos at home in high definition resolutions of your choice. A laptop would have longer battery life outdoors, I would probably try turning the screen brightness down to see it better. Don't recommend taking it away from your yard to a public place (too risky). A 5 gallon bucket turned upside down with a cloth on top, makes a good portable stand for placing video camcorders on (when nobody is there to hold it for you).

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Video making is an art in itself. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars for a good TV quality camera. Laptops come with wecam cameras but very limited to resolution. I've discovered that if you open the computer camera, then a software program such as PowerDirect 14 (disc install version) which has newer version downloads available also, but no disc install. Anyway, open the program after opening your webcam, the software will use the cam to make video footage in a HQ DVD file format. The settings for program capture allow you to pick the resolution of your choice, all the way up to super HD TV quality. Actually, a resolution slightly above a camcorder such as used by Sony Handycam is probably the most you'll ever need. Later when you edit a video, there are ways to improve color saturation.

Now add an external USB camera and do the same with your movie software...now it is possible to do table top videos at home in high definition resolutions of your choice. A laptop would have longer battery life outdoors, I would probably try turning the screen brightness down to see it better. Don't recommend taking it away from your yard to a public place (too risky). A 5 gallon bucket turned upside down with a cloth on top, makes a good portable stand for placing video camcorders on (when nobody is there to hold it for you).

Thank you for the information. I'm not really any good with video stuff tho. I'm probably gonna hire someone like the person pictured below. :occasion14:
Jon :headbang:


  • camoperator.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 89
Tele, with her around how will you EVER find a ring ?????????????????????????????????????????????????:laughing7:

Well, if I was doing a dowsing video, down in Florida on the beach...that is probably the way it would be done. Except, if you know anything about the modeling profession, they have what is an exchange of time for material. The idea is the photographer or video maker gets the model time free with permission to use material, and the model gets portfolio photos or movie clip free as portfolio (with permission to use it as modeling credits or get work).

I have a best top-of-the-line USB cam ordered and will be here in a couple days. It has everything, all the bells and whistles, including dual stereo mics plus night vision correction for in dim lighting, FULL HD MANUAL FOCUS. if YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SETTING UP MOVIE PRODUCTION SOFTWARE, JUST GIVE ME A PM.

Tele, with her around how will you EVER find a ring ?????????????????????????????????????????????????:laughing7:
The in depth research would be pleasant, and may take longer, lol but I'm ok with that :laughing7: :occasion14: :headbang:

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Well, if I was doing a dowsing video, down in Florida on the beach...that is probably the way it would be done. Except, if you know anything about the modeling profession, they have what is an exchange of time for material. The idea is the photographer or video maker gets the model time free with permission to use material, and the model gets portfolio photos or movie clip free as portfolio (with permission to use it as modeling credits or get work).

I have a best top-of-the-line USB cam ordered and will be here in a couple days. It has everything, all the bells and whistles, including dual stereo mics plus night vision correction for in dim lighting, FULL HD MANUAL FOCUS. if YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SETTING UP MOVIE PRODUCTION SOFTWARE, JUST GIVE ME A PM.

Oh yes I get it, it's all about the $$$, lol and thank you for the offer about the video production!

My new camera came arrived yesterday. The package fit fit in the mailb0x, the video cam is smaller than expected more like a spy camera.

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