A Few Words About The Negative Light On Our Hobby


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
Detector(s) used
Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
It seems there is always concern over the future of our hobby and the negative image that some fear is being cast over our hobby, but the truth is, most of this amounts to self inflicted damage. I recently read a comment voicing their opinion on how the media and crowds are making us out to be a bunch of thieves and weirdos. My reply to this, why wouldn't they? Our hobby is different then most, having been built upon as a hobby that requires our utmost attention to detail and unbothered precision. As a result the very nature of daily hunts further endorses the very image we fear, that of the loner type who is unsociable, unfriendly, and largely a strange outcast from typical society. We all do it and have done it, our irritation and frustrations and hurry to escape often looming way too large when approached on the beach and asked questions. So why wouldn't they think us a strange lot when we go about our hobby casting the very presence of the image feared? This is even more true of us who are a constant presence on the beach.

Recently I have had the opportunity to hunt with a new beach acquaintance, a very good and serious hunter who never turns down the opportunity to socialize with folks, even if it means he might miss the last half of low tide in prime hunting territory. And mind you, he is always pleasant and friendly and unrushed when socializing on the beach, his conversations always ending in smiles and friendly laughter. These are the hunters I most enjoy hunting with, those that take the time to stand in strong opposition to the image our hobby so badly fears but continues to cast. When you continually blow off those interested kids in sight of adults it only serves to further solidify that weird and strange and unsocial opinion in their heads. Instead, stop what you are doing and spend some time having a little fun with the kids, those nickels and pennies in your pouch buying you so much more then their face value when you help those kids find some real buried treasures on the beach. This past summer I walked the beach and handed out a very large quantity of sunglasses I had found on the beach to the kids who were without, their little eyes lighting up like torches as they tried to select a pair that they liked. Didn't matter that most of the glasses were to big for their little heads, their parents enjoying the spectacle of it all and voicing their appreciation to the sociable and friendly guy they have often seen metal detecting the beach. Take some time to take some interest in them, be friendly and social even it means that your going to lose some precious hunting time. I can honestly say that I have many, many associations on my area beaches now that no longer view me as a just another quiet and unfriendly weirdo with a detector in his hand, countless others who I have never seen again from all walks of life and from over the world. I wasn't always like this, perhaps taking the hobby far too serious, so serious that I was actually casting the very image that I so desperately wanted our hobby to avoid. Just something to think about the next time you're on the beach and you're about to be interrupted and inconvenienced. How you respond and the image you cast in that moment is entirely up to you. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, I hear ya Bigscoop. Many times I have been approached by kids. They seem to be attracted to mystery of what we are finding. I actually let the kids take the items I find out of the hole when I get real close to finding it. The parents are usually very friendly and happy to see there kids having fun. Does wonders for our hobby!!

I'm always confronted by kids at the beach wanting to help or just watch what is coming out of my next hole. I had let one kid use my Ace 250 while I dug the holes. B4 I knew it, a half dozen kids came to watch what this kid was doing with my detector. One boy just grabbed it out if his hand and started to push my Ace 250 down the beach like he was shovelling sand, scrubbing my coil like a mop along the beach. His mom quickly came over and grabbed him and gave me back my detector apologizing. I was not upset by no means. I'm always friendly and I love showing kids the hobby when they come over. I haven't once been confronted in a negative way by anyone. I'm always friendly, talking and helping or taking the time to answer questions. This helps giving people a different view of us and our hobby.

I'm always confronted by kids at the beach wanting to help or just watch what is coming out of my next hole. I had let one kid use my Ace 250 while I dug the holes. B4 I knew it, a half dozen kids came to watch what this kid was doing with my detector. One boy just grabbed it out if his hand and started to push my Ace 250 down the beach like he was shovelling sand, scrubbing my coil like a mop along the beach. His mom quickly came over and grabbed him and gave me back my detector apologizing. I was not upset by no means. I'm always friendly and I love showing kids the hobby when they come over. I haven't once been confronted in a negative way by anyone. I'm always friendly, talking and helping or taking the time to answer questions. This helps giving people a different view of us and our hobby.
I have had a few kids YELL out "He's looking for gold". One time this kid was following me, and his mother came after him. He was asking me question's - non stop. When she got a hold of her kid - she said "I'm sorry". I said "no problem". Then she asked if "Do you ever find anything?" I waved the coil in front of her about 8 inches away, and it went bezerk from toe to head. I replied " I find all kinds of stuff". She laughed with a big grin, and a little blushing on her cheeks. LOL.

I always chat with anyone who wants to. And the kids are just plain Fun(tho some can be kinda weird). Show a kid a good time detecting and you'll probably leave his entire family with a favorable impression. That could make a difference someday when we are under political assault.

I was MDing on our local beach when I looked up and noticed the lifeguard watching me intently. As I strolled toward his location, as soon as I got near enough, I asked him if this was ok to do?
He replied, "it isn't, as it's on the books but we don't enforce it!" He had watched me dig a number of holes that i filled back in so I felt at least I was doing the right thing.
We struck up a conversation and I told him I used to surf down here a lot when I was younger and mentioned the waves had been great lately! He then showed me a picture of some surf down in Newport Beach that was "epic" on his cell phone!
He, of course, asked me about metal detecting and I told him that usually I'm just cleaning up the beach from trash but that after paying for parking and recycling all the stuff that I find if anyone asks me to find their lost wedding ring I do it for no charge or reward! I do believe he was impressed and was completely cool to me as a result.
I continued to hunt near his truck and promptly pulled out a ragged beer can out of the sand! He asked if He could see it and after scraping the sand away he put it on his console. He then asked if it was alright if he kept it and I said sure!
I felt I left a positive in his mind about MDers! When he becomes captain down there at tower One he will remember this positive exchange!

My first day out I was approached by a couple asking how it was going - and since I wasn't sure what I was doing we ended up laughing about it!

I don't hunt the beaches I hunt parks mainly and I am always having kids asking me what I'm doing, Now granted I don't let them swing the machine but I will let them hear the sounds in the headphones. And I do let them follow, but tell them their parents have to say it's O.K. and normally I will promote the hobby to the parents as most express an interest in it to begin with. My favorite thing to show the kids is that I will BEEP and that always gets a laugh,(a plate and thirteen screws in my wrist.) Then I will show them that they BEEP also, eyelets on shoes or something else metal. I end up as the Pied Piper at the park but it is still enjoyable even though it hampers my finds at times. I am out there for fun and enjoyment it isn't a job, so if I get to meet new friends thru the hobby, that can be my best find of the day. Enjoy it for what it is if it gets to the point that you can't stop and talk or teach someone about your hobby then you may be the negative light in our hobby.

Great post Bigscoop !

It' s really up to us how we're perceived. A lot of the beaches I hunt are somewhat deserted as well as known 1715 wreck sites, so most of the residents there are very familiar with us. These beaches have limited parking and aren't really heavily used so I can hunt for hours without interacting with anyone.

Occasionally, I'll head to a closer beach when I don't have time for the 50 mile round trip and encounter tourists, snow birds, transplants etc. Whenever I am approached, I am more than happy to answer any questions they have and explain my machine and the hobby. Most people are just genuinely interested. They have seen us about and for one reason or another that we were unapproachable. If someone is in my vacinity, I make were contact and great them with a smile. Just a friendly "Good Morning" goes a long way and breaks down barriers. I find it is also very helpful to show people the nails, pull tabs, rusty bottle caps and fishing hooks that I have removed from the sand that they no longer have to worry about their children and dogs cutting their feet on.

Most people have never touched a metal detector in their lives and are simply curious how deep it goes, what it can find, where you get one, what they cost etc etc, and I have no problem answering their questions. Some times its nice to slip off the headphones and take a break for a few anyways. Let them know that you're a regular person just like they are and you will forever be seen in a different light!

Sent from my BNTV600 using TreasureNet

It all comes down to good PR, something our hobby has always seriously lacked due to the very nature of it's designed pursuit.

Great post BIGscoop I hope everyone follows your words of wisdom.

Great post!

Bottom line: We're just another carbon unit on the planet. Be a real person, and things work better.

I give kids a toy car when I have them. I don't take them out of my pouch when I get home; really, what the heck am I going to do with them?

It makes their day.

I feel it is important to take the time and talk to people. Most are just curious about why we do this. For me exercise and the peace and quite. The finds are great too but not always there. I have kids too and love to hear why they think I do this. I have let total strangers listen to sounds in my headphones they love that we talk with them. Happy hunting

I have never had a negative experience on the beach,I always have a few very
enjoyable conversations before the day is over.
Surf fishermen, surfers ,dog walkers, mom and dad's with there little ones.
It's all good .However the surfer gals are my fav.:happysmiley:

The best was late summer of last year,I gave a little guy a quarter I dug
up and told him it was pirate money. He ran off full speed towards his mother
yelling MA I GOT PIRATE MONEY!!! Haha .

I have never had a negative experience on the beach,I always have a few very
enjoyable conversations before the day is over.
Surf fishermen, surfers ,dog walkers, mom and dad's with there little ones.
It's all good .However the surfer gals are my fav.:happysmiley:

The best was late summer of last year,I gave a little guy a quarter I dug
up and told him it was pirate money. He ran off full speed towards his mother
yelling MA I GOT PIRATE MONEY!!! Haha .

Damn, you made his day! :occasion14:

I have found out that sometimes when children come up to me and ask questions, I answer and explain the this and that's to them, then they follow me and just don't stop. Their hands reaching into the hole as I dig and pour my scoop out. I am nice and explain that they shouldn't do that, and I've given lot's of change to the wide eyed children. After a while, all I just want peace and solitude, just to be left alone. I don't mind answering questions, but parents also need to realize that I am not on the beach to keep their children occupied for the day, I am there to do my thing. It does get frustrating.

Let me see if i can remember it right and spell it right also.

"You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."

Don't know who said it. It has made me look at things much different now.

Let me see if i can remember it right and spell it right also.

"You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."

Don't know who said it. It has made me look at things much different now.

"You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same. Now let's laugh together for a while." :icon_thumright:

On Saturday I had competition. Its a dad and a little 4 year old. The little guy has got a detector set up for him. We talked a little then hunted on. It was cool to see that.

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