It has come to my attention that there are people on here (contacting me in PM's) that want to find treasure but think for some reason that they can do this by following the markers alone, I am here to tell you that the markers will lead you all over the place except to the entrance, they will point out dig spot after dig spot with compass degrees and measurements, Bottom line is the Catholics didn't want anybody to find their treasure and would put up multiple markers to lead away from the entrance or keep you so busy digging on empty holes that you would eventually give up. (Only they knew the secrets of how to find the entrances to the treasures from the markers and that information was known but definitely not shown in the field)
This is why I use Auras not only to verify that there is a treasure in the area in conjunction with the markers but that there is actually something still in the ground not just an empty hole.
So to my point, people who think they can just use markers without using electronics from the camera catching Auras to deep seeking detectors which are used to verify something is actually buried in the ground before digging are going to dig a lot of empty holes.
I am no longer going to help people who refuse to use electronics (don't believe in auras) as they are wasting their own time as well as mine.
I also wanted to add that Every single Treasure Site I have posted on this thread (including the markers at them) were found because I caught an Aura and went directly to the Aura/Treasure Site, I did not follow markers, however I absolutely Required Specific Treasure Markers to be at each Aura's location because they verify the aura is from a treasure.