A little help with gold


May 21, 2017
Primary Interest:

I am new to this site. And also fairly new to gold and it's prospects. I wasn't even sure where to post this but I am hoping this is the best place to start.

Anyways...the reason I am here is because I have recently acquired some gold. About 24K (98% purity from the tests done) which are 2Kgs. Currently in form of bars right now (They were nuggets before that). The reason they're in the form of bars is due to logistic reason.

I have tried selling them locally. However every attempt to sell it here has been met with theft attempts. And due to high corruption in the country (Kenya), the police can turn against you just to keep the gold. And the asking price from the proper/credible institutions that are available is ridiculously low, even after testing. They do this because they know how difficult it is to sell gold here as an individual. And many other reasons that has put me off selling it locally. So i have turned to selling it online or internationally. So I am looking for help in how to go about this or even buyers if I am lucky.

Any and all help will be appreciated.


I understand being new to this site, and being from Africa (I've recently just learned about all the scammers, as i have posted on other gold forums looking for assistance). If you can't help me, please refrain from posting here. Being trolled is getting really old now.

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Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

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What's wrong with ARA or Midwest ? Why don't you just mail to them like anyone else here does when we have scrap intrinsic value gold to sell ?

Because until now, I had no idea about the ARA or Midwest. I will look into that and get back to you in case of anything.

Thank you for the tip.

OK, this guy is in Africa. My advice, sell very small amounts at least 50-kilometers from where people know you, to well known gold buyers. Be careful, and Good Luck! :skullflag:

I would be very happy to handle this for you and make millions of African dollars for you. However you will need to post your banking information, including any password, before I can get started.

And due to high corruption in the country (Kenya)

..........ya, you think........HAH !!!!

I would be very happy to handle this for you and make millions of African dollars for you. However you will need to post your banking information, including any password, before I can get started.

Ah yes...the break I have been looking for. How much is an African dollars when converted from 1 USD ?

My bank is African Dollars Bank.

My password is €aT$hit

Go forth and make me my millions of dollars even without my gold at hand.

What's wrong with ARA or Midwest ? Why don't you just mail to them like anyone else here does when we have scrap intrinsic value gold to sell ?


Unfortunately the ARA or Midwest are in America. It will be difficult for me to get it there.

I need help within Africa. More specifically Kenya.

... It will be difficult for me to get it there....

I don't understand what's "difficult" about it ? Isn't there outgoing normal mail in Africa / Kenya ? I mean, if you were to box up a rock or a deck of cards or a pair of glasses, don't you guys have normal mail outgoing service to mail to other places ? (like the USA).

I have no doubt that mail service (and yes, with parcels of 3 dimensional objects) exists as outgoing from a country as developed as yours. The mere fact you're sitting in front a computer typing tells me that this isn't the boondocks with no roads, power, buildings, mail, fuel, etc.... Thus, what's to stop you from mailing to ARA or Midwest too then ? If you say "corruption" (the package will get stolen on the outbound trip), then nothing at all will solve that. You would have to walk or drive the package outbound to a place where *normal* mail exists.

Or find a smelter buy/sell place right there. Certainly jewelry stores exist there, right ? Specifically the type that also do modifications (re-sizing, creating, etc...) Hence they would have normal buy/sell channels for their own work . Why not just sell to them ?

I can't believe there's not a place on earth where someone can't sell gold . Oh sure, perhaps you won't get "spot market" (on account of added middle-men). But ... oh well.

Have you considered calling Obama and asking him for advice?

Now see there Champ ? You lost out on millions of $ . Since you had to be sarcastic with the fellow. Tsk tsk.

No, she's the one who screwed up Bigtime. She didn't post her banking account numbers and routing information. Password alone does nothing. Silly little girlchild. All those millions in pure profit waiting to be made and she hesitates and cowers in fear; I DO hope I didn't make her cry.

Me, I don't need any more money. I don't know what to do with all that I already have. Witness my Minelab stable if you doubt me.

no ebay in africa and now we know why

People pay over spot for natural gold nuggets. If I had a bunch of nuggets the last thing I'd do is melt them and make bars.

I don't understand what's "difficult" about it ? Isn't there outgoing normal mail in Africa / Kenya ? I mean, if you were to box up a rock or a deck of cards or a pair of glasses, don't you guys have normal mail outgoing service to mail to other places ? (like the USA).

I have no doubt that mail service (and yes, with parcels of 3 dimensional objects) exists as outgoing from a country as developed as yours. The mere fact you're sitting in front a computer typing tells me that this isn't the boondocks with no roads, power, buildings, mail, fuel, etc.... Thus, what's to stop you from mailing to ARA or Midwest too then ? If you say "corruption" (the package will get stolen on the outbound trip), then nothing at all will solve that. You would have to walk or drive the package outbound to a place where *normal* mail exists.

Or find a smelter buy/sell place right there. Certainly jewelry stores exist there, right ? Specifically the type that also do modifications (re-sizing, creating, etc...) Hence they would have normal buy/sell channels for their own work . Why not just sell to them ?

I can't believe there's not a place on earth where someone can't sell gold . Oh sure, perhaps you won't get "spot market" (on account of added middle-men). But ... oh well.

Yes you are right, there are similar mail services here in Kenya. But not similar service quality or standards or transparency as in the United States. I am in Nairobi, which is the capital city and the best ones are here. So I do not believe I would like to put my trust in postal service. Don't even get me started on the kinds of corruption there is.

I have tried other credible options of selling here in Kenya, however the prices that I have been given are ridiculously low. Kenya isn't known for being a gold market. So there aren't many options out there.

People pay over spot for natural gold nuggets. If I had a bunch of nuggets the last thing I'd do is melt them and make bars.

That's not a problem, I can still get my hands on nuggets from where I got the bars.

I'm starting to think she may not be quite legit. She talks a good game but still no earnest info from her. And Kenya not a gold market? Pluh-eze!
Kochie, ship a gold bar or large nugget to someone on TNet with >10,000 posts and PROVE your honesty.......

(and if you are legit, there seems to be a prince in your area that has some serious money tied up in various ways. Maybe you and he could get together and use your gold to liberate his funds from the clutches of the bureaucracy. a big win-win for you both!)

I'm starting to think she may not be quite legit. ...

Ha, well then I guess I'll be laughing at you all the way to the bank. I've already forwarded $10,000 to the OP here, in exchange for the $100,000 I'm going to receive from that prince ! That'll teach you to stop being a skeptical kill-joy. Haaarruuumppphhhh

She didn't melt that into bars herself. Probably no credible stamps on it. NO ONE will give spot for a "homegrown" bar. 98% pure? In Africa? Anybody here seen 98% pure nugs anywhere? Sounds like a very good attempt at separating someone from their money. My opinion is it is a scam to collect U S dollars. TTC

Fed-Ex me 1 kilo of the nuggets, fed-ex has a few different shipping centers, PM me and I will help you locate one and then after we can discuss what you want done.

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