A meeting of minds-


Silver Member
Dec 6, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
Detector(s) used
Fisher CZ5, White's GM VSat
A squad of soldiers was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an
Iraqi terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of
the road was an American soldier in a similar but less serious state.

The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both
men, the squad leader asked the injured troop what had happened.

The trooper reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the
highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent. We saw each
other and both took cover in the ditches along the road. I yelled to him
that Saddam Hussein was a miserable, lowlife scum bag who got what he
deserved, and he yelled back that Ted Kennedy is a fat, good-for-nothing,
left wing liberal drunk who doesn't know how to drive.'

'So I said that Osama Bin Ladin dresses and acts like a frigid,
mean-spirited lesbian!'

He retaliated by yelling, 'Oh yeah? Well, so does Hillary Clinton!'
And there we were, in the middle of the road laughing, shakin hands, when
a bloody truck hit us.'

;D This is the first time I have ever seen it,

:D I think the whole damn thing is Hilarious... even the replies! :D ;D :D

Cache Crazy said:
stefen said:
Some things bear repeating. :thumbsup:

Okay, here you are.

Cache Crazy said:
How many times has this joke been posted?

You are correct in stating 'HOW MANY TIMES HAS THIS JOKE BEEN POSTED', in fact, many of the jokes are repeated, sometimes days apart, and sometimes a dozen times a year, because people do not take the time to read.

If the person posting a new joke would make the effort to use the search routine at the top of the screen, they might find that the joke they were thinking of posting has a long history.

I'd guess that the Dog Food Diet joke has recycled at least 12 to 15 times in the last 12 months alone.

The blond jokes have recycled numerous times, however, I think that is due to the person posting them is also blond. Genetic forgiveness is applicable.

And so it goes.

I never bother to read the forum, just post in it. One of my least picked on habits, with exceptions for geniuses like yourself. #@!$%#@! off, LOL!
WindHarvester said:
Cache Crazy said:
How many times has this joke been posted?

What a Dik!

Witching about how many times a good joke has been posted means that you should find a life beyond Comedy Central.
By the way;have you heard the one about.......... ;D

truckinbutch said:
Witching about how many times a good joke has been posted means that you should find a life beyond Comedy Central.
By the way;have you heard the one about.......... ;D

Okay, but I wouldn't trade my life for yours.

Cache Crazy said:
truckinbutch said:
Witching about how many times a good joke has been posted means that you should find a life beyond Comedy Central.
By the way;have you heard the one about.......... ;D

Okay, but I wouldn't trade my life for yours.
Fair 'nuff. If you're married it'd just be tradin' one hell for another anyway....No 'boot 'in either direction. ;D

truckinbutch said:
Cache Crazy said:
truckinbutch said:
Witching about how many times a good joke has been posted means that you should find a life beyond Comedy Central.
By the way;have you heard the one about.......... ;D

Okay, but I wouldn't trade my life for yours.
Fair 'nuff. If you're married it'd just be tradin' one hell for another anyway....No 'boot 'in either direction. ;D

Been there, done that, had the Tee shirt until she took it off my back. ;D

Cache Crazy said:
truckinbutch said:
Cache Crazy said:
truckinbutch said:
Witching about how many times a good joke has been posted means that you should find a life beyond Comedy Central.
By the way;have you heard the one about.......... ;D

Okay, but I wouldn't trade my life for yours.
Fair 'nuff. If you're married it'd just be tradin' one hell for another anyway....No 'boot 'in either direction. ;D

Been there, done that, had the Tee shirt until she took it off my back. ;D

truckinbutch said:
Cache Crazy said:
truckinbutch said:
Cache Crazy said:
truckinbutch said:
Witching about how many times a good joke has been posted means that you should find a life beyond Comedy Central.
By the way;have you heard the one about.......... ;D

Okay, but I wouldn't trade my life for yours.
Fair 'nuff. If you're married it'd just be tradin' one hell for another anyway....No 'boot 'in either direction. ;D

Been there, done that, had the Tee shirt until she took it off my back. ;D

The point was yours. I was just agreeing with you.

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