A mountain of bison skulls 1880s Detroit,

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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A mountain of bison skulls ready to be ground into fertilizer. This picture was taken in the 1880s at the Michigan Carbon Works in Detroit, and the original of this image is at the Burton Collection of the Detroit Public Library.


I Wonder if they Dropped them off at the store like Empty Soda Bottles..
Or someone had a Big Meal

A mountain of bison skulls ready to be ground into fertilizer. This picture was taken in the 1880s at the Michigan Carbon Works in Detroit, and the original of this image is at the Burton Collection of the Detroit Public Library.

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I Wonder if they Dropped them off at the store like Empty Soda Bottles..
Or someone had a Big Meal
Brought them in by rail from out West.

[Each skull was collected from across the Prairies and shipped east by train or steamship. Once they arrived at facilities like Michigan Carbon Works, bison bones were rendered as fertilizer, glue and ash. The bones produced commodities, like bone china, which were sold in European and North American cities. Crates — like the large one in the foreground of the image — were technologies of colonial capitalism, moving bones from prairies to factories and then finished products to market.]


Buffalo hides were used during the industrial revolution to make the leather belts to transmit power to the thousands of factories and textile machines of the 19th century. No telling how often those belts needed to be replaced.


  • 549455_81_58982_VVxCIx9m5.jpg
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apparently there are still plenty around

I asked What Does Bison Taste Like?

Got this :

Think of the best steak or burger you've ever had: The flavor of bison meat can easily compete with it. It tastes similar to beef but has a slightly sweet undertone that sets it apart. Unlike some specialty meats, bison is not gamey, and it's incredibly tender no matter how you prepare it.

I had Buffalo Burger. Bison is supposedly Different Fuddruckers in Humelstown
supposedly sells Bison Burgers
but apparently Some people Think Bison & Buffalo are the Same animal. I wasn't impressed with Buffalo considering Cost. was more a Brag to myself thing :tongue3: & I Still didn't impress Myself :coffee2:


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