a theory of the time portal

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now ask yourself, do you really want to go out there and find the LDM ? the treasures of Jesus are out there .....lol only one can touch the Ark ...

You went away for a while.
And now you are back

re: the LDM
I don't think I am worthy, personally.
Does my heart wish to learn what Jesus tried to teach? Yes.
Do I want to say hello to Him when He finally arrives? Most definitely YES.
Do I want his hidden *things*? No - I am afraid of them, to be honest.
Would I like to see the majestic things inside those mountains? Of course I do.

I felt a great Spirit of love in the mountains and the boulders, the sand, the walls, trees and in the air, the water. You say that is Eve/Mother Earth.
Others say they are spirits from the Great Spirit.

Maybe they are there together.
In the meantime, we are trying to understand the power of the place, and to read the story written in the mountains.

We've been given a task, and are still working on it. Once we have a better understanding...who knows.

now ask yourself, do you really want to go out there and find the LDM ? the treasures of Jesus are out there .....lol only one can touch the Ark ...

now ask yourself, do you really want to go out there and find the LDM ? the treasures of Jesus are out there .....lol only one can touch the Ark ...

Of course, there's a time Portal,
have you never seen the Time Tunnel with Tony and Doug

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What are those things in there for?
I would think they should be there for when Jesus returns for them.
I would assume they are for him.
There would be no need for anyone else to see or to handle them.....
Just thinking out loud here....

What are those things in there for?
I would think they should be there for when Jesus returns for them.
I would assume they are for him.
There would be no need for anyone else to see or to handle them.....
Just thinking out loud here....
they overlook the true nature of the items in the Ark .. the creator touch the stones ,a chitoc only need touch the stones to become their past ..! when you feel as one see as one be asone you become one !

they overlook the true nature of the items in the Ark .. the creator touch the stones ,a chitoc only need touch the stones to become their past ..! when you feel as one see as one be asone you become one !
Oh my golly gumdrops

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yes, we know where those are. At least where one set of praying hands is.

We were there during the Christmas Holiday...

and we were watching God's light show Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning from Coronado Mesa.

Best Christmas Eve and morning I ever had.....
we were invited, you see, and a few of us accepted
and spent our holiday with God....BB, Jesus, and Mother Earth (Eve)

truly magical...words cannot express.

We prayed for humanity....and marveled at creation around us.

Oh my golly gumdrops
when he returns , he is already here ! when time repeats itself ,change is coming soon ..! Oumuamua will soon return and when it gets 1/2 way back to the sun the dead star will enter this solar system .. it is Black and a little bigger than our moon and weighs 1/3 of our sun . fate is a word .

this may be just a theory but .you most likely have never heard this spin on it before . but than only 4 people that i know of have ever found it or past thru it .this theory does not mean it is fact it is just what i saw and observed to get to the LDM you have to pass thru the portal but the portal is like a advanced security system ..see somehow it reacts to your genetic DNA and if your DNA somewhat matches the key it lets you in . maybe it see you as someone else that has a very close DNA to you .. we do know only 4 people have been able to pass thru the portal and finding the LDM is beyond the portal but some may not see it .. and we only have 4 that have past thru the portal and we only know that 3 saw the mine the 4th one did not ...so even if your DNA was close enough to get thru the portal you still may not get thru the portal and come out the other side in the correct time zone and date , now who built the time portal i don't know but it was not the native tribes .see the reason i say this is something came up in my research that i found interesting . the 3 people were very close to Waltz DNA somehow the portal could read our minds memory and use that to override the portal id system .see i don't know about the others . but i am Indian Dutch English , Dutch Germany Jewish to a fact ! what is funny WALTZ and LAWTON share common letters in our names all but the O in my name ,, see i think the portal let me in and when i wave to my brother outside the portal he could not see me because i was in the portal at the time .. he could hear my voice but he could not see me waving my hand right at him ... like i said it's just a theory but interesting nevertheless ..is the reason no one has found it is because it is protected by a portal ..maybe the portal was programed by a different language and it saw me and my DNA as Waltz ...as a shaman after i came out of the portal i was seeing the past play out all around me . i don't freak out easy so i found it odd but when i started talking to my brother again the feelings started to change back to normal so i just did not say anything about it ...what if these portals were left there long before humans came on to the Earth . left by some past culture we don't know of even today in the modern world we see every day ..we all have seen things we can't explain .some never see anything . but maybe the portal is the reason that happens ..i know the portal is real i just don't know how it works ...is it the ore deposits,is there some kind of electrical system there left by a unknown race of beings that came here long ago .. good question . but theories are theories for a reason ,,... we just don't the answer to those questions yet ..one thing is clear the Aztec sacrifice Altar nearby worshiped their GOD and the Sun or Sky .. maybe there is a reason the portal is there that we have yet to understand .. our logic may not have been their logic . and where did they go or are they still here our we them thousands of years later . who knows . it's just a theory ..and if the Chicomoztoc Seven Caves shaman cast out all the tribes ,they never said those tribes did not come thru a portal in to this world ..!
Nice to have you back @Blindbowman. I look forward to more of your insightful posts.

they overlook the true nature of the items in the Ark .. the creator touch the stones ,a chitoc only need touch the stones to become their past ..! when you feel as one see as one be asone you become one !

when he returns , he is already here ! when time repeats itself ,change is coming soon ..! Oumuamua will soon return and when it gets 1/2 way back to the sun the dead star will enter this solar system .. it is Black and a little bigger than our moon and weighs 1/3 of our sun . fate is a word .
Love is here .

when he returns , he is already here ! when time repeats itself ,change is coming soon ..! Oumuamua will soon return and when it gets 1/2 way back to the sun the dead star will enter this solar system .. it is Black and a little bigger than our moon and weighs 1/3 of our sun . fate is a word .
Yes, we have been told he is here.
I just didn't want to say I knew....I don't know if we are supposed to "keep it under the radar".

The Dead Star will bring the various earth changes? The Egyptian scrolls name it the "Destroyer"?

Yes, we have been told he is here.
I just didn't want to say I knew....I don't know if we are supposed to "keep it under the radar".

The Dead Star will bring the various earth changes? The Egyptian scrolls name it the "Destroyer"?
last time it came into this solar system it hit a 2 planets, it can not hit the sun . they opposites

Can the Supers be a safe haven?
Will the Supers be a safe haven?
Creation is a balance of good and evil ,creation and destruction ,when the scale is off there is no safe haven ! you ask why the portals were here would you want to be there when the time is upon us ..? portals can be good or bad ...

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