a theory of the time portal

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Bronze Member
Aug 15, 2007
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this may be just a theory but .you most likely have never heard this spin on it before . but than only 4 people that i know of have ever found it or past thru it .this theory does not mean it is fact it is just what i saw and observed to get to the LDM you have to pass thru the portal but the portal is like a advanced security system ..see somehow it reacts to your genetic DNA and if your DNA somewhat matches the key it lets you in . maybe it see you as someone else that has a very close DNA to you .. we do know only 4 people have been able to pass thru the portal and finding the LDM is beyond the portal but some may not see it .. and we only have 4 that have past thru the portal and we only know that 3 saw the mine the 4th one did not ...so even if your DNA was close enough to get thru the portal you still may not get thru the portal and come out the other side in the correct time zone and date , now who built the time portal i don't know but it was not the native tribes .see the reason i say this is something came up in my research that i found interesting . the 3 people were very close to Waltz DNA somehow the portal could read our minds memory and use that to override the portal id system .see i don't know about the others . but i am Indian Dutch English , Dutch Germany Jewish to a fact ! what is funny WALTZ and LAWTON share common letters in our names all but the O in my name ,, see i think the portal let me in and when i wave to my brother outside the portal he could not see me because i was in the portal at the time .. he could hear my voice but he could not see me waving my hand right at him ... like i said it's just a theory but interesting nevertheless ..is the reason no one has found it is because it is protected by a portal ..maybe the portal was programed by a different language and it saw me and my DNA as Waltz ...as a shaman after i came out of the portal i was seeing the past play out all around me . i don't freak out easy so i found it odd but when i started talking to my brother again the feelings started to change back to normal so i just did not say anything about it ...what if these portals were left there long before humans came on to the Earth . left by some past culture we don't know of even today in the modern world we see every day ..we all have seen things we can't explain .some never see anything . but maybe the portal is the reason that happens ..i know the portal is real i just don't know how it works ...is it the ore deposits,is there some kind of electrical system there left by a unknown race of beings that came here long ago .. good question . but theories are theories for a reason ,,... we just don't the answer to those questions yet ..one thing is clear the Aztec sacrifice Altar nearby worshiped their GOD and the Sun or Sky .. maybe there is a reason the portal is there that we have yet to understand .. our logic may not have been their logic . and where did they go or are they still here our we them thousands of years later . who knows . it's just a theory ..and if the Chicomoztoc Seven Caves shaman cast out all the tribes ,they never said those tribes did not come thru a portal in to this world ..!

Well, I never knew any of that before.
Sounds like an episode of Brisco County Jr., what with the technology mixed with the olden days. Keep your mind open…

teppin' In a Slide Zone​

The Moody Blues

  1. https://www.treasurenet.com/javascript:void(0)

  2. https://www.treasurenet.com/javascript:void(0)
I took a ride in a limousine
I took a road I'd never been
I met a stranger by the way
His coat was torn, but his eyes were clear
Standing in a slide zone
Stepping in a slide zone
He told me where a river flows
He showed me how the apple grows
He told me of a magic stream
His face was worn, but his eyes were clear
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' in a slide zone
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' through a time zone
He went to find a shooting star
Around the bend, that's where they are
I went along just for the ride
Suddenly I began to slide
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' through a time zone
The air raced by, there was no sound
We drifted high above the ground
And then he said, "You know this place"
And then a smile lit up his face
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' in a slide zone
Standing in a slide zone
I could be steppin' through a time zone
I turned my head and looked below
And there was something there I know
Suddenly I began to fall
I looked around and I tried to call
Standing in a slide zone
He had me steppin' in a time zone
Standing in a slide zone
Falling through a time zone
"Help me, please", I thought I said
Then something happened in my head
Music came from all around
And I knew what I had found
Standing in a slide zone
Falling through a time zone
Steppin' in a slide zone
He had me falling through a time zone
Slide zone
Slide zone
Slide zone
Time zone

brisco County Jr. good one.
I remember that show.

i agree i have no idea what it is , but is real . Ron was on one side and i was on the inside of the portal and he could not see me and i could see him standing there and waved right at him . he could hear me yelling to him but he said 2 or 3 times he could not see me . i was worried if he came thru the portal he would have another heart attack so i came out and walked over to him ..and when i turned around to see where the portal was i could not see it from there .and i know it's there ...i was walking around inside of there so i know it's real ..its interesting ...does it have anything to do with the gold in the LDM i don't know ..if someone told me this i would think it was crazy BS to , but i saw it and know it is there .

i agree i have no idea what it is , but is real . Ron was on one side and i was on the inside of the portal and he could not see me and i could see him standing there and waved right at him . he could hear me yelling to him but he said 2 or 3 times he could not see me . i was worried if he came thru the portal he would have another heart attack so i came out and walked over to him ..and when i turned around to see where the portal was i could not see it from there .and i know it's there ...i was walking around inside of there so i know it's real ..its interesting ...does it have anything to do with the gold in the LDM i don't know ..if someone told me this i would think it was crazy BS to , but i saw it and know it is there .

Well, congrats for asking aloud. Short answer I would be inclined to believe you. The Rabbit Hole that I fell into along this topic is probably within what would be called the "Illuminated". You floated it out there, now lest you let simmer.

Well, congrats for asking aloud. Short answer I would be inclined to believe you. The Rabbit Hole that I fell into along this topic is probably within what would be called the "Illuminated". You floated it out there, now lest you let simmer.
well stated ,it would be totally different if my brother had not been there with me . you could blame it on almost anything but ..i explained what happen as well as i could find words to ..back in 1982 i ran into something close to this but not the same .. in Wym Medicine Bow ,what makes these two events odd is they are both native American sacred grounds .. but two different tribes ,last time i knew the Black foot are not related to the Apache , i was married to a black foot for 25 years .

a shaman must wonder ...see thru the eyes of the great spirit and live a clean path ...hear the past and smell the future , nature awaits us all ..

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Blindbowman - Do ya still shoot the stick and string?

Interesting theory, for sure, but having never been there I'd have to take your word for it.

Couple thoughts: Rather than the high technology of a DNA reader (and a power source for it), how about that there is a spirit hanging about the entrance, and it determines whether a person is good, or bad, and only allows the good to enter. When it comes to DNA, 99% of us are mutts, with multiple nationalities in our distant past.

If there were beings of a much higher intelligence, why would they go to the trouble of all that instead of just taking the goodies and leaving? If they can build a DNA reader, they sure as heck can mine gold.

Blindbowman - Do ya still shoot the stick and string?

Interesting theory, for sure, but having never been there I'd have to take your word for it.

Couple thoughts: Rather than the high technology of a DNA reader (and a power source for it), how about that there is a spirit hanging about the entrance, and it determines whether a person is good, or bad, and only allows the good to enter. When it comes to DNA, 99% of us are mutts, with multiple nationalities in our distant past.

If there were beings of a much higher intelligence, why would they go to the trouble of all that instead of just taking the goodies and leaving? If they can build a DNA reader, they sure as heck can mine gold.
IMHO it is a test .one of many . will you take and run away .or will you seek out the truth no matter what the cost ..your soul is worth more than a rock , why would they test a man . because only one man knows what is hidden there and that is not for the greedy .
covered with the old skins of the Buffalo dark and still of dust and age rest the need ....all the treasures and the wealth mean nothing to a shaman ...he already knows where to find those things ..But how beautiful the Cherubim !

Interesting. How long ago did you experience this? Have you been back since then?

Maybe you stumbled upon a spiritual vortex. I’ve heard claims of them in the southwest US as well as various spots worldwide. Not something everyone believes in, but the theory does have followers.

they say Gretta Thunberg is a time traveler.


  • gretta.webp
    27.3 KB · Views: 32
From my experience any feelings of any kind spiritual entity in an underground mine is a warning of something is around to get you ⚠️.

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bu sadece bir teori olabilir ama büyük ihtimalle bu konunun bu şekilde yorumlandığını daha önce hiç duymamışsınızdır. ama tanıdığım sadece 4 kişi onu buldu veya geçti. Bu teori bunun gerçek olduğu anlamına gelmez, sadece benim gördüğüm ve gözlemlediğim şey LDM'ye ulaşmak için portaldan geçmeniz gerekir ancak portal gelişmiş bir güvenlik sistemi gibi.. bakın bir şekilde genetik DNA'nıza tepki veriyor ve eğer DNA'nız bir şekilde içeri girmenizi sağlayan anahtarla eşleşiyorsa. belki seni DNA'sı sana çok yakın olan başka biri olarak görüyordur.. sadece 4 kişinin portaldan geçebildiğini ve LDM'yi bulmanın portalın ötesinde olduğunu biliyoruz ama bazıları bunu göremeyebilir.. ve biz sadece Portaldan geçen 4 tane var ve biz sadece 3'ünün madeni gördüğünü 4'üncünün görmediğini biliyoruz... yani DNA'nız portaldan geçecek kadar yakın olsa bile yine de portaldan geçip oradan çıkamayabilirsiniz. diğer tarafta doğru saat dilimi ve tarih var, şimdi zaman portalını kim inşa etti bilmiyorum ama yerli kabileler değildi. bakın bunun sebebini söylememin nedeni araştırmamda ilginç bulduğum bir şey ortaya çıktı. Bu 3 kişi Waltz DNA'sına çok yakındı, bir şekilde portal zihnimizin hafızasını okuyabiliyor ve bunu portal kimlik sistemini geçersiz kılmak için kullanabiliyordu. bkz. diğerlerini bilmiyorum. ama ben Hintli Hollandalı İngilizim, Hollandalı Almanyalı Yahudiyim! komik olan ne WALTZ ve LAWTON ismimizdeki O hariç hepsi ortak harfleri paylaşıyor, bakın sanırım portal beni içeri aldı ve portalın dışında kardeşime el salladığımda beni göremedi çünkü ben portaldaydım o sırada .. sesimi duyabiliyordu ama ona doğru elimi salladığımı göremiyordu... dediğim gibi bu sadece bir teori ama yine de ilginç ..kimsenin bulamamasının nedeni korunduğu için bir portal tarafından ..belki portal farklı bir dil tarafından programlandı ve beni ve DNA'mı Vals olarak gördü ...bir şaman olarak portaldan çıktıktan sonra geçmişin her yerde oynandığını görüyordum. Kolay kolay korkmadığım için bunu tuhaf buldum ama kardeşimle tekrar konuşmaya başladığımda duygular normale dönmeye başladı bu yüzden bu konuda hiçbir şey söylemedim ...ya bu portallar orada çok daha önce bırakılmış olsaydı insanlar Dünya'ya geldi. Her gün gördüğümüz modern dünyada, bugün bile bilmediğimiz geçmiş bir kültürün mirası..hepimiz açıklayamadığımız şeyler görmüşüzdür.bazıları hiçbir şey görmez. ama belki de bunun nedeni portaldır ..portalın gerçek olduğunu biliyorum sadece nasıl çalıştığını bilmiyorum ...cevher yatakları mı, orada bilinmeyen bir varlık ırkının bıraktığı bir çeşit elektrik sistemi mi var? bu buraya uzun zaman önce geldi .. güzel soru . ama teoriler bir sebepten dolayı teoridir ,,... bu soruların cevabını henüz bilmiyoruz ..yakındaki Aztek kurban Sunağı'nın ALLAH'larına ve Güneş'e veya Gökyüzüne taptığı açık olan bir şey var ..belki de bir nedeni vardır henüz anlayamadığımız bir portal var.. bizim mantığımız onların mantığı olmayabilir. ve nereye gittiler ya da hala buradalar mı biz onları binlerce yıl sonra. kim bilir . bu sadece bir teori ..ve eğer Chicomoztoc Yedi Mağara şamanı tüm kabileleri kovduysa, o kabilelerin bu dünyaya bir kapıdan gelmediğini asla söylemediler..!
Çünkü Allah her zaman var ve her yerde, zamanın tanımında yok

Most say she's an idiot....
She was just a exploited media tool used in the indoctrination of confirmation-al bias of a whole generation by a whole industry based on research grants for universities and institutions that Al gore championed. The very institutions that in 70s was preaching we was due for an ice age? When that failed to happen. They switched to global warming then quietly dropped the term global warming to climate change.

Billions around the word is being wasted on useless research projects. Where money would of been better spent on real issues such as effect of micro plastics, lead, arsenic and other contaminates in food chain. And more into medical research. Instead of indoctrinating children creating a whole generation of virtue signaling neurotics that was in my eyes nothing short of child abuse.

Having manipulated a young girl with Asperger's syndrome to speak at UN climate conference? Asperger's syndrome is the former name of a developmental disability that affects how people behave, see and understand the world and interact with others. People with this developmental disability may have special interests, repetitive behaviour's and under or overreact to sensory input. Whoever allowed her to speak at the UN sums up the credibility of UN.

The effect was that it created a Henny Penny the Sky is falling in syndrome. The sky is falling in?

Keep perpetuating it? The research money flowing in. We have children In Not going to school having climate strikes. Gluing themselves to roads waving placards with spelling mistake where they should be learning the ABCS not political activism. The Nazis and communism used to same tactics to promote their ideological agenda.

We have politicians and now heads of corporations all pandering to this system now with virtue signing? Why because all of these brainwashed traumatized kids have gone through the university system. And to succeed in that system you must become part of confirmation-al bias and believe blindly like if its a religion. To question anything but the narrative feed to us makes you a heretic.


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