Along the Royal Trail with Lost Horse

The Journey Continues

Hello Trackers,

Now that we have gone through and followed this treasure trail,
from the Alpha to the Omega, And we are now at the Omega Marker,
our 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Vista Point, which is to show us where the goods are buried.

You are at the Mercy of the Spanish Artist.

You must understand and realize that each one is different.
Not one is set up in the same way, It is up to you to figure out
how it was set up, to find the location of your prize.

One thing I have learned, is when you get this close to the Prize,
all important information is going to be very subtle, small, hidden.
Only known to those who are involved in the creation of hiding
their precious goods.

Always Looking for Intelligent Design,

So as I start to analyze this Omega Marker,
I take a lot of photos, so I can study them at the comfort of my home.
I look at and set aside, what I call areas of Interest.
Then I return to the site, to see if I am on the right track or not.

So this took a few trip out there, so one day it all clicked,
and I figured out what they did.
And I could start to see, Intelligent Design taking place.

One of the key things here was,
we knew from the start, that this was a “Vista Point”,
and we are to stand on this flat boulder, and see what we could see.

The next key, is what direction,
so the next problem is what direction are we suppose to be looking.
This helped – by taking panoramic photos.

Its funny how the Artist, hides their subtle markers right in plain site
and under our nose, or in this case, our feet.


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This is what I found,

As I looked at the photos, I could see two subtle V cuts
on the top edge of the boulder.

While I was on site, I stood on the top of the boulder
and looked down to see these V cuts,
and took notes and photos in their direction.


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I also could see that there was two different generation here.

One was older than the other.

Treasure Site # 1
I believe that # 1 was created at the time the Treasure Trail was made.

Treasure Site # 2
was added to the Omega Marker later in time.
Utilizing the Treasure Trail that was already established.

How did I come to this conclusion?
It was only realized when I found the Treasure sites.
And I could see the differences in the “sophistication” in the Markers
and how they were made, that were used at the dig site.

Well, See for yourself.

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Treasure Site # 1

Finding Treasure Site Number one,

Well as you mite guess, I took out my compass and took note of it’s direction.
My first view of things were looking like another challenge ahead of me.

It took a couple of trips, to trail blaze in the straight line, from the V cut Marker.
I wont bore you with the journey.
Instead, you can see that I marked the area, where the treasure site is located.


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While walking the line looking for anything,
This showed up in the middle
of all that brush, hidden from any view,
until I walked up on it.

Lets look at what we have here, do we have Intelligent Design,
that will give us conformation?

First of all it was found, by following the V cut’s direction. - a Coincident?
It is obvious, that this Large Boulder was put here by man.

If we look at the subtlety, in this photo we see that the Patina,
the outer coating, on the Upper Right side, was rubbed or scrubbed away.
Shaping the Side of this granite boulder, to look like an Egg.

Is this a hint, to the fact,
That this Boulder is related to the Bird’s Nest Marker, (The Alpha Marker)

I cleaned up the area to get better photos

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As I continue to explore with excitement, And as I walked around to one side

of the granite marker, I see something that gives me comfort and more conformation,
that man was involved in the making of this large marker.


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Again you can see, where they rubbed away the patina off the granite.

But also, there is a small Triangle Shape Marker on the bottom Right.



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And then, when I walked up to it, to view the top,

To my surprises, was the clincher, to see intelligent Design,
showing up again one more time.
This is what the V Notch was pointing to.
This is where I am suppose to be.


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I believe that #1 treasure, was created at the time the Treasure Trail was made.

The quality of stone workmanship, I believe was done by a Mason associate.
And the end results, also looks like it has a Mason influence to it.

Here is some info on the Drill Holes.

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Treasure Site # 2

Finding Treasure Site Number two,

Here I am, now standing – this time, in the direction of the # 2 V cut marker.
Knowing that # 1 turned out positive, I am thinking,
maybe I will try that process out again.

As I stand and view it’s direction, It looks gloom.
As you can see, this looks worse than # 1 journey.
The brush is really thick.
This place is just one challenge after another.

They knew that their treasures would be safe in this hidden environment.
The only way you would ever know that they were here,
is by following the King’s Trail.


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As I am always, looking for things that stick out, that catch my eyes.

While looking in the direction of V cut #2,
I spot a large boulder sticking out of the upper part of the dry wash.
Maybe my trip will be made short, if it is, what I think it is.


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I zoom in to get a closer look, what I saw gave me goose bumps,

from what was, a giant snake head looking straight back at me.

This is in perfect view, from the top of the Vista Point Boulder.
Was this to be expected, or just a coincident.

So as you can see, following the Iconic Markers and their messages,
and understanding the process,
we were able to find our way, all the way, to the end of this puzzle.

And Stand at the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Vista Point, and look Down upon the Earth,
and Rest, as we get to see the Prize.


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Well here we go again, from the egg shaped granite boulder,

that was related to the bird’s nest. “Conformation”.

To the snake, that represents a tunnel or something Plunged.

Here I believe again we are dealing with Intelligent Design.
That gives conformation. And not a Coincident.

I also believe, treasure site #2 was added to the Omega Marker
at a later time, Utilizing the Treasure Trail that was already established.

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So as I stand here and take all of this in,

and thinking back to the beginning.
Looking at the King Mountain Range Marker,
Wondering, if there mite be a chance,
that there will be something over there.

All I can do is take in the view, and give thanks,
to all those that went before me.
And those that watched over me,
during this most challenging journey.

Through our adventures, shall we grow, and gain any knowledge.

My all your journeys be safe ones,

Lost Horse


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Hello LH, that series of drill holes seems to indicate that ( this seems to be a corner marker, one of three ) from the deepest hole go North and find one, then go 70 degrees and find another, The other with the red color circle may be to just to indicate HERE or this is one, also verified same is indicated with the small triangle rock next to the one with drill holes, distance may be the height of the rock and my guess at the height would be 40 inches which may be as far away as 1 1/4 mile or as close 1326 feet to the 1st marker I don't remember what the guys name is but he has the LOCK on wind rose, mines concealed cache sites near a wind rose, this looks to be one of those. Best to You and thanks.

Thanks Lost Horse for sharing you adventures. You are a great story teller and you make the trails look so easy. Thanks for being so clear.


I feel the same as pinwheel thanks and the best to you and keep writing we cat wait that long[emoji1]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So as I stand here and take all of this in,

and thinking back to the beginning.
Looking at the King Mountain Range Marker,
Wondering, if there mite be a chance,
that there will be something over there.

All I can do is take in the view, and give thanks,
to all those that went before me.
And those that watched over me,
during this most challenging journey.

Through our adventures, shall we grow, and gain any knowledge.

My all your journeys be safe ones,
Lost Horse

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Thanks for putting those photos and info.out Lost Horse.It takes a lot of mustard to go in the thickets like that,knowing its the hunting grounds of a big cat.thanks,and keep your guard up out there.


Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here
May 07, 2014, 11:31 AM
dsty wrote - Where did Lost Horse GO to,

Well Trackers,
I won’t be around for a while, I am heading back out into the wild.
I will be out in the field, working on a new site.
Mite take a while to figure this one out.

Found this up high, on the side of a cliff – looks to be another King -Treasure Site?
This one has me puzzled - has the look and feel of a Mayan King.
Will keep you posted from time to time on what I find.

Who knows, maybe another journey, for the “Lost Horse Book of Secrets”...
Lost Horse

Areas of interests

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Seems like I've seen that crown-wearing profile in another photo, back a ways in time. Not absolutely positive on that point, but reasonably sure. Have you posted a photo in the past with that profile?

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