American exceptionalism

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Back about 1984 I was on vacation on way to Yellowstone NPin custom van I was cutting across S.Dakota and got lost. Map showed single road, after driving awhile road split no signs and it changed to gravel. I took one that was closest to NW and after driving 45 mins that road splits and still no signs, the roads were not on the map and there is no GPS back then.

Long story short running on fumes family and I pull into Wounded Knee S.D.

another case of american exceptionalism; where 400 people possess more wealth than the next 150,000,000 and have convinced those one hundred fifty million people that raising taxes on those 400 is the wrong thing to do.

Now that's exceptional.

Another American exceptionalism is we are free to take a risk in starting a business and free to work hard so we may uplift our personal standard of living, which in turn always up lifts other peoples standard of living. Being born poor in this country does not mean you must remain poor!

I was going to write a long detailed response as to just why this is the most stupid statement ever posted on Tnet, but realised you'd never get the true point and it'd just be seen as more "nation bashing" etc. So, let me just say:

It's statements, and unfortunately some Americans beliefs, like that that give your fellow countrymen and women a very bad reputation worldwide! It's a statement i'd expect from someone who's never set foot off the family farmstead, (maybe you haven't?). It's a statement that should embarrass (and probably does) every American here!

I was going to write a long detailed response as to just why this is the most stupid statement ever posted on Tnet, but realised you'd never get the true point and it'd just be seen as more "nation bashing" etc. So, let me just say:

It's statements, and unfortunately some Americans beliefs, like that that give your fellow countrymen and women a very bad reputation worldwide! It's a statement i'd expect from someone who's never set foot off the family farmstead, (maybe you haven't?). It's a statement that should embarrass (and probably does) every American here!

What exactly are you getting at? As far as leaving the family farm......I do not and have never lived on a farm. Yes I own a little over 5 acres but the only crops I grow are trees and grass. Please elaborate.

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another case of american exceptionalism; where 400 people possess more wealth than the next 150,000,000 and have convinced those one hundred fifty million people that raising taxes on those 400 is the wrong thing to do.

Now that's exceptional.

Davest are you positive those numbers are correct? 400 americans have more wealth than the next 150,000,000! Crazy math!

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What exactly are you getting at? As far as leaving the family farm......I onto and have never lived on a farm. Yes I own a little over 5 acres but the only crops I grow are trees and grass. Please elaborate.

Defence rests! :BangHead:

How many of those claiming American Exceptionalism have spent significant time living overseas? And I'm not talking about the relatively isolated lifestyle of military duty. I'm talking about living the day to day grind of life in another country?

I've spent many months in each of Haiti, Ghana, and Germany. I've spent extended stays in Yemen and Ethiopia. I lived in France for several years. I've lived now in Egypt for a combined four years. I speak multiple languages not to promote my "American" interests, but to promote understanding. This is my experience.

And let me assure you all, it is people who are exceptional, not nations.

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Dano. What you can't see the forest because the trees are in the way, neither can we :laughing7:

And let me assure you all, it is people who are exceptional, not nations.

Nope. That makes too much sense, so not for this forum, so thank you very much.

Ammo, what you're forgetting is that without the American, no one would speak English, and that's including the English themselves :thumbsup: Just try and name one thing not invented by an American.. You can't. Well, at least that is what google says :tongue3:

Nope. That makes too much sense, so not for this forum, so thank you very much.

Ammo, what you're forgetting is that without the American, no one would speak English, and that's including the English themselves :thumbsup: Just try and name one thing not invented by an American.. You can't. Well, at least that is what google says :tongue3:

I like you Spartacus ... you are exceptional!

Dano, once again please elabarate

*sigh*...Ok, what part don't you understand? The fact that every other country in the western world allows it's citizens to start up their own businesses? Or the fact that not knowing this and thinking your country is "exceptional" for it, makes you look like the worlds biggest...........?

Do your countrymen a favour, read up on the definition of the word "exceptional", and read, watch or travel outside of American culture (and brainwashed propoganda) before your next post!

Clearer now?

*sigh*...Ok, what part don't you understand? The fact that every other country in the western world allows it's citizens to start up their own businesses? Or the fact that not knowing this and thinking your country is "exceptional" for it, makes you look like the worlds biggest...........?

Do your countrymen a favour, read up on the definition of the word "exceptional", and read, watch or travel outside of American culture (and brainwashed propoganda) before your next post!

Clearer now?

Dano, have you ever been to America...I'm guessing not based on your posts. Yes in other countries you can start a buisness but how many taxes are you going to pay, what limits are placed upon you, in other words here in America we still have something called the American dream.....try considering this.

These threads are getting funnier by the minute. Perhaps they belong in the nonsense forum :icon_scratch: :tongue3:

I didn't say we don't pay any taxes as we pay to many. What about carbon taxes, vat taxes and so on.

I hate to break your bubble, but many countries offer the same opportunities we do

Dano, have you ever been to America...I'm guessing not based on your posts. Yes in other countries you can start a buisness but how many taxes are you going to pay, what limits are placed upon you, in other words here in America we still have something called the American dream.....try considering this.

Do US company's pay taxes - errr Yup
Do we have limits - Darn tootin we do

As for the American dream. Well, other countries (Insert name here) dream do too :laughing7:

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