creek astronaut
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unifaces Forbidden Archeaology thread kind of made me think of this,i have been studying the facts behind this theory for a while.just wanted to see what you all think.very intersting read.there is also a very good show that was on the history channel called "ancient aliens",IMO a must watch.sorry i tried to paste the whole article so you wouldnt have to follow the link,didnt paste the pics and other links for some reason??.so you can read from here or follow the link.goodluck hunting.
Ancient Civilizations
The Origin of Man
has been long
once, by religious orthodoxy
and now, by modern science
but recently
have begun to uncover
bits of startling new evidence
that when pieced together
lead to the controversial
yet undeniable conclusion
that the timeline is wrong
as we know it
does not have all the answers
and maybe
just maybe
is not
a myth
after all.
The more we look at these sites
the more they fail to match up
with what we thought
we were sure about
- the foundation of modern culture -
that ours is the first ascension of Man
and earlier civilizations
may have had some
primitive technologies
but Ancient Astronomy
was about religion
and the harvest
nothing more.
We study these sites
- to fill in the blanks -
but many of these sites
all of the really old ones
- align to each other -
though they may be on
opposite sides of the world
and utilize Sacred Geometry
in their construction, design
- everything about them.
More than just
positioned under
a few very bright stars
on the Summer Solstice
or in honor of gods
there is a real
higher order
at work here.
It takes a bit of
and perhaps the
Unified Field Theory
to even appreciate it.
Whatever they were doing
they were doing it together
longer ago than we thought.
Could we modern humans be the
descendants of Ancient Astronauts
and so long ago, nobody believes it?
Where Have We Been?
This Olmec Head (right) is thought to be over 3000 years old. The man's features are clearly African, but this giant 8 foot tall stone statue was found in the jungles of southern Mexico - and is but one of 17 so far discovered, in varrying stages of erosion from millennia in the deep jungle.
One imagines, in any century, it is to be considered a high honor for someone to take the time to carve your likeness in anything even approaching the size of a volkswagon - thus, they were leaders, or heroes; certainly revered figures. Before Rome or Greece, or perhaps even the pharaohs of Egypt, there was a civilization, a dominant culture in Mexico from the Pacific to the Yucatan - and the people who posed for the Olmec Heads are known to have written in symbols almost identical to that of the Nubian, Kush, Vai and Mande of West Africa.
While his helment looks like something right out of the Bronze Age, on closer inspection, doesn't appear to have been made of metal at all - it could very well have been leather, or any form of cloth attributed to the time. Could it be simply a hat, or even a religious costume? The thing is, each Olmec Head is of a different person - with slightly different features, and slightly different hats. The ornamentation could be specific, denoting rank; or, they could be just regular ordinary people. But true wizards of their day, likely responsible for building the great American pyramid complexes. They sailed across the Atlantic, from Africa to the ancient New World - and brought with them a knowledge of math and astronomy that was only rivaled in Egypt.
While this may seem to have nothing to do with aliens, or even a particularly advanced ancient civilization (to rival our own), they had knowledge of things which we do not, or are just beginning to discover. It is stunning enough, the proof that people from Africa set out across the Mid Atlantic and settled in the Americas. Given that, one has to understand what an incredible feat it was for the time - and how impressed the locals must have been. They founded a new civilization.
There was certainly trade between the two continents of Africa and South America: Egyptian mummies were recently forensically found to have traces of aspirin, cocoa and tobacco (perhaps as medicines, shortly before their deaths) plants that were originally indigenous to the Americas. But this is not the only connection:ancient Egyptian boats are exactly like what Peruvian natives weave today, out of reeds, to venture out onto Lake Titicaca - shaped just slightly more like a crescent moon than a canoe, or a classic dragon headed Viking vessel - and it just so happens to be the perfect shape for a relatively small ship to handle an ocean's waves. But what if the Olmecs weren't the first?
We've all heard stories of the Vikings settling in Iceland, Greenland, and as far as Eastern Canada - legends have those expeditions drifting further inland, and assimilating into the population. Even in mainstream science, it is becoming more and more accepted today, that Columbus was not first to discover America, and maybe it was a well-kept secret - more of a validation of its existence to the political dominance of the day. There is even a legend of a Chinese expedition across the Pacific - which landed in California, and set out north, east and south from there - the southern band having settled among the Aztec and Inca, eventually assimilating into their societies, bringing with them the same circular calendar, the same dragonesque lizard gods; even the same styles of clothing. Traces of an unmistakably Asian perspective on astronomy is present in the temples and calendars of ancient America.
Perhaps the one reason why these expeditions are reduced to legends, and even myths, may be because they either failed to thrive; or were, for whatever reason, either unable or unwilling to return. The Olmecs are said to have arrived in Mexico by twelve roads through the sea, (possibly referring to twelve seperate expeditions, out from West Africa) and settled in a variety of places, even as far south as Guatemala - where they are credited with dividing the early Maya culture in half, via language.
Cultures were forced to adapt or perish - and we will likely never know any of the particulars. It seems we can only gaze in awe and wonder at what they've left behind. But all of these sites have a common theme - to each other, and with other contemporary sites around the world. There's math, and astronomy, and Sacred Geometry - they knew the world was round - they knew exactly where they were on the Earth - and, in some cases, they knew exactly where other sites are, and how far away.
Cities Under the Stars
Whoever built these networks of monuments, they're long gone. and left little that we can even discern about who they were - much less, what happened to them. But when they vanished, they left their pyramids and observatories behind. Centuries passed, sometimes even millennia - and other peoples came, to call them home. They surely noticed the most basic of alignments to the sun, throughout the year - and perhaps even decoded some inscriptions, basing their written language on that. But the most telling clue is the names of these places - their meanings in indigenous tongues: City of the Gods; Ancient Aliens.
In the 16th Century, when Cortez arrived in America, the dominant culture of Mexico City was the Great Aztec Nation. Expecting primitive natives, and hoping for El Dorado, he found instead Tenochtitlan; and Teotihuacan (above right). Stumbling upon an entirely new civilization; as great and bustling a city as any of its day: with such imposing landmarks as the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, and Avenue of the Dead - what must he have thought this civilization capable of? Bloodthirsty human sacrifice. Devil worship. Whatever his thoughts, he easily conquered its people and looted all of its gold. Many of the pricelss treasures of antiquity, some that could perhaps have provided us with further clues of the common, global, mother culture - lost forever.
Outnumbering Cortez nearly 100 to 1, Montezuma had no reason to contemplate extinction. But the fall of the Aztecs - whose bloody rituals horrified the equally superstitious pre-renaissance Christians - goes down in history as by far the most stunning slaughter of all time. Palaces were looted, libraries raided, temples burned - every last golden trinket was melted down, and uncountled priceless jade statuettes were smashed - very few ancient historical records escaped destruction. But it almost goes without saying that a civilization like the Aztec (based on little of their own invention beyond bloody human sacrifice) is probably fairly incapable of designing, much less constructing, the massive pyramid cities which we associate with them today. So who did?
Just being in the presence of such monuments seems to conjur up the spirits of our ancestors. But nothing we know of our past, firsthand, can account for the vast number and precision of alignments incorporated within. Stepped pyramids representing every planet in our solar system, each laid out as accurate as we could manage today (or would bother to); were not possibly built by a people who did not possess the wheel, and whose major pastime was mass Human sacrifice. It is important to remember that Uranus and Neptune were not discovered until well after the Aztec empire was a distant memory - and Pluto, in the early 20th Century, several centuries after the Aztecs put their violent marks on the grand pyramids of Mexico; and likely millennia after they were originally constructed.
Looking harder at the symmetry and mathematics permeating every angle of these sites, it is becoming more widely accepted today, in mainstream science, that the Aztecs had nothing to do with their original construction. Overlooking any Meso American site, especially Teotihuacan, it is hard to not come away with a sense of standing in the playground of giants - and that is very likely how these ancient peoples felt, when they stumbled upon the scene themselves; and as much is sifted from their legends, surviving to this day, in the people of Mexico. As for the Mayan culture, the word "Maya" means, simply, "old ones" - just as "Anasazi," from the Four Corners area of the American Southwest, means "ancient aliens." Could it be that the Anasazi were assimilated Asians, who eventually migrated south to Mexico?
Mexico City claims the record for longest inhabited city, through its association with and proximity to Teotihuacan - predating Rome, Athens, Baghdad, and many other top contenders; if we only knew by what phoenomenal margin. The pyramids of Teotihuacan are aligned to the planets and stars - as they appeared in the sky during the Age of Leo, circa 10,500 BC, the exact same era as the Pyramids of Giza are equally, amazingly, aligned - and in such a way that we would scarcely be capable of today. But why would we want to? We have no need of architectual reminders that there are giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn, and how many moons they have; but yet there are pyramids corresponding to every planet, spaced out in perfect proportions - with even a tiny monument for Pluto, way off in the mountains. If any of us are interested, we can look it up in a book, or turn on the Discovery Channel. But still, established orthodoxy refuses to change the established timeline to account for a great Mother Culture that must have existed globally in unaccountable antiquity. It is perhaps to our credit, in this great age of mass communication, that we are able to make connections across fields of science that previously had no interest in each other - and this collaboration may be the key to rediscovering our ancient heritage on this planet. But, very often, wrong ideas remain, until elder statesmen retire.
Piecing it all together: this amazing civilization, only recently emerging from the mists of time, was certainly maritime based. We have no reason to believe their territory did not span the entire world. They knew the measurements of the Earth, and the stars of the sky, as well as we do today - but not just for planting, or religious ceremonies; they didn't stop there, and these may have been periferal applications. These are far more accurate than is necessarry for mere agriculture; even in hostile, challenging, climates; and they don't accomodate rashly changing climates - which, in many cases, seems to be why the locations were abandoned, at least by historic cultures.
Precision accuracy is required, however, to navigate the high seas; perhaps to sail to all the places of the world that they had settled, or colonized - to place Stonehenge exactly where it is, precisely aligned to Easter Island, Palenque, the Acropolis and the Pyramids of Giza.
For further proof, some of these sites on precice points of global alignment, are now many meters underwater: Yoniguni off the coast of Taiwan; Pohnpei in the South Pacific; Bimini Island in the Bahamas. Also, the Azores; Nazca; Machu Picchu; Tiahuanaco; Angkor Wot; and many others: all are sites which are arranged at specific regular intervals around the globe, are aligned to each other in familiar patterns, known to the ancients as Sacred Geometry. Even their architecture could not possibly have been constructed or conceived by primitive people - so many other ideas would have naturally been tried first, and many would remain. Rome, Greece, the Great Wall of China: these are examples of a primitive culture emerging from the Dark Ages. But Giza, Teotihuacan, Yoniguni: this is a completely different civilization, altogether.
Each of them, in their own way, tells us that their era was 13,000 years ago - when Mankind was not supposed to have had much technology beyond fire and stone spears; no wheel, no writing, certainly no mathematics or astronomy. But here all of these sites are. What are we to make of them? Clearly, history has to be rewritten.
Other Worlds of Information
Essential Documents from Outside Sources
Sacred Geometry
The Construction of Ancient Archaeological Sites
utilizes and is centered around certain universal constants
including Pi, Phi, and the Square Roots of Two, Three and Five
Geographic Geometry
"A New Look at an Old Design" ~ by Jim Alison
Exploring Geographic and Geometric Relationships
Along Several Lines of Ancient Sites Around the World
Bookshelf Cited Sources
pages in this section
reference material covered
in the following volumes
Atlantis Bimini Yonaguni Nazca
Stonehenge Easter Island Anasazi
Machu Picchu Sacsahuama Tiahuanaco
UFOs Ancient Civilizations Crop Circles Pyramids The Face on Mars Cryptozoology
Ancient Civilizations
The Origin of Man
has been long
once, by religious orthodoxy
and now, by modern science
but recently
have begun to uncover
bits of startling new evidence
that when pieced together
lead to the controversial
yet undeniable conclusion
that the timeline is wrong
as we know it
does not have all the answers
and maybe
just maybe
is not
a myth
after all.
The more we look at these sites
the more they fail to match up
with what we thought
we were sure about
- the foundation of modern culture -
that ours is the first ascension of Man
and earlier civilizations
may have had some
primitive technologies
but Ancient Astronomy
was about religion
and the harvest
nothing more.
We study these sites
- to fill in the blanks -
but many of these sites
all of the really old ones
- align to each other -
though they may be on
opposite sides of the world
and utilize Sacred Geometry
in their construction, design
- everything about them.
More than just
positioned under
a few very bright stars
on the Summer Solstice
or in honor of gods
there is a real
higher order
at work here.
It takes a bit of
and perhaps the
Unified Field Theory
to even appreciate it.
Whatever they were doing
they were doing it together
longer ago than we thought.
Could we modern humans be the
descendants of Ancient Astronauts
and so long ago, nobody believes it?
Where Have We Been?
This Olmec Head (right) is thought to be over 3000 years old. The man's features are clearly African, but this giant 8 foot tall stone statue was found in the jungles of southern Mexico - and is but one of 17 so far discovered, in varrying stages of erosion from millennia in the deep jungle.
One imagines, in any century, it is to be considered a high honor for someone to take the time to carve your likeness in anything even approaching the size of a volkswagon - thus, they were leaders, or heroes; certainly revered figures. Before Rome or Greece, or perhaps even the pharaohs of Egypt, there was a civilization, a dominant culture in Mexico from the Pacific to the Yucatan - and the people who posed for the Olmec Heads are known to have written in symbols almost identical to that of the Nubian, Kush, Vai and Mande of West Africa.
While his helment looks like something right out of the Bronze Age, on closer inspection, doesn't appear to have been made of metal at all - it could very well have been leather, or any form of cloth attributed to the time. Could it be simply a hat, or even a religious costume? The thing is, each Olmec Head is of a different person - with slightly different features, and slightly different hats. The ornamentation could be specific, denoting rank; or, they could be just regular ordinary people. But true wizards of their day, likely responsible for building the great American pyramid complexes. They sailed across the Atlantic, from Africa to the ancient New World - and brought with them a knowledge of math and astronomy that was only rivaled in Egypt.
While this may seem to have nothing to do with aliens, or even a particularly advanced ancient civilization (to rival our own), they had knowledge of things which we do not, or are just beginning to discover. It is stunning enough, the proof that people from Africa set out across the Mid Atlantic and settled in the Americas. Given that, one has to understand what an incredible feat it was for the time - and how impressed the locals must have been. They founded a new civilization.
There was certainly trade between the two continents of Africa and South America: Egyptian mummies were recently forensically found to have traces of aspirin, cocoa and tobacco (perhaps as medicines, shortly before their deaths) plants that were originally indigenous to the Americas. But this is not the only connection:ancient Egyptian boats are exactly like what Peruvian natives weave today, out of reeds, to venture out onto Lake Titicaca - shaped just slightly more like a crescent moon than a canoe, or a classic dragon headed Viking vessel - and it just so happens to be the perfect shape for a relatively small ship to handle an ocean's waves. But what if the Olmecs weren't the first?
We've all heard stories of the Vikings settling in Iceland, Greenland, and as far as Eastern Canada - legends have those expeditions drifting further inland, and assimilating into the population. Even in mainstream science, it is becoming more and more accepted today, that Columbus was not first to discover America, and maybe it was a well-kept secret - more of a validation of its existence to the political dominance of the day. There is even a legend of a Chinese expedition across the Pacific - which landed in California, and set out north, east and south from there - the southern band having settled among the Aztec and Inca, eventually assimilating into their societies, bringing with them the same circular calendar, the same dragonesque lizard gods; even the same styles of clothing. Traces of an unmistakably Asian perspective on astronomy is present in the temples and calendars of ancient America.
Perhaps the one reason why these expeditions are reduced to legends, and even myths, may be because they either failed to thrive; or were, for whatever reason, either unable or unwilling to return. The Olmecs are said to have arrived in Mexico by twelve roads through the sea, (possibly referring to twelve seperate expeditions, out from West Africa) and settled in a variety of places, even as far south as Guatemala - where they are credited with dividing the early Maya culture in half, via language.
Cultures were forced to adapt or perish - and we will likely never know any of the particulars. It seems we can only gaze in awe and wonder at what they've left behind. But all of these sites have a common theme - to each other, and with other contemporary sites around the world. There's math, and astronomy, and Sacred Geometry - they knew the world was round - they knew exactly where they were on the Earth - and, in some cases, they knew exactly where other sites are, and how far away.
Cities Under the Stars
Whoever built these networks of monuments, they're long gone. and left little that we can even discern about who they were - much less, what happened to them. But when they vanished, they left their pyramids and observatories behind. Centuries passed, sometimes even millennia - and other peoples came, to call them home. They surely noticed the most basic of alignments to the sun, throughout the year - and perhaps even decoded some inscriptions, basing their written language on that. But the most telling clue is the names of these places - their meanings in indigenous tongues: City of the Gods; Ancient Aliens.
In the 16th Century, when Cortez arrived in America, the dominant culture of Mexico City was the Great Aztec Nation. Expecting primitive natives, and hoping for El Dorado, he found instead Tenochtitlan; and Teotihuacan (above right). Stumbling upon an entirely new civilization; as great and bustling a city as any of its day: with such imposing landmarks as the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, and Avenue of the Dead - what must he have thought this civilization capable of? Bloodthirsty human sacrifice. Devil worship. Whatever his thoughts, he easily conquered its people and looted all of its gold. Many of the pricelss treasures of antiquity, some that could perhaps have provided us with further clues of the common, global, mother culture - lost forever.
Outnumbering Cortez nearly 100 to 1, Montezuma had no reason to contemplate extinction. But the fall of the Aztecs - whose bloody rituals horrified the equally superstitious pre-renaissance Christians - goes down in history as by far the most stunning slaughter of all time. Palaces were looted, libraries raided, temples burned - every last golden trinket was melted down, and uncountled priceless jade statuettes were smashed - very few ancient historical records escaped destruction. But it almost goes without saying that a civilization like the Aztec (based on little of their own invention beyond bloody human sacrifice) is probably fairly incapable of designing, much less constructing, the massive pyramid cities which we associate with them today. So who did?
Just being in the presence of such monuments seems to conjur up the spirits of our ancestors. But nothing we know of our past, firsthand, can account for the vast number and precision of alignments incorporated within. Stepped pyramids representing every planet in our solar system, each laid out as accurate as we could manage today (or would bother to); were not possibly built by a people who did not possess the wheel, and whose major pastime was mass Human sacrifice. It is important to remember that Uranus and Neptune were not discovered until well after the Aztec empire was a distant memory - and Pluto, in the early 20th Century, several centuries after the Aztecs put their violent marks on the grand pyramids of Mexico; and likely millennia after they were originally constructed.
Looking harder at the symmetry and mathematics permeating every angle of these sites, it is becoming more widely accepted today, in mainstream science, that the Aztecs had nothing to do with their original construction. Overlooking any Meso American site, especially Teotihuacan, it is hard to not come away with a sense of standing in the playground of giants - and that is very likely how these ancient peoples felt, when they stumbled upon the scene themselves; and as much is sifted from their legends, surviving to this day, in the people of Mexico. As for the Mayan culture, the word "Maya" means, simply, "old ones" - just as "Anasazi," from the Four Corners area of the American Southwest, means "ancient aliens." Could it be that the Anasazi were assimilated Asians, who eventually migrated south to Mexico?
Mexico City claims the record for longest inhabited city, through its association with and proximity to Teotihuacan - predating Rome, Athens, Baghdad, and many other top contenders; if we only knew by what phoenomenal margin. The pyramids of Teotihuacan are aligned to the planets and stars - as they appeared in the sky during the Age of Leo, circa 10,500 BC, the exact same era as the Pyramids of Giza are equally, amazingly, aligned - and in such a way that we would scarcely be capable of today. But why would we want to? We have no need of architectual reminders that there are giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn, and how many moons they have; but yet there are pyramids corresponding to every planet, spaced out in perfect proportions - with even a tiny monument for Pluto, way off in the mountains. If any of us are interested, we can look it up in a book, or turn on the Discovery Channel. But still, established orthodoxy refuses to change the established timeline to account for a great Mother Culture that must have existed globally in unaccountable antiquity. It is perhaps to our credit, in this great age of mass communication, that we are able to make connections across fields of science that previously had no interest in each other - and this collaboration may be the key to rediscovering our ancient heritage on this planet. But, very often, wrong ideas remain, until elder statesmen retire.
Piecing it all together: this amazing civilization, only recently emerging from the mists of time, was certainly maritime based. We have no reason to believe their territory did not span the entire world. They knew the measurements of the Earth, and the stars of the sky, as well as we do today - but not just for planting, or religious ceremonies; they didn't stop there, and these may have been periferal applications. These are far more accurate than is necessarry for mere agriculture; even in hostile, challenging, climates; and they don't accomodate rashly changing climates - which, in many cases, seems to be why the locations were abandoned, at least by historic cultures.
Precision accuracy is required, however, to navigate the high seas; perhaps to sail to all the places of the world that they had settled, or colonized - to place Stonehenge exactly where it is, precisely aligned to Easter Island, Palenque, the Acropolis and the Pyramids of Giza.
For further proof, some of these sites on precice points of global alignment, are now many meters underwater: Yoniguni off the coast of Taiwan; Pohnpei in the South Pacific; Bimini Island in the Bahamas. Also, the Azores; Nazca; Machu Picchu; Tiahuanaco; Angkor Wot; and many others: all are sites which are arranged at specific regular intervals around the globe, are aligned to each other in familiar patterns, known to the ancients as Sacred Geometry. Even their architecture could not possibly have been constructed or conceived by primitive people - so many other ideas would have naturally been tried first, and many would remain. Rome, Greece, the Great Wall of China: these are examples of a primitive culture emerging from the Dark Ages. But Giza, Teotihuacan, Yoniguni: this is a completely different civilization, altogether.
Each of them, in their own way, tells us that their era was 13,000 years ago - when Mankind was not supposed to have had much technology beyond fire and stone spears; no wheel, no writing, certainly no mathematics or astronomy. But here all of these sites are. What are we to make of them? Clearly, history has to be rewritten.
Other Worlds of Information
Essential Documents from Outside Sources
Sacred Geometry
The Construction of Ancient Archaeological Sites
utilizes and is centered around certain universal constants
including Pi, Phi, and the Square Roots of Two, Three and Five
Geographic Geometry
"A New Look at an Old Design" ~ by Jim Alison
Exploring Geographic and Geometric Relationships
Along Several Lines of Ancient Sites Around the World
Bookshelf Cited Sources
pages in this section
reference material covered
in the following volumes
Atlantis Bimini Yonaguni Nazca
Stonehenge Easter Island Anasazi
Machu Picchu Sacsahuama Tiahuanaco
UFOs Ancient Civilizations Crop Circles Pyramids The Face on Mars Cryptozoology