ancient aliens??

The last claim about human population has been debunked many times over
based primarily on such a high growth rate of 0.5 %.
This claim assumes that the population growth rate was always constant, which is a false assumption. Wars and plagues would have caused populations to drop from time to time. In particular, population sizes before agriculture would have been severely limited and would have had an average population growth of zero for any number of years.

There is no particular reason to choose a population growth rate of 0.5 percent for the calculation. The population growth from 1000 to 1800 has been closer to 0.1227 percent per year (Encyclopaedia Britannica 1984). At that rate, the population would have grown to its present size from the eight Flood survivors in 16,660 years.

The other 2 claims I'll look at when I have time , however I know it will be a waste of time.
Check out this nonsense and my reply :,284152.msg2056912.html#msg2056912

piggy said:
The other 2 claims I'll look at when I have time , however I know it will be a waste of time.

That's a preconception. You're disqualified.

Kentucky Kache said:
creek astronaut said:
Kentucky Kache,Am i serious??lol.All the advancements in technology of today can be explained,i can easily tell you how a light bulb works or how a nuclear powered aircraft carrier works.but you and I can not explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago.

Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

We have the structures the ancients left behind, and there's no way those things could have been built by people fresh out of the cave. Markings on artifacts show signs of high tech machining comparable to what we have today. So, by writings, by artifacts, by building techniques, we can explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago, and it was achieved exactly like it's achieved the mind of man, not the mind of aliens.
ok how did ancient humans not aliens build the stepped pyramids at Teotihaucan?These pyramids are precisely aligned with the planets.They were aligned in the age of leo, the way the planets were aligned 10,500 years ago.oh by the way,pluto was not discovered until the 20th century,and uranus and neptune werent discovered until well after the aztecs were long lets see,no wheel,no writing,no metal tools ,bronze hadnt even been thought of at this point in time.please give me an expanation?

creek astronaut said:
Kentucky Kache said:
creek astronaut said:
Kentucky Kache,Am i serious??lol.All the advancements in technology of today can be explained,i can easily tell you how a light bulb works or how a nuclear powered aircraft carrier works.but you and I can not explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago.

Why can't we explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago? We are given more historical detail about that than probably anything in our modern history books. And that was my purpose for the passages from the book so many people love to hate. I was giving an account of the origins of technology. I also mentioned the works we call mythology. No one seemed to be offended by that. Strange.

We have the structures the ancients left behind, and there's no way those things could have been built by people fresh out of the cave. Markings on artifacts show signs of high tech machining comparable to what we have today. So, by writings, by artifacts, by building techniques, we can explain the things that were achieved thousands of years ago, and it was achieved exactly like it's achieved the mind of man, not the mind of aliens.
ok how did ancient humans not aliens build the stepped pyramids at Teotihaucan?These pyramids are precisely aligned with the planets.They were aligned in the age of leo, the way the planets were aligned 10,500 years ago.oh by the way,pluto was not discovered until the 20th century,and uranus and neptune werent discovered until well after the aztecs were long lets see,no wheel,no writing,no metal tools ,bronze hadnt even been thought of at this point in time.please give me an expanation?

The answer, at least in part, is in your own statement. If you can answer how WE discovered Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, and how we do all these other high tech things we do, then you have the answer to how THEY did it.

There might have been a time when they didn't have the wheel, and writing, and metal tools, etc., but all that changed, just like it changed for us in the modern world. We went from horse and buggy to Cars and airplanes pretty much overnight. And look at the technology boom since WW2, including SPACE TRAVEL. No aliens involved.

If you're looking for specifics on how they built those structures, I'm afraid I can't explain that, anymore than I can explain how to build a modern nuclear power plant. But I know such power plants exist, and I also know such things existed back then. If aliens didn't build ours, why would I think that aliens had to build theirs? They had, and used, atomic power. So do we. As it was then, so is it now.

creek astronaut wrote: ok how did ancient humans not aliens build the stepped pyramids at Teotihaucan?These pyramids are precisely aligned with the planets.They were aligned in the age of leo, the way the planets were aligned 10,500 years ago.oh by the way,pluto was not discovered until the 20th century,and uranus and neptune werent discovered until well after the aztecs were long lets see,no wheel,no writing,no metal tools ,bronze hadnt even been thought of at this point in time.please give me an expanation?

These are some of the questions all of us are asking. The so called scientist who claim these great edifices were done with copper hand tools and crude ropes and log rollers are stonewalling the questions THEY should be asking. H-O-W ?

Some of us believe the first humans were created having the knowledge necessary to accomplish great things. When Noah's flood wiped out everyone except a handfull of folks, all that knowledge was basically lost and had to be relearned. Noah's flood is not "religious" is geological FACT. Mainstream scientists can deny it all they want, but they cannot explain the evidence of a worldwide flood so what they do is IGNORE it and try to demonize anyone who goes against their theory as religious nuts. Hell, if you believe everything those fools write, you have to believe everything the ancients did was some sort of religious action. :icon_scratch:
They want it both ways.

The Origin of Man .................

Yes, there are several theories about where we came from or how we got here or how we came to be etc... but the bottom line is that we just do not know.

As you can see from the above thread, there are beliefs by various people, but the science does not add up, according to the articles above.... but the bottom line is that we just do not know.

Could be that we have not advanced enough as a species to fully understand what it is that we are trying to understand.

Just look around at our ' modern' world. We still have an abundance ignorance, including, but not limited to, extremist religious zealots, greedy, power hungry politicians and an assortment of criminals that would rob you blind or kill you just for the fun of it. That is the reality of our little blue marble. We have the technology to wipe out the entire globe and there are those who will utilize it, given the chance, to advance there warped idealism. But back to the question of where did we come from... well, may be one day we will find out for sure if we are still here to have obtained that knowledge.

I do not know where we came from, no body knows for sure, but if you look around at the history of various civilizations from the past, we seem to reach a particular level of development then the entire civilization disappears. This has apparently happened more than once. Why? What happens? We do not know, but again, there are several theories.

Does the earth have a near miss by an orbiting body that come by every three to six thousand years, that causes near extinction? Is it disease on a world wide basis? Drought, famine on a world wide basis or is it natural occurring conditions such as massive volcanic eruptions? Will it be nuclear extinction or just a massive gamma burst from the sun that no one saw coming?

The fact is that we do not know. There is always the science of speculation and theories but no one really knows for sure. We could argue all these points, but every one will choose one of the existing theories to believe in. I do not begrudge anyone for there beliefs and one day, hopefully our species will advance to the point that we can prove one of the theories that we currently have, to be correct. Until that day, we all have front row seats in the theater of life. Enjoy the show. ;D

Ray S ECenFL

Just because I don't know how to build a nuclear power plant, I can't say that no one knows. :wink:
Theories are only in man's mind. Some things are known. But science will never know them, because it don't come through their channels. In fact, it's hid to them.

One more thing on "as it was, so shall it be."
Are you familiar with what has been called Pharaoh's helicopter?

1. As it was.
2. As it is.


  • image003.webp
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  • ch53eskycraneSELbluesky[1].webp
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Wow !! Looks like other things in that glyph as well. :thumbsup:

TnMountains said:
Wow !! Looks like other things in that glyph as well. :thumbsup:

Yes, there are other things there. When I first saw this a few years ago I thought it was a modern fake. I believed in ancient technology, but usually the evidence don't come in pictures this clear. What convinced me it was real was the skeptics explanation. They say it was merely hieroglyphics that had been partly worn away. WHAT! These are accidental pictures, I guess. :laughing7: Anyway, that told me that these wall carvings are authentic, because there was not a word about them being faked. We're looking into the ancient past and seeing a picture of modern times, JUST AS OUR WRITINGS SAID IT WAS, AND WAS TO BE AGAIN.

Religions are created because of technology. There are bamboo and rattan planes dotting the islands in the Pacific Ocean that tribes built as idols to the "Gods" that flew over or even landed on their "worlds" during WWII. The occupants of the planes were "messengers of the Gods". Take this backward to past millenniums and it explains the writings and text of most religions.

Civilization just did not begin when mankind started pulling itself out of the last ice age. We have too much proof of superstructures all over the world to verify that cities existed thousands of years before that, even before the discovery of Lucy.

I don't think like Erik Von Daniken or Zachary Stitchin that we were visited by aliens and much as I believe that we have just risen and fallen as humanity many, many times over. Though the date is not so accurate I believe mankind has been on this planet for over 600 million years. Probably, just after the worst ice age in the history of our planet that covered the ENTIRE planet with ice. Had it not been for the volcanic activity of our core, it would have still remained a wasteland.

The volcanic activity produced the necessary "ingredients" to substain life. Thus, those exploding mountains eventually melted the ice and began life on this planet through whatever means the mixtures that dissolved together could create.

Man was walking erect long before Lucy and recent (1990's) discoveries of bone fragments of a skull proved it. Man begin civilizations millions of years before Lucy. The skull was identified to be an erectus homo sapien, which is to say they were already standing instead of just lifting themselves up on their hindquarters to peer over the savannas.

The pyramids, the sunken foundations around in the oceans, etc are the sole remains of a great people that had more technology in their little toes than we have had in our whole bodies. We try to explain it away as if we are the most technological civilization and I think we are in the right direction but, are a long way from matching them.


Well, people have been travelling all around the world almost since man was able to walk upright. There were people 10,000 years ago who had seen all the continents and all the oceans....very interesting....

Deep, deep, deep! I read a lengthy article once that theorized that man was an alien to this planet, yes indeed seeded by extraterrestials. Someone else refered to that theory earlier. It makes as much sense as anything else I have been able to imagine. That would explain why man alone has the complicated brain power to do so many things the lower animals cannot do? Monty

can't quite make these out

not Invented Yet ?
Time Machines ?
Alien Craft ?

Or am i Missing something ?


Monty said:
Deep, deep, deep! I read a lengthy article once that theorized that man was an alien to this planet, yes indeed seeded by extraterrestrials. Someone else referred to that theory earlier. It makes as much sense as anything else I have been able to imagine. That would explain why man alone has the complicated brain power to do so many things the lower animals cannot do? Monty

Monty, there are probably other people on other planets and they probably have even visited us. I think that the ancient writings on temple walls that show men in space craft and the biblical references in Isiah and such are pretty much actually humans that had technology that ran into humans that did not comprehend said technology. Like the tribes that saw planes for the first time in the Pacific during WWII. Aliens would have left some trace by now if they had actually attempted colonization or DNA splicing of our species.


simplemaninpr said:
I think that the ancient writings on temple walls that show men in space craft and the biblical references in Isiah and such are pretty much actually humans that had technology that ran into humans that did not comprehend said technology. Like the tribes that saw planes for the first time in the Pacific during WWII.

I wish you'd rethink that. But of course, that's up to you.

LMAO!!!!!!!!KENTUCKY KACHE!!!You are killing me.So what you are saying is that ancient man had telescopes,gps and diamond tip steel tools 10,500 years ago??"they did it how we do it today" did i miss the ancient telescope dicovery article??so basically what you have been saying on this thread is that you dont believe in aliens or any other life forms other than us and the thunder god thor??

Atlantis and Lemuria are just 2 of the supposedly mythological civilizations written about in ancient texts. Remember, Troy was considered a myth, too, until the English Archy followed the stories, verbatim, and found it.

If "seeding" took place instead of evolution there would not be any effect on our DNA. Perhaps the seeding was done by what we call God. Perhaps earliest man had no knowledge of the seeding and our Gods were a result of misunderstanding or the inability to comprehend? I am not talking about just the christian God, but remember there were many Gods worshiped over time. I am not saying I believe that but it is just a theory I have seen expressed. My personal belief has nothing to do with the concept so please don't jump on me and think I am a heretic. Monty


I don't question the hieroglyphs. I question that they are of alien crafts. I think that past civilizations probably advanced themselves just as much as we are but, succumbed to natural or manmade disasters and had to start all over again. You know, kinda like Planet of the Apes but, without the monkeys! :laughing7:


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