Another day in the park


Silver Member
Jan 18, 2018
Central Massachusetts
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab equinox 800, Manticore & XP Deus II , 2 Garrett carrots, Minelab find 35 pin pointer, NX6 shovel , 31” Lesche shovel, whites digmaster, Lesche hand trowel, 3-5 gallon buckets full of crappola
Primary Interest:
Went out to one of my local parks with my diggin’ buddy. This place has millions of beer can lids in some spots, oddly enough right next to a no littering sign. Anyway, instead of walking half a mile into the park to play in the trash, I decided to stay at the entrance with all the beer can lids. I got the 6” coil for my equinox recently so I thought I would see what I could find amidst all the can tops. I kept getting the very loud shallow 21-25 signals from the cans but I noticed a little bleep spiking to 30-31. So not wanting to be cheated out of my intact steel beer can, I dug the signal and out popped my little spill, a walker, merc, Rosie and 2 wheats😬👍🏻 I’m really starting to love this machine , especially with the 6” coil.
Thanks for tuning in, good luck and happy hunting🍀


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Holy crap Joe Dirt. That is amazing. You are a walking advertisement. I might need to grab a 6 inch coil for my CTX to keep up with you!

That is a really nice spill!

Holy crap Joe Dirt. That is amazing. You are a walking advertisement. I might need to grab a 6 inch coil for my CTX to keep up with you!
Your brother is still beating us both with that honkin’ Philippino dollar, we both gotta get swingin’ (;

I need to hook up with both of you lol great finds. I went out twice got 1 dollar in class lol

I need to hook up with both of you lol great finds. I went out twice got 1 dollar in class lol

Thanks Tommy! Keep after it man. I've been reading a lot of history books lately to try and stay on top of finding good, historical sites.

Thats a very nice hole you dug! Congratulations on the silver coin spill!!

Sweet spill in one of my fav hunting areas...where the others walked past as too much trash. Grats!

Great park you are hunting, congrats! :occasion14:

Nice diggin Joe-Dirt. Glad the small coil did its job in the trash. Congrats!

Nice spill recovery. A big congrats. Love finding those Walkers.

Awesome Pocket Spill!!! Congrats!!!!!

That's picking and grinning there!!!

Nice spill, love the Walker and Merc!:icon_thumright: I need to find me one of those!

Another good hunt with some excellent saves Bob. Congrats.

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