Any Roseville/Folsom diggers?


Full Member
Nov 13, 2013
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
AT Pro, Fisher CZ-21
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Hey CA TNETTERS! Fellow MD'er from MI here. In town on business for the week and wondered if anyone wanted to share some of your spots? I'll buy lunch/dinner!

I use an AT PRO and really interested in old relics. I will be in town until Friday morning, hit me up!


Jeremy, this section of this forum (the CA specific subsection of a national forum), as you can see: Generates very little traffic. There are CA specific forums (like the kinzli forum) that I know a few Sacramento/Roseville/Auburn area hunters chime in. But I suspect they would not be forthcoming on cherry sites.

The issue with the more long-time hard-core types is that if they have a "site that is producing" (potential seateds, gold rush era stuff, etc...) is that they tend to hunt those harder-to-earn sites, with a select group of just 2 or 3. Otherwise, the site can "over-stay its welcome" (if it's a site that ... uh ... might attract questions if too many people started showing up). And let's face it: Old coins are not self-replenishing. And the amount of time that goes into research to find a site that's giving up choice-gold rush coins, is something that you would *hope* has reciprocal effects. Ie.: if you turn a buddy on to a good site (to help you harvest), then you hope he reciprocates with like sites in the future. Otherwise, it becomes a one-way-game (been there, done that).

So for example, if someone comes to my area of CA, I'm more than willing to join up with an out-of-towner short-stay person ('cuz I love to hunt). But I'm probably not going to take them to choice back-pocket sites (where we've pulled reales and early seateds). Instead, I'd show them the beach, or some place with a shot at 1940's/50s silver, or whatever.

I guess it's sort of like trout-fishing a difficult stream: If you know a hole where there's a chance a trophy trout, it's only good in-so-far as it's just 1 or 2 fisherman. If it starts to be elbow to elbow, then it ceases to be a "secret trophy trout spot". I know this sounds elitist snobby. But I know of way too many hard-core hunters who just ended up spending all their time taking guys to hard-earned spots, and seeing it become a one-way street. And they end up spurning their like-minded hard-core friends, who feel like they're "blabbing to the world".

Yeah yeah, I know it's a catch-22 ('cuz how are you ever supposed to meet-&-greet if you're not welcomed into the "inner circle" ?) If you were moving to the area, that would be different. But for a short-time vacation stay, you might be relegated to park turf, swim beaches for modern jewelry, etc...

If you have time to research, grab the book "Historic Spots in California" by "Hoover". But be aware: That this time of year, all the spring growth is still too tall (on account of heavy rains last winter). So no matter how you slice it, you're simply not here long enough. If you find that your visit coincides with the Sacramento club meeting time, you might stop in there. See if someone, who's bringing choice stuff to the show & tell, is willing to sub-invite for subsequent trips. Or if you want to try your hand at nuggets, that's far and away the bigger md'ing pursuit in those areas now. And that's not as "hush hush" as coins/relics.

SVDB Sac.Valley Detecting Buffs

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