Anyone else feel like this?



Hey Everyone,
I am struggling with a way to thank people who reply to my posted finds. The way I was raised, if someone says something nice, it's only proper to say "Thank You".
I don't make the greatest finds and I feel uncomfortable saying thanks and having my thread automatically moved up to the top. Does anyone else feel this way?
If a cleaned up pic is added or an update on value or something like that is added, I can see a need for it to be moved to the top.
Can we get a forum feature like a "Thank You" tab/ something, maybe a box you can check so you can say thanks without moving the thread back to the top?
Good Luck and HH,

As for the feeling you need to say thanks I'm right there with you, Maybe it's a new yorker thingy :icon_scratch:

Anyway I never post finds, but not for that reason, but sometimes in other posts some one will compliment me and I feel obliged to say thanks, well ok it has actually only happened once, so thanks Cynangel. But I wouldn't worry about bumping the post back up to the top. People only look at or answer whatever they want no matter where it is or how old etc....

Another one that gets me all the time are the prayer requests. I see one and start praying, but my belief is to enter into my prayer closet and pray in private not to post that I'm praying for the person. But at the same time I do feel obliged to say something because I consider some of them as close friends.

Guess we'll just have to settle for being fallible humans and let somethings pass. :wink:

MD Dog said:
Another one that gets me all the time are the prayer requests. I see one and start praying, but my belief is to enter into my prayer closet and pray in private not to post that I'm praying for the person. But at the same time I do feel obliged to say something because I consider some of them as close friends.

Guess we'll just have to settle for being fallible humans and let somethings pass. :wink:

MD I feel the same way about the prayer thing.


Do not ever worry about replying to someone who posts on your link by saying thanks. That's the whole purpose of this forum and it let's them know you read their reply and appreciated it. Now if you do it all the time and your post stays at the top, that might look funny. ::) Seriously, some of us here want to know that our reply has been received. Think of it like this, we are all team mates here in the process of treasure hunting cheering one another on.

I don't remember who it was that I saw doing this, but it was I thought a really smart Idea/way of dealing with this. They waited till like ten of the posts built up and then using quotes from each person for a reference would go through and answer each one. :wink:

You are mighty welcome MD! You know I love ya! :wink:

I do understand where you are coming from Glenn. I was raised to feel as if it was rude if I did not respond to compliments or comments and so back to the top it goes yet I can't bring myself to snub someone and act as if I did not see their response either. I know that when I am looking at the unread posts page I choose what to read without more by the title or who posted it then whether it is at the top or bottom of the list I am sure others do the same thing so I quit worrying about so much anyway! lol I would far rather be known as someone that talks too much then someone who snubs a person who has said something to them tho. :wink:

Guess we'll just have to settle for being fallible humans and let somethings pass.

It is polite to say thanks to acknowledge someones post that says something nice about your finds. I try not to post anymore finds here myself for other reasons. I try to keep up and feel I am rude if I forget someone.

As for prayers, this is a personal thing and I like to think our world is a better place for it. I might not post that I am praying for them all the time and I should.

MD Dog said:
I don't remember who it was that I saw doing this, but it was I thought a really smart Idea/way of dealing with this. They waited till like ten of the posts built up and then using quotes from each person for a reference would go through and answer each one. :wink:

I saw that too and I did that, I want to do it like that but THEN it's back to the top and you get some more replies. I am thankful again and it's not my nature to leave those replies hanging so the cycle continues. What's funny is when I see others doing it (saying thanks), it doesn't bother me and I don't see them as just moving their post to the top. When I do it (say thanks), I get that little uncomfortable feeling inside and wonder if I am perceived as the kind of person who wants their post to stay at the top which couldn't be farther from the truth. I need to stop worrying so much lol.

Thanks for the advice MD Dog, mastereagle22, Cynangyl and Sandman. If you all see it that way, I'm not going to worry anymore about saying thanks.
P.S. I'm not just saying that to move this post to the top either LMAO

If you feel that way, why not just put a "Thanks to everyone who replies" at the bottom of your first post.

Cache Crazy said:
If you feel that way, why not just put a "Thanks to everyone who replies" at the bottom of your first post.

I saw something like that...somewhere. I think at the bottom of the post the person would always write, "Thanks for looking".

--you can put "thank you for your replies" at the bottom of your post --( since often there is many many more "lookers" than repliers on threads) ---or for a more "personal touch" to thank a person who takes the time / effort time to actually "reply" theres always PMing -- that way you do not get "auto bumped" up all over again but you can personally thank them for replying to your post --- Ivan

Along the same lines, I feel like responding to almost every post with, at least, a "Thanks for sharing" or some such response. Then all I would see is my "name" a whole bunch of times making it look like I just want to be popular. ;D I "try" to limit my ramblings if, for nothing else, trying not to use up a whole lotta space here. I'll just say here that I look at and enjoy all of the "Daily snapshot" posts and I look at all the "Mugs" and read a bunch of other stuff and I enjoy it all, even if I don't respond.............thanks for listening ::)

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