Anyone up for a lost city?



Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
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Hello Side thing a few years ago one of biggest banks in Switzerland got their banking system hacked. The person involved gave them an ultimatum to come to a financial arrangement or he would reveal publicly the banks customers and how much is actually stashed away by politicians Officials, famous people etc.. Which would devastate Swiss reputation for banking secrecy. The deal was made for an undisclosed amount and a world wide indemnity from prosecution. that deal was brokered through intermediaries and brokers acting on his behalf through the banks at Panama.


Mar 2, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Oh yes, I remember that one Crow, wasn't aware it was done through Panama....

Interesting country.

Many that only get their news and then base their views and ideas on the media, would be utterly surprised to know what can and does go on nefariously.



Hero Member
Jul 8, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
Hello Side thing a few years ago one of biggest banks in Switzerland got their banking system hacked. The person involved gave them an ultimatum to come to a financial arrangement or he would reveal publicly the banks customers and how much is actually stashed away by politicians Officials, famous people etc.. Which would devastate Swiss reputation for banking secrecy. The deal was made for an undisclosed amount and a world wide indemnity from prosecution. that deal was brokered through intermediaries and brokers acting on his behalf through the banks at Panama.


that is very amazing Crow...some suspect the legendary Knight Templar treasure may have after all ended up in Switzerland(which has similar cross insignia on its flag as the Templars) and had become the basis of Swiss banking within the historical context of KNight Templars early banking business in Europe.

tintin treasure



Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
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TT Templar banking was a very early primitive concept of banking process. Over time the Scottish developed the concept more that eventually over time has become the Banking finance system we have today.

IPIU The Irony of UNESCO historic agreement of elicit sales of cultural artifacts is ...the biggest buyers of such items are the Cultural Elite of wealthiest countries in the world. Not the average person. Yet it is the cultural elite that are the ones legislating against the trade of artifacts???? Is really from the deep concern of the loss of Cultural artifacts or Just as smoke screen in protecting the bottom line value of their collection by creating scarcity of supply against demand????

Intriguing question is it not?


Mar 2, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Very true Crow.

Having rules, enforcing them and ensuring that there isn't any loopholes, can make a sheer ass of the law sometimes.




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Jan 28, 2005
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Hello INTP

I always remember the 99% of us are to various degrees bottom feeders as once told by a billionaire in petrol chemical industry. In his words "There are only 4000 people in the world that count the rest do not come into the equation."

The trio learned the hard way years ago that we weren't in that equation.


Mar 2, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
You know Crow, I have met a few people over the years and travelled a bit, many would like to think or feel that they are here for a purpose or that the world will be a poorer place without them.

Perhaps that chap you met showed the practicality and mode of thinking that made him/her a billionaire, when they made that comment. I for one accept it.

The masses really will always be expendable.



Hero Member
Jul 8, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
You know Crow, I have met a few people over the years and travelled a bit, many would like to think or feel that they are here for a purpose or that the world will be a poorer place without them.

Perhaps that chap you met showed the practicality and mode of thinking that made him/her a billionaire, when they made that comment. I for one accept it.

The masses really will always be expendable.


Just look the 2008 financial crisis. The bank crooks and stock gamblers got away with it, either bailed out or at worst left with generous multi million retirement plan while the masses lost thier jobs and houses. what is more, the same crooks are still riding high and gambling.They are the ones who ride the politics behind after all.

tintin treasure



Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
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TT Nothing has changed has it? Its been like that since time has begun. Sad is it is. Its the reality we live in and the nature of the beast. Strange enough I do agree with IPIU while many ***** and moan about them little do they realize a lot of the wealth they have enjoyed in western world today was from efforts of those people. The worlds economy is like liquid it ultimately runs on supply and demand and sadly at the meridian of Supply and demand it affected by emotion.

But this is not a forum for politic its for love of treasure legends and never the less oportunities still do exist for those willing to push themselve above and beyond what average people are prepared to go and do.


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Bronze Member
May 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
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All Treasure Hunting
Gracias Senores Crow, TT, IPUK…….
It is one of the main reasons I enjoy the treasure thing, because of the problem we have with a truly demonic, ruling elite who own the governments, create the rules and while remaining largely hidden behind various facades, rule over us………freedom is what we seek……to be cut loose from the system of oppression and deceit.
Look at the banking system as it exists today…..every country has a private central bank and issues fiat money….paper backed by nothing…….the intrinsic worth, non-existent.



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Jan 28, 2005
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Doc the world how we want it to be and what it is entirely two different things. The winds of change is constant and has no mercy...

There is always a little bit of us that would like to change the world....Seeing the Hypocrisy can eat into a mans soul... It can turn a happy man into a obsolete, bitter ghost of himself.

However take comfort in the words of an old sailors hint? If ya spend ya life sailing against the wind and get no where. Or ya can learn to tack... Manipulating the wind to get ya where ya want to go. Well its was just the same for the trio many years ago. We used to be so angry at what went on...And so many of our fellow countryman wallowed in the same self pity and reminisced of what once was, while they slowly died on the scrap heap of life, with fires of their eyes quenched. Then one day we decided not to get angry anymore and stopped making war with wind and so manipulated it to where we wanted to go and we never looked back.

You my friend have an amazing opportunity in front of ya a country have connection with in Ecuador, in fact you may even be a trail blazer as economic prosperity come and go people seek their futures elsewhere. There may even come a time many in the United States will follow...

So take heart, forget the past of ill winds as they are behind you and look forward for the future my friend and don't forget to tack against any winds that come before ya.


Jun 30, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
"in the words of an old sailors hint? If ya spend ya life sailing against the wind and get no where. Or ya can learn to tack... "

.... I am not afraid of storms for i am learning how to sail my ship

Just a saying i keep in mind at times.


Bronze Member
May 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
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All Treasure Hunting
Gracias mi amigo Senor Cuervo, AKA Crow……wise words, again………a couple decades ago, in the Army, when I began to understand the truth of the world, I also came to understand that I could not change it……but we can be in control, to a large extent, of our destiny……I enjoy much life in latino america….Ecuador, for me, is among the nicest places.
Many people mistake speaking the truth of our world, as being somehow sad, or negative…, it is, what it is……certainly you and I are not going to change things.

So our black feathered friend is on a bank board……this is a mysterious crow indeed……..
Vaya con Dios mis amigos.



Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
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Hello Doc there is some things we can never a full control of. However there is many things where we control to influence our destiny.

Have ya ever heard of the "David Solution"?


How many of you out there worked in companies of for companies where You could save the company thousands of dollars or increase productivity but none of managers wanted to Know as they felt threatened by it?

I bet there would be many....



Hero Member
Mar 24, 2010
Republic of Texas
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All Treasure Hunting
Hello Doc there is some things we can never a full control of. However there is many things where we control to influence our destiny.

Have ya ever heard of the "David Solution"?


How many of you out there worked in companies of for companies where You could save the company thousands of dollars or increase productivity but none of managers wanted to Know as they felt threatened by it?

I bet there would be many....

Been there - done that! (and no thanks or credit ever happened)


Hero Member
Jul 8, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello Doc there is some things we can never a full control of. However there is many things where we control to influence our destiny.

Have ya ever heard of the "David Solution"?


How many of you out there worked in companies of for companies where You could save the company thousands of dollars or increase productivity but none of managers wanted to Know as they felt threatened by it?

I bet there would be many....


that is the rule of the day Crow...I once decided to to leave a job not because I under performed but because i very much performed and that created a tense and unpleasant environment with the people administrating it 8-)

tintin treasure



Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
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TT Sadly your enthusiasm became a threat to those were more worried about keeping their job rather sticking their neck out. This has become the bane of many corporations where the real talent become pigeon holed because middle management see those below them as competitors rather than work colleagues. Sadly it is major problem in many Westernized countries.

And in reality no one knows the work place better is those would actually work on the floor. The David Solution is empowerment to those on work floor with better pay but more responsibility in decision making with a reduction of middle management. Also a bonus of profit share is great motivator to increase productivity. If people have some part in decision making and reap some of the benefits productivity soars.

The David solution principle has empowered people to shape their own destiny. For example Hardluck who is very modest person still lives in first house he bought. Properly rich enough to by half the town and yet he prefers the life of anonymity yet you could pass him in street and not notice. Yet it was this ordinary applied the David solution to the banks empowerment of the little people. Many years ago the Banks in Australia was deregulated. So the big 4 banks wanted to cherry pick the market for corporate directors came and closed nearly 2 and half thousand banks in small country towns. In favour of teller machines at the coast of thousands of jobs and branches in country towns that was life blood of many small settlement. Well turn came to a little ordinary place where hardluck lived.

The bank had sent some snobby executive would look like they never done hard days work in their life. Turn up and stick his nose up in air and you we are not interested in mom and pops accounts and more were are closing your branch down. Not because it was running at a loss but because it was not generating a huge profit. The whole purpose of exercise was reduce costs not create new business, but so the CEO can say look I saved the shareholders money by closing down branches and firing 3000 people employees. From the savings I will get my bonus from. Then I will take off to next company and do the same. And that how it corporate Psychopaths works. It has been ruination of the west for every day person.

For small towns the lost bank can create a terrible flow on effect causing other business to close down. Well Hardluck my friend got together with other small business and Mom and pops and said F You to big banks we will start of own bank! Well of course at first the big 4 Bank laughed and fobbed them of as the local village idiots.....

That's when the David Solution came into play when people empower themselves. Meetings was held and people got together and me and Kanacki with Hardluck put money as well as many others up for a community Bank. The Big Banks my friend were all smug in their corporate offices with their big profits but gave very little in return and under estimated People power. It appear many people thought the same as hardluck and us. At first it was trickle...technically we are a franchised branch of a small country bank and we still have operate under corporate law.We as investors own the profits from our community bank with the provision that a percentage goes back into the local communities. Best investment I ever done my friends. Today my bank franchised branch alone handles 270 million dollars in funds. the profits give the investor a tidy profit with a share going bank into the communities. Such supporting bushfire trucks, surf lifesaving, Areal beach Patrol aircraft. And school and sporting grants.

We have opened a second Branch under our Franchise. in fact we have more teller machines available than most of big banks because we have affiliation with other banks. Today in 10 years Community banks under the banking license of the Bendigo and Adelaide Steamship bank grown to over 3000 franchises creating over 30000 jobs. The flow on effect has been marvelous as small shopping streets have survived mall culture and brought life back in many country towns that otherwise would of died. in collaboration with normal Bendigo and Adelaide Steamship banks we are now the 5th largest bank in Australia with all the Banking services one would expect. They are now looking to repeat the process through Asia pacific. We have a strong criteria for loan based on sound principle. There is no commission broker selling loans to people who cannot afford them. The directorships are only chosen on voluntary basis so no huge corporate directors fees and as a investor I have reaped a very good dividends on share return from the initial investment. You be surprised how well the money in the bank is being managed when its part of its yours.:laughing7: Well this "David Solution" Slapped Goliath the 4 four banks in the face and their not laughing now.

So ya see empowerment can go along way if its done right.

Another example is kanacki was involved with several interested parties and help establish a bottled water industry in Korsae in Micronesia. It was opearted by voluntary Directors with money funded in part by government ad private enterprise to create local Jobs working on the same principle at grass roots level. the Mineral water is slowly going to china and other countries all started from a dream and by using the basic concept of the David Solution. I believe there is some palces in California ya can by the bottled water now? see the shape of the bottle They stack better into boxes the bottles another innovation from worker input into the product thanks to "David Solution" Empowerment of those who really make the product.


So there is hope when people rewire the mindset to what could be...



Hero Member
Jul 8, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
TT Sadly your enthusiasm became a threat to those were more worried about keeping their job rather sticking their neck out. This has become the bane of many corporations where the real talent become pigeon holed because middle management see those below them as competitors rather than work colleagues. Sadly it is major problem in many Westernized countries.

And in reality no one knows the work place better is those would actually work on the floor. The David Solution is empowerment to those on work floor with better pay but more responsibility in decision making with a reduction of middle management. Also a bonus of profit share is great motivator to increase productivity. If people have some part in decision making and reap some of the benefits productivity soars.

The David solution principle has empowered people to shape their own destiny. For example Hardluck who is very modest person still lives in first house he bought. Properly rich enough to by half the town and yet he prefers the life of anonymity yet you could pass him in street and not notice. Yet it was this ordinary applied the David solution to the banks empowerment of the little people. Many years ago the Banks in Australia was deregulated. So the big 4 banks wanted to cherry pick the market for corporate directors came and closed nearly 2 and half thousand banks in small country towns. In favour of teller machines at the coast of thousands of jobs and branches in country towns that was life blood of many small settlement. Well turn came to a little ordinary place where hardluck lived.

The bank had sent some snobby executive would look like they never done hard days work in their life. Turn up and stick his nose up in air and you we are not interested in mom and pops accounts and more were are closing your branch down. Not because it was running at a loss but because it was not generating a huge profit. The whole purpose of exercise was reduce costs not create new business, but so the CEO can say look I saved the shareholders money by closing down branches and firing 3000 people employees. From the savings I will get my bonus from. Then I will take off to next company and do the same. And that how it corporate Psychopaths works. It has been ruination of the west for every day person.

For small towns the lost bank can create a terrible flow on effect causing other business to close down. Well Hardluck my friend got together with other small business and Mom and pops and said F You to big banks we will start of own bank! Well of course at first the big 4 Bank laughed and fobbed them of as the local village idiots.....

That's when the David Solution came into play when people empower themselves. Meetings was held and people got together and me and Kanacki with Hardluck put money as well as many others up for a community Bank. The Big Banks my friend were all smug in their corporate offices with their big profits but gave very little in return and under estimated People power. It appear many people thought the same as hardluck and us. At first it was trickle...technically we are a franchised branch of a small country bank and we still have operate under corporate law.We as investors own the profits from our community bank with the provision that a percentage goes back into the local communities. Best investment I ever done my friends. Today my bank franchised branch alone handles 270 million dollars in funds. the profits give the investor a tidy profit with a share going bank into the communities. Such supporting bushfire trucks, surf lifesaving, Areal beach Patrol aircraft. And school and sporting grants.

We have opened a second Branch under our Franchise. in fact we have more teller machines available than most of big banks because we have affiliation with other banks. Today in 10 years Community banks under the banking license of the Bendigo and Adelaide Steamship bank grown to over 3000 franchises creating over 30000 jobs. The flow on effect has been marvelous as small shopping streets have survived mall culture and brought life back in many country towns that otherwise would of died. in collaboration with normal Bendigo and Adelaide Steamship banks we are now the 5th largest bank in Australia with all the Banking services one would expect. They are now looking to repeat the process through Asia pacific. We have a strong criteria for loan based on sound principle. There is no commission broker selling loans to people who cannot afford them. The directorships are only chosen on voluntary basis so no huge corporate directors fees and as a investor I have reaped a very good dividends on share return from the initial investment. You be surprised how well the money in the bank is being managed when its part of its yours.:laughing7: Well this "David Solution" Slapped Goliath the 4 four banks in the face and their not laughing now.

So ya see empowerment can go along way if its done right.

Another example is kanacki was involved with several interested parties and help establish a bottled water industry in Korsae in Micronesia. It was opearted by voluntary Directors with money funded in part by government ad private enterprise to create local Jobs working on the same principle at grass roots level. the Mineral water is slowly going to china and other countries all started from a dream and by using the basic concept of the David Solution. I believe there is some palces in California ya can by the bottled water now? see the shape of the bottle They stack better into boxes the bottles another innovation from worker input into the product thanks to "David Solution" Empowerment of those who really make the product.

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So there is hope when people rewire the mindset to what could be...


thanks Crow for that amazing story...I presume underlying such stories lies the mindset of social responsibility as well,,a sense of accountability to the society that raised you so that u do make profit but also ensure others are considered in the chain as well.. not the hit and run profit mindset that gambles on the fate of struggling families.I wish u good luck in the future as well

tintin treasure



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Jan 28, 2005
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But enough of old Crow rant that principle to look after ya workers became paramount be it New Guinea or South America, the trio treated them all as equals. Same if organizing an expedition all members have role to play regardless. If ya want get the best out of people ya need to give them an incentive.

Getting back to this lost city. The life of this settlement was rather short however its close proximity to early gold working areas may render some interesting caches of hidden gold from the last days of settlement.

And just think ya can say to people ya walked in the ruins of the first European settlement in South America.:laughing7:


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