Arrowhead info please?


Jun 8, 2017
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hey everyone!
I have some arrowheads I recently received from a friend. I don't know too much about them so I wanted to see if someone could help me out a little bit. Any guesses on type of stone? I know a bunch of them are chipped but I still wanted see if any were valuable. Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read or reply! IMG_2950.JPGIMG_2951.JPG

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I am not the best at judging others value, but i see a few there i would love to had if not broke .specially the ones in the center of both pics.

Not much value that I see, most are made from Obsidian and Dacite. Thanks for posting:icon_thumleft:Welcome to T-net:hello:

Nice collection. If you hold the black ones up to the light and can see through them, even on the edges, that's obsidian....and like monster said the other black ones , dacite.

The non black ones = chert in my wide definition of it.

I take it these are all from California. The large one with the concave base in the first picture is most likely a Humboldt and would have been a really nice one if the tip wasn't damaged. As far as value, the sentimental value of the gift from your friend far outweighs what you could get monetarily for them. Since most are broken or damaged I wouldn't pay more than $50 for them. Nice study pieces, but an awesome gift.

I love the one grim called a Humboldt shame about the tip but its still a nice one to me.I dont really put much thought into the monetary value of artifacts though

I take it these are all from California. The large one with the concave base in the first picture is most likely a Humboldt and would have been a really nice one if the tip wasn't damaged. As far as value, the sentimental value of the gift from your friend far outweighs what you could get monetarily for them. Since most are broken or damaged I wouldn't pay more than $50 for them. Nice study pieces, but an awesome gift.

I agree with Grim, value as a gift from friend far exceeds the value to any collector. I think the $50 is a high estimate too.

Did you make that T.C. ? That is so cool....and I think I have the other half of a few of those. ;)

Did you make that T.C. ? That is so cool....and I think I have the other half of a few of those. ;)

Yes, I made it,thanks.....I ran off a copy of the buff and then layed another piece of paper over it. I'm not too artistic, so this helped. I know of a lady that makes HUGE ones in picture frames.

Save all your brokes and get creative!!

most are definitely re-worked tools, a Lakota fella I know referred to the smaller ones as "practice points or bird points"

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