artifact from yemen





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Hey Kirara,

If what you have is authentic, it is the property of the Yemeni People. Not saying that you stole it, but theft of National Historic Artifacts is a serious crime. Finding such an artifact in Yemen, and not reporting it, then taking it out of the country does constitute theft.

No, I'm not a cop, but I have seen people prosecuted for doing the same thing with artifacts from other countries.

I think your best option would be to either contact a representative of the Yemeni Government and report the object, or (if you wish to remain anonymous), just find the address of the closest Yemeni Embassy, and send it to them with no return address.

On the black market, that statue (if authentic) may be worth $8,000-10,000 (US), but that is not nearly worth the number of years you would lose sitting in jail (either Yemeni or whatever country you live in).

Good luck, and do the right thing-Mike

thanks alot I realy didn't know that, but my father have found it in its hometown long ago??
I will tell him to invistigate this issue and do the right thing ....
thank you again for your advice...

I hope I didn't come off as being rude, I did not mean to sound so.

It is just that these days countries are VERY SERIOUSLY looking for people who have taken historically significant artifacts away from their place of origin. Thirty years ago that was not the case. Many middle eastern countries did not care if their historical artifacts were sold abroad, but now things have changed, and countries are carefully guarding their history.


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