Atm Money Finds

keep it, most likely the person who left it is long gone.. I once found a twenty in one :headbang:

Yeah,I figure the store or clerk,would keep it. I can't believe people,that they don't count their money! I still have to be careful a fellow employee,does'nt see me and tries to get me in trouble. Oh well,so far so good!!! I walk up to the atm and snatch the money up real quick. Anyhow,thanks for the replies and check those atms! ;D

uh you gotta ask that question? :help: :icon_scratch: :dontknow: -- should be self explaining -- you FOUND some money. end of statement .

Sorry,also a was a question of ethics,whether to turn it in or keep it. Thank you guys!

treasuredog said:
I work in a store,that has a atm machine. I walk by it and find money in the slot(20's,10's,etc). Seventy dollars,so far. My question is,would you keep or turn it in?

As far as ethics, if your store has someplace where people report lost items you can always check there. But never let anyone know ahead of time that you found some cash. Some person that misplaced a twenty may need it really bad and might report it to the customer service place at the store. If you check every now and then and no one has reported they lost anything then it would be yours to keep.

But mum's the word, as soon as another worker finds out that you have found cash then you will have some competition. If you do return some money to someone you know for sure has lost it, you can say you found it on the floor or out in the parking lot, never mention your cash machine.

Thanks for the advice. I haven't found any more lately. Treasure is found in many places!

Long time ago, when I was serving in the US Army, I was standing in line at the ATM 20 people deep. Direct deposit was the latest and greatest so everybody had to hit an ATM on payday to get their money for the weekend. Every bank in town was swamped when that "Special" day hit. The young Buck Sergeant in front of me was pitching a royal fit about having to wait, rank has it privileges and so on.

Well his turn came up, he slammed his card into the machine, entered what he needed along with his pin and stood there for 15 seconds while the machine counted it out. Back then, you had to lift a little door to retrieve your money and it would shut as soon as you ended your transaction. Well, his time came to get his money, he literally slammed the door up as hard as he could, reached in grabbed his money and physically slammed the door back down. (I thought he just broke the machine and everybody is going to be pizzed), but he took his card and left. I was next in line, inserted card, entered pin and amount I wanted. $100.00 dollars was all I "Wanted". The door clicked to let you know the money was ready, I reached in grabbed what was in there, closed the transaction and took my receipt and card. Got back to the car and I had $500.00 dollars :icon_scratch: Scratched my head and asked my wife to look at the receipt, it showed only $100.00 dollars withdrawn. Guess the young Buck Sergeant didn't get his entire withdrawl..... :laughing7:

I think it's a despicable thing to do, taking that money

You should do the right thing

Send it to me immediately so I can use it for a worthy cause.

Cause I need it :tongue3:

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Is the atm under video camera? Be it installed inside the atm or from a cctv system inside the store. If it was (this is an old post, I know) it is not that hard to figure out who's money it is. If the person who left it there files a police report and they can review the recordings, they can not only see that the person left it there, but can also see who took it. At this point, it owuld be worded "can also see who STOLE it." As a police officer, I have reviewed many hours of such footage and have arrested several based on this. Just an F.Y.I. on a serious note.

Now that being said, if there is no recording, then "Finders Keepers is the law of the land."

Happens here in the French Quarter all the time, tourists get drunk, go to the atm and either don't grab all the cash, or get sidetracked and leave it all there. I found 260.00 in an atm here last mardi gras, which made for a fun night.

A friend of mine who works down there averages about 60-70 bucks a week out of the atm, and the top of the cigarette machine. Apparently people have a habit of fumbling around for ones, and occasionally leave big bills on top of the machine and then walk away and forget about them. Gotta love drunks......

PyrateJim said:
Is the atm under video camera? Be it installed inside the atm or from a cctv system inside the store. If it was (this is an old post, I know) it is not that hard to figure out who's money it is. If the person who left it there files a police report and they can review the recordings, they can not only see that the person left it there, but can also see who took it. At this point, it owuld be worded "can also see who STOLE it." As a police officer, I have reviewed many hours of such footage and have arrested several based on this. Just an F.Y.I. on a serious note.

Now that being said, if there is no recording, then "Finders Keepers is the law of the land."

Sorry, just got back to this section. This happened in 1981, I don't think there were cameras anywhere outside of the building. If there were, I am long passed the "Statute Of Limitations"... :laughing7:

any money i find (including the $20 i found in an ATM) will immediately be spent on lottery tickets. no feelings of guilt since it is SUPPOSED to go towards the school system.

mope540 said:
any money i find (including the $20 i found in an ATM) will immediately be spent on lottery tickets. no feelings of guilt since it is SUPPOSED to go towards the school system.

You just made me throw up in my mouth a little......... ::)

If you live where I do, it goes everywhere but where it was intended. All lottery proceeds are deposited in the "General" fund.
They are earmarked for Education but the "General" fund is for everything.

What a joke.

Jeep said:
I think it's a despicable thing to do, taking that money

You should do the right thing

Send it to me immediately so I can use it for a worthy cause.

Cause I need it :tongue3:

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Dang, you beat me to it! I was going to basically say this exact same thing! LOL! :laughing7:

Found a 20 in the atm,yesterday!! A twenty,here and there. It has been a while,but it stills comes,every once in a while. Nice,when you are broke!!!

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