Avast Mateys! Its "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Baldingboy said:
Aye, I wound find myself happy to help ya with those thar shoes. Oh btw.... AAaaargggh!

Ahoy Pirate Baldingbuoy,

Gypsywench and mes would bein' much obliged if yer wants to board arrrr good ship and join arrr crew. We's be needin a good "Shoe and Boot and Pocketbook and Bobbles and Dainties buoy". Tis a tough task, with all the alphetizin, organizin', cleanin' and fetchin' of the aforementioned accessories that every pirate wench be aneedin'. When ken ya staaaaaarrrt? Arrgghh!


Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Aye Aye Capt'n....good idea.....and could he hurry ....me corset needs adjusting ......


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Arrrr...and whilst ye be a playin witt the wenches topside I be a slavin in me galley a fixin me pair...er pear pies and Salamangundi. Fer does of ye that dunno know hat that is, he's what I makes mine wit:

A cook might include as the basis of his salmagundi any or all of the following: turtle meat, fish, pork, chicken, corned beef, ham, duck and pigeon. The meats would be roasted, chopped into chunks and marinated in spiced wine, then combined with cabbage, anchovies, pickled herring, mangoes, hard-boiled eggs, palm hearts, onions, olives, grapes and any other pickled vegetables that were available. The whole would then be highly seasoned with garlic, salt, pepper and mustard seed and doused with oil and vinegar - and served with drafts of beer and rum."

If'n me Capn MonaLicious would be a guidin this brig in a proper manner I might be a fixin me vittles a bit quicker.....


Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Uhhhh....Wes.....I'll be passin' on the Salamander stuff....... :D

Jest be bakin' me pies!! ;)

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

ah the famous pirate saying --beware both the bowsprints and stern part of any woman --the aft part of all mules and any part of a priest. ---for they all be dangerous -- aaarrrggghh.

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Damned sultry wenches be the death of me… arrrrrr.

I’ll not be swabbin’ no decks, nor mending no sails, nor cookin’ no pies… (I'll still help eat the pies...)

By the powers I’m gonna’ eat what I wants and drinks what I will…

I’ll play with my ducky in a hot bath if me want’s to as well… Life on the edge for me it is!



Put me off the boat if ye Lass Capt’n’s must… ye’ lusts are never satisfied and ye’ work is never done!

Arr, me hearty! A pirates life fer me now it is… bludgeoning and pillaging, sailin’ and fightin’. A buccaneer answerin’ to NO man… and no mutinous wench!

Just ‘cause I wanna fire me cannon through yer portholes, don’t mean I’ll work like a scurvy dog… I can’t shiver me own timbers if’n I must… arrrr…

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Arrrrr...shiver me timbers Jimmy boy! I dunno know what fleet ye be a sailin with but the ships that fly the Jolly Roger dunnot have wat ye call "portholes"

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Wat flag ye be a shipin under? Tis not the Jolly Roger. Could ye be a sailin wit the"Red Pearl"? That der be the ship that sails wit red lights? And iffin I heers me mateys right.....those that have signed on wit her have to pay many doubloons to be afiring through the portoles.


Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Mona Lisa said:
Baldingboy said:
Aye, I wound find myself happy to help ya with those thar shoes. Oh btw.... AAaaargggh!

Ahoy Pirate Baldingbuoy,

Gypsywench and mes would bein' much obliged if yer wants to board arrrr good ship and join arrr crew. We's be needin a good "Shoe and Boot and Pocketbook and Bobbles and Dainties buoy". Tis a tough task, with all the alphetizin, organizin', cleanin' and fetchin' of the aforementioned accessories that every pirate wench be aneedin'. When ken ya staaaaaarrrt? Arrgghh!

Arrgghh! Then a boardin' I shall be fer joinin yar crew. I'll be yar buoy and fetch them thar accessories every pretty wench be needin. I kin start when the wind blows from the west and the sails push us far to sea. Tis a tough task...but a............I can handle it. Arrrgggghhhh!

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Avast....I needs the help of thee! As I was a fixin to make me one of me pies I asked Capn Mona Licious iffin she desires a "pair" pie. It wasa like she had been atouched with St. Elmo's Fire! She grabbed my by me beard and called for the Gyspy wench. Arrrrr....the two o'them pulled their sabers and a pocked and a prodded me until they had me on the poop deck. Then they calls the mates to a gatherin and asks what they should be a doin for me. "Slice off the cur's tougue!" "Keel haul his arse!" "Make 'im eat his own pies!". Well, as me luck wud have it, they decided to teach me a lesson to hold my tounge in the days to come as'n they liked me pies.


And now me arse is a hangin in this infernal basket until the tide rises and we sets sail agin.


Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Aye...so thees eeze what its come to my mates...Me Captn Liscious and I leave for one night of relaxation on Tortuga ......and as soon as our backs are turned we have Jimmy Fancy Pants running mutiny like a panting pup....so its women you be needing eh Jim, well how do Mermaids at the bottoms of the sea sound to ye?..... and Cookie Wes a'swayin in the wind arrgg.....me corset hooks are rusty from Baldy Boy lying idle and Sherm and the Parrot have taken to the crows nest....Me faithful Cabin Boy Jeffro all worn to a frazzle from standing guard over our chests night and day to keep you salty dawgs from sneaking into our drawers......all this time the sea a rumblin with Davy Jones calling your names ....... A storm is nigh blades and its time we make a stand ....either ye are with us or ye be walking the plank. This isnt the Red Pearl or the Molly Roger....Tis The Mighty Pink Pearl she is .......so snap ye garters and make way to sail.......
You will listen to me. Listen! The Brethren will still be looking here, to us, to the Pink Pearl to lead. And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No. No, they will see free pirates ! And freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons. They will hear the ring of our swords, and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brows, and the strength of our backs…and the courage of our hearts! Gentlemen! Hoist the colors."


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Errr....Aye, Aye First Matey. Anyting's better'n being hung inthat der cage with the gulls a pickin and peckin at me. Do ye wish yer pies first, or after we swabs the decks, and hoists the sails. Do ye have any blind folds to pass out to us motley crew Ma'am? Me thinks twill be a hardy tasks to performs as we should a seein how you an the Capn a dressed as ye are.

But if'n the two of ye be decent atwords me humble self I might finds it witin me heart to share this tawdry piece o' paper wit ye.

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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Yees right, Gypsygal...it's all for one and one for all....On thee Pink Pearl.

Our mute first-mate Sherm ars doing a fine job he is.......and we's all ken see Jeffro working he's tail off....es worken harder than a mule, ee is........Methinks Wesley has learnid he's lesson about rousing the crew to chase down de Red Pearl......

Then thars Zestypants, that black-hearted dandified cur, stirrin' up nuttin' but trouble....prancin' around deck in ees fancy capri pants......WHA?? ......What's theese I see??.....Zesty?? Aarrr ye wearing my britches?.....and ees that me earrings ye be wearin'??......and do I's see Gypsy's corset peeking out from neath yer waistcoat?? Zesty?? ::) ::) ::) Eees thar somtin ye be wantin' to shar wit us?? ;)

Baldingbuoy....Our Shoe and Boot and Pocketbook and Bobbles and Dainties buoy...yous be the cause of theese trouble.....fer not bein' here doing yer job......lettin' Zesty raid me closet.....Thar be hell to pay....mark my werds....especially since he looks better in my pants than I. >:( >:( >:(


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

I brung the oil fer yer corset and will work night and day till it's oiled and has no rust! We have nuthin to fear from Davy Jones with the crew on the deck.

Capn MonaLicious,
I be takin care of Zesty right sure and he will pay if not by your hand then anothers. I beg to differ Capn, but I not be thinkin of him lookin better in those britches than you. The thought of Zesty wearing them....Aaarrrrghhhhh !!

Your Shoe and Boot and Pocketbook and Bobbles and Dainties shall be delivered forthright! If I can halp you with them further, aargghh, then assist I shall!

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Arrr Mateys. me thinks this be a farewell to me ship mates. Capn Mona Licious has wearied of me talking of pairs, an First mate Gypsy Wench dinna like me remarks 'bout Zesty's new outfit and a shootin thru portals. It seems they had 'em selfs a parlay and committed me to the briney deep. They claims they founds themselves a better pie maker....Arrrrrrr!

I was able to get me message out before they sent me to Davy Jone's locker. To me ship mates, may you always find fair winds to fill yer sails, and may the grog flow from unlimited barrels, and the wenches treat ya kindly.

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I be off me friends, I's goona join me mateys as I become fodder fer the sharksand turtles. When ye be a eatin' yer next bowl of turtle soup, ye be thinkin' o' me.

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Aye Cookie Wes...quitcher bellyachin....We cant have ye jumpin ship now....tho I suspects it was my comment about all the lusty mermaids at the bottom of the sea that put that idea in yer noggin.....Get back up here ....you beeze the only one of these mates that can read directions.....why just last night I recieved a message in the bottle about our wayward cabin boy Jeffro...seems he went adrift and found himself lost wandering the mountains of Or'gon....silly boy ...now he be begging for directions to the Pink Pearl....he needs a lashing that cabin boy fer leaving his post.....Now Cookie ......if'n you be so kind to haul yerself up out of the murkey depths....I will put in a good word fer ye to our Mistress Moana and see if she will promote you ....and perhaps we'll take you to Tortuga on our next nite with the landlubbers.....and jest to show no hard feelings mate ....I'll be given you me own rum flask...


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Aye Cookie Wes...I've gone to the islands and brought you back a galleys helper....Hope she is to your liking.....


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

And Sherm.....can you do something about your bird?


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Calling all Brave wenches ....Hear Ye Hear Ye .......Me Capt'n Liscious here declares that we be in need of more fine women to help sail the Pink Pearl....Our Lazy ,ship jumping whining salty dogs are of no use to us here on the high seas and will be kept in our cabins for torture as we see fit .

Under the reign of olde Jolly Roger, wenches be force to hid thar identities. 300 years of cross dress. I say no more! The time be ripe to stand proud as female pirates.

Brave women such as Anne Bonney, Grace O'Mally n' Cheng I Sao have spiced up history of the seven seas. Unite under the flag of the Molly Roger, the first female piracy symbol.

Ye now be the ultimate prize to be treasured. Vixens have the option of defendin' our booty or grant access to our personal treasures.

The Pink Pearl embodies the spirit of femine scallywaggs, that of freedom, adventure, risk takin', independence, thrill seekin', rebellion, riches, partyin’, fun n' danger.

Each Lady Pirate that signs on with the Pink Pearl will recieve an equal share of all treasure and their own personal cabin boy.....Ye be leaving me Jack alone tho....
Be the Order of Decree on this date 25 September year of our Lord 1699
Captain Liscious .....
First Mate Gypsy aka
Second Mate Tia Dalma


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Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Tis a hard bargain ye throws at me Gypsy Wench. Ye offered me yer flask and while that be mighty temptin' twas not neers enugh to brings me back on board the Pink Pearl.Twas my thoughts that me 'n me mateys of Davy Jones locker be a serchin fer and to shanghi the mighty Grey Clam fer a fine ship she be. Just as I was 'bout to disappears into the darkness of Davy's locker ye let me have me a glimps o' me new gally mate. As ye know, I was a like the mighty Moby Dick a breachin' to gets meself back on the Pink Pearl!


Now I has me a mate all to meself. We be a'makin pies for all ye fine sailors as we follow the wind to plunder and loot. If'n we be makin plenty o'pies we hopes ye sees it witin' yerselves to share a wee bit of yer booty wit us.


And ye be on the look out fer ol' Ed Teach...me heerd from me matey's below that he be crusin in theese waters.

Re: Avast Mateys! It's "Talk like a Pirate" Day!

Whatever floats your boat I guess.

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