Bandits treasure cave

Senor Crow, you 'owe" Señor Kanacki something, for I when I see your posts, the story of your being in the streets with just your birth feathers on…..amusing…..

Mexico, like much of latino america, has a very rich history of precious metals, treasures and los banditos…..
What I find most interesting are the ancient civilizations who have left truly amazing buildings and structures some of which we could not build today with all of our "advanced" technology………
Truly there is much out there waiting for us, and I would guess it will be more a chance discovery than study that will account for such finds. So much to learn and understand……..and yet, if such discovery were made, would it ever come to light, or simply be recovered in silence to avoid the thieving paws of the gov's and archies………not sure; and perhaps it is, such treasures have been found?

Gracias, vaya con Dios, viva Christo Rey

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Hola Doc-d rest assured Old Crow the Wiley old bird has got me many more times than I care to admit.

Indeed Mexico is like South America as well as many parts of the world with long history of conflict. Many treasure stories have arose. Tuscoro research on this story is an interesting one none the less. Hopefully he is in a position to share a little more of the letter involved in this story. If not it is understandable.


Salvor6, ya owe my maid, Lupita, an apology, she makes the coffee out of genuine Nescafe tasters choice instant - the secret is to brew it twice, I.E brew it then let it set until it cools, reheat it and it is good for go. I think ?

Hola Tuscoro I wish you the best with your venture.


Hello Crow... It would seem you are using my partial image (first image in this thread) to foment the idea that it has to do with one of the Banditos sites in Mexico... It has nothing to do with Mexico.., I am he who holds the entire document and the verbal information that identifies its location here in the west.... And i have a complete acurate transcription and translation.... This site is currently under investigation and going well.... However, we could use an intelligent buisness like individual in the Durango Mexico area pertaining to a recent discovery which we call the Iberio cache.... Serious and qualified inquiries only.... [email protected]
Or, interested parties to help with minor expenses...
They may also contact my freind and colleague, Ignacio Nava

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Hola Tuscoro

Crow does not post anymore on treasurenet. However that deadbeat raggedy old Crow of a beach bum told me he believed your project is one of the most promising projects on treasurenet. That my friend is very good endorsement from that old pirate, whose worth is perhaps hundred of millions alone.


Hola Tuscoro

Crow does not post anymore on treasurenet. However that deadbeat raggedy old Crow of a beach bum told me he believed your project is one of the most promising projects on treasurenet. That my friend is very good endorsement from that old pirate, whose worth is perhaps hundred of millions alone.


Well I am sorry to here that... And Thank You again, unfortunately no one will hear of it should we meet success... ;-)
We have many projects, and were just getting started...
May I ask why he does not post?

Hola Tesoro amigo.

In regards to Old Crow why he does not post anymore , I suspect Its because of several reasons. Searching for treasure is one thing, Finding it is another and getting to keep it is another whole new ball game. One has to pay the cards well. And besides he believes hes contributed enough to treasurenet in good spirit. The old scalawag has his hands full these days in more ways than one.:laughing7:


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Good Morning Kanacki, thank you for clarification...
are you and he from Mexico and have you both been members of the Mexican Treasure Hunters web site?

If I may take questionable asssumed rights, No, none of the infamous trio have anything to do with Mexico, only I have that dubious pleasure. They are interested more in the international scene, and south America. And I thoroughly enjoy hearing ot their successes through the underground.

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Good Morning Kanacki, thank you for clarification...
are you and he from Mexico and have you both been members of the Mexican Treasure Hunters web site?

Hola Tuscoro

In answer to your question? No but we know of the website. As for US being from Mexico, No we are technically stateless people. I nominally live in Melanesia when not sailing around the Pacific, but not born there. We always have eyes and ears out for anything interesting. Don Amigo is right we have our interests elsewhere. Very big projects. But like with all all projects I hope you got good plans and infrastructure and the right people in place, to profit from your enterprise.

Each project is rather like a Rubix cube of their own unique problems and the bigger the project the bigger the problems. And of course as the stakes become higher the bigger the project becomes and greed takes over. As said I really do wish you the best with your enterprise.


Define "Very Big"... (estimated $ value) the project of which the clip at the first of this thread pertains to, is in the western states of the U.S.... it doesn't get much bigger... ;-) We have several in Mexico as well... Majoma, Falso included....

Forget an answer to your post, tuscoro, your asking for confidential, ( secret ) information.

As for not getting much bigger, in the Tayopa depository-alone --- which I haven't cracked yet --- there is listed approx $ 1,000,000,000 for starters, plus maps and records. These I want, possibly even more than the gold & silver.

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Did I Tuscoro ? I thought that your question was directed to Don Kanacki ? I merely stepped in uninvited.

I have no connection with the infamous Trio, other than liking and respecting them.

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