Bedrock Crevice Detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2005
Northern California
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites and Minelab
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Bedrock Crevice Detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets

The Bomb Cyclone and Mother Nature cleared off a patch of Bedrock for us to Detect in our search for Placer Gold Nuggets.
Me and Gary did the rest Sometimes it pays off to hike a little further and check more areas to see if anythings changed with the river after it's hit it's highest water level and flow.
This is one of those times !!!!!!!!!
Last trip here we got Nine Gold Nuggets total Two for me and Seven for Gary how many more are waiting for us to find them ???
The Minelab SDC 2300 makes it nice Detecting on these wet and Rainy days ( Waterproof ) Did the River uncover a Ancient Channel or a Drop out spot ? maybe it's both .

Bedrock Crevice Detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets

SG 083

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