Best Place You Have Ever Been Kicked Out Of!!!

Only once & I wasn't really kicked out , just told I could detect but couldn't dig anything so of course I left . Park at veterans hospital in local town .

Two stories,

Once I went to a Statepark and asked if I could detect the property. The guy said OK I could, so start detecting I get a hit and start digging and he says...Oh I did not know you would be digging. You have to stop...(Well Duh, of course I would be digging)

Another time I was at a Statepark me and a friend got some nice silver coins from. I was digging a silver hit a car pulls up and a guy starts walking towards me fast. I dig faster find the hit the guy is on top of me asking for a permit and saying I can't dig in the lawn even with a permit etc. etc. I pocket a nice heavy Sterling Silver Saint Christopher Pendent and leave.

Keep @ it and HH!!


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It's my impression that people will give you permission right away, but after they see you out there digging (you know they peep from their windows), they're thinking, "Hey, he's got my treasure".

It's just human nature to want something that other people have. If there was any remote possibility that you will take something valuable from their property, they'll think about it for awhile, and buy their own radio shack detector.

Now, in the case with the elderly, most of the time, they're pretty resonable people, and have allot of wisdom. But not always I'velearned.

There was this fella that lived in a hotel room in ALberta Canada, where I stayed for a number of years as well, just down the hall from him. He never liked me cause I was a 'yellow belly' (an American). He was probably in his 90's and an old boxer. He saw me walking past him room one day and started walking toward me to "knock my block off"... walking... toward... me... at... .002 miles per hour.

One golf course as a teenager for driving the cart across the green. (That would piss me off too, now, if I saw some punk doing that)

Two bars, both times me doing something STUPID!

One David Allen Coe concert, (I was ready to leave anyway!)

I grew up next to an old man who one day would invite me to fish in his pond and then the next day when I walked across his place to the pond he would come run me off and act like he'd never seen me. Bet that happened 5 or 6 times wih him. He was old and crazy.

From an old apple orchard on an Indian reservation. 99.9999% of the time Native Americans will not let you detect. However...I had known the brother for a long time and he gave us permission. In less than 15 minutes we had an IH penny and 3 Mercs. from the first tree. About come the sister yelling at us and telling us to get off. Over the years we have passed by that property and sigh as we look at about 20-25 trees we never hit. :( :(

About 10 yrs ago during a big drought in Raleigh, I hunted a swimming beach on State Park property. In two 4 hr days of hunting, I found $52 in coins and 7 gold rings, one I was able to return to the owner. The water had gone out at least 75 feet and I was detecting right where people swam. I was using a White's Spectrum and there were so many coins, I only dug the quarters which read about 87.5 consistantly. I also dug the readings that were in the foil area since that is where rings were to be found. Fast forward to about 6 months ago. We are in the middle of a worst drought. I figured I would try to hit that beach again. I had my 3 small boys with me and the water was over 100' out. As of this writing, I can only imagine that it is hundreds of feet out. It is Falls Lake. Well, me and the boys are the ONLY people there. They played, I detected. I started and I was getting muliple coin readings on EVERY swing. I decided that I was not going to dig any coin signals with my Spectrum, but only possible jewlery. I detect about 10 minutes and am digging a hole along the waterline and I see a ranger walking toward me about 50 feet away, I pretended I did not see him and kept at my retrieval. I see the glint of gold, a herringbone gold chain and quickly put it in my pocket. Then he arrives with the bad news. "You cannot detect here". I said that I read the sign on the way in and it stated that I could take no rock, plant, animal or artifact out of the park. I said I was just looking for newer coins. He said "you cannot detect here, period". I tried another time and he told me to take my detector and leave. I put my detector down and let the kids play while I went using my eyes to see if I could find anything on the top. The ranger sat in his truck eyeing me. I am sure he was hoping that I would pick something up so he would have an excuse for arresting me. I was mad. I was obeying the stinkin sign. Everywhere I was hunting was going to be under water again anyway. Oh well, I was getting paranoid thinking that he was going to arrest me if I picked anything up even if seen with my eyes. What, was he going to arrest me for taking the sand that was stuck to my shoes home with me?! We left shortly thereafter, I was dissappointed and angry. He!!, I pay taxes that keeps the stinkin place in operation. End of a very sad story :( >:(

A nice old Church, we found a ton of silver. Had permission. The priest told us not to search anymore because a couple of other MD'ers sneacked in at night and ripped the place up. I still go to church there,maybe some day he will let us look again.
P.S I notice a lot of folks show the landowner what they are finding,I think that is a mistake because they will go out and buy there own detector and your out the door. I show them mostly the trash and maybe a couple of pennies. They will also ask how accurate your target ID is, I just tell them that it's a selling gimick.

This was many decades ago when I was a teenager and metal detectors were almost unheard of. I used to stop at old rural homesteads and talk to the old timers there. I knew the history of the area and of course wanted permission to detect on their property. I got along great with those old timers as I loved history and they loved to talk about the old days. I almost always gained permission to detect on their property.

On one occasion way back in the sticks I was interested in some early 1800's foundation stones on this one property. I talked to the owner who was an elderly gentleman in his 80's. Well we got along great and I explained to him that I liked to detect old homestead with my metal detector. Well he said " Why don't you see if you can find my grandfather's coins?" Well these types of stories were what I was after. He told me this story. His great grandfather had saved a lot of coins which he saved in a jar which he kept in his room. Everyone in the family knew this and they also knew where he kept the coins. Well the old man become ill and was bedridden. On the night of his death some of the youngsters saw him go into the barn carrying something. When the old man passed away the jar full of coins was missing from his hiding place. This story was of course told down thru succeeding generations.

Considering this happened in the 19th century, I figured this was a good treasure lead. I made an agreement with the old man for a 50/50 split and off I went. Well I found the old homestead and barn. The old barn was just rubble. Well I got my old BFO out and was detecting away. A lot of iron junk.

Well before I knew it a pickup truck screeched to a halt just in front of me. Two very large, red faced, angry men emerged from the truck and started yelling at me. "What the H*LL are YOU doing on our property" one yelled at me. They were almost incoherent with rage. One of them carried a shotgun by his side when he emerged from the truck. Hmm... insert music from Deliverance here. Well it turns out they were the redneck sons of the kind old gentleman who I had gained permission to hunt.

Well I did some fast talking and explained that I had talked to their father and had permission to metal detect on the property. Well they didn't believe me. They really believed that I was from an Oil company and was secretly testing their property for oil. They had never heard of a metal detector and were certain my BFO was an oil finder. Finally I waved the BFO over an old shovel and it of course sounded off. They were stunned with this. Before I knew it they were bringing me all sorts of junk to test with the detector. This went on for probably 20 minutes until they finally were convinced this doohickey was a thing that detects metal.

Well they calmed down as the demonstrations I gave impressed them. However, they said I still have to leave as they didn't let anyone other than kin look for stuff on their property.

So I jumped back in my car and NEVER came back. I have always wondered if that old jar full of coins is still there.


Felinepeachy said:
Last friday I stopped and asked a landowner if I could detect his property. He has several old structures on it from the late 1800's-early 1900's. Anyway, he flat out said "No!" and then added, "But let me tell you why" He said, "If I let you detect here and you find something really valuable I would never forgive myself, I would rather not know what's there than for someone else to find it." I told him that I had an extra metal detector and would let him use it and we could detect together and that anything I found I would give him the option of keeping it. At this point in my mding hobby, I am happy to have an interesting place to hunt while I learn my machine. It would make me happy just to find something. I don't care about keeping it really, that will all come later. I could see this option was very enticing. He told me he would think about it and to come back next weekend. I'm going back with two metal detectors in hand. I figure if I show him that I'm honest and not greedy, good things will come. :D

This is an EXCELLENT way to do things. I only offer this if that's the ONLY way that I can hunt a property. It can be a lot of trouble--because he'll have questions, and you'll have to spend some good time with him showing him how it works. You also have to be sure not to SKUNK him. ;)


Well there was this bar in, oh you mean while detecting, well, I have never been kicked out of a place yet, but I'm sure that there will be a time.



I took my family down to one of the army corps of engineers public campgrounds on tablerock lake.It was starting to get dark so i took the kids down to the swimming area.I had about 15 min to detect before dark.I searched about 10% of the beach right along the water line.I found about 4.00 in clad and a 14k womans "mary" ring.So we went back to the campground and got up at 6a.m. the next morning.I was down there about five minutes when the people that run the campground came down there and told me that i could not detect down here without a permit,and that they could take my MD and give me a fine.So i`ve acquired a permit and can`t wait to go back down there and show it to them.I`m sure they have a metal detector now and are finding all of the good stuff.jeff

bakergeol said:
Well I did some fast talking and explained that I had talked to their father and had permission to metal detect on the property. Well they didn't believe me. They really believed that I was from an Oil company and was secretly testing their property for oil. They had never heard of a metal detector and were certain my BFO was an oil finder. Finally I waved the BFO over an old shovel and it of course sounded off. They were stunned with this. Before I knew it they were bringing me all sorts of junk to test with the detector. This went on for probably 20 minutes until they finally were convinced this doohickey was a thing that detects metal.


That part about them bringing you junk to test, cracked me up.... :D Like some curious monkeys, or other little animal.

rotfl ;D :D

Keep @ it and HH!!

I live in the Southwest, so when I detect I walk around with my weapon strapped to my hip. I'm a really big, goatee'd bald guy to begin with, so even unarmed most ppl don't come up to me unless they are really curious about what I'm doing, or are fellow seekers. For those of you who are wondering why I detect's usually on the outskirts of town where the big cats like to roam :P

Or in case my buddy finds something better than me LOL

A construction site in Atlanta that was right on top of the site of DeGress's battery, A site that changed hands more times than I could count during the war. I had dug about 30 bullets, a bunch of shrapnel and other little bits, when the builder informed me that due to insurance reasons he couldn't have me on the site. I'm pretty sure the large iron target I was about to dig would have been a Parrot shell since there were a few of those guns in the battery. now it's a driveway and we'll probably never know. >:(

Felinepeachy said:
Last friday I stopped and asked a landowner if I could detect his property. He has several old structures on it from the late 1800's-early 1900's. Anyway, he flat out said "No!" and then added, "But let me tell you why" He said, "If I let you detect here and you find something really valuable I would never forgive myself, I would rather not know what's there than for someone else to find it." I told him that I had an extra metal detector and would let him use it and we could detect together and that anything I found I would give him the option of keeping it. At this point in my mding hobby, I am happy to have an interesting place to hunt while I learn my machine. It would make me happy just to find something. I don't care about keeping it really, that will all come later. I could see this option was very enticing. He told me he would think about it and to come back next weekend. I'm going back with two metal detectors in hand. I figure if I show him that I'm honest and not greedy, good things will come. :D

The chances of you finding something "really valuable" is slim to none, unless he thinks that a few old coins is really valuable. I wonder what he considers really valuable? Poor guy could never forgive himself if you found a coin worth 100 bucks. Oh well, just a couple of thoughts. What does he think you are going to find, the Atocha buried in his yard? ;D

A Civil War Stable Site. We had permission from the Tenant but not the landlord. We were only there 5 mins when the later showed up and showed his backside.

Sad because it is an area that has not been hunted much at all and it would have been a good place. :(

when I first started detecting.I thought city sidewalks was that city property ( my ignorance as I found out
later ).I detected a lot of strips without a peep,until I reached this one house.a hasidic jew came running
out.he asked me what I was doing then asked me to leave.these strips gave up a lot of wwII era wheat's,plus time I looked @ an old factory ruins by a park then quickly realized it was not
part of the park grounds but someones outer edge I bid a retreat to my car and looked up to see an old man.he must of ran to appear out of nowhere.I did not have a good feeling about this so I just
waved,jumped in my car and left with him staring me non knowledge @ the time was to blame.

be careful out there HH ;)

early 1900's place ''burnt to the ground''....was finding civil war items !! even found a pocket watch!!<<dont know how old it is.. but do know the insides are rusted out..1889 Indian head cent ..bowman fuse for cannon ball!!

Guy comes from across the street and (((replied)))) Are you buying this land )) are you looking for gas lines water lines etc etc..I said know,and told him i do this as a hobby...then he said he talked to the owner, and he said you werent sopposed to be here..I said OK.. and left.. I mean dang the place was trashed!!! Mabe he new there was civil war stuff there ,and was jealous....oh well ...

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