Big cats in East TN

Some of these large predators have huge ranges - esp the males. Are food source populations like dear, etc continue to explode in areas around the county it should be absolutely no surprise that the predators follow. We get coyote, bobcat and fisher where I am in central mass - nonexistent a number of years ago. Of course our deer populations are out of control, wild turkey have come back , etc.

I think the confusion is that when the experts say they don't exist maybe they believe that their is no large permanent population. But I think it's foolish for them to deny that a juvenile male looking for a new territory might be passing through or taking up residence. What do they think, that all these animals just stay put and don't move around and expand territories? Personally I'm shocked they don't embrace the big cats because it would prob get the more gov funds!!

...lions will not bring States more funds.......likely bring law suites,and huge liability.We live in a Liberal Nation that thinks we as humans have invaded all animals and they should not be controlled

What's a Fischer? I'm thinking bird, but that seems out of context in this thread.

That's really cool TNGUNS, awesome experience to see a cougar in the wild. I also saw one in E Tn 5 or 6 years ago on the loop at Cades Cove. The sighting was late summer afternoon, mid week and off-season, so not the usual heavy traffic. We had just topped a small rise and rounded a corner when I noticed 3 deer in a field about a 100 yards off to my left that were 'flagging' and staring up toward the woods we had just driven through. I followed their gaze and saw the cougar at a fast walk/slow trot about to enter the woods. Only got to watch it for a couple seconds before it went out of sight, so no time to get a pic. This was about half way or so between the loop entrance and the welcome center at the old mill area. This was my second sighting of a wild cougar, the other was in Indiana many years ago. I think they are more common in those mountains than most people realize. Cougar are now making a confirmed re-introduction into Indiana (love it!). There is a large big-cat rescue sanctuary not far from where I live. They have several cougars, although one less now since a female escaped 3 years ago. Thanks for sharing!

The dog idea is something I have been thinking of for some time anyway. We used to raise and hunt Mountain Cur dogs and ended up selling the farm and giving the dogs to a hunting buddy after my wreck. Worth looking up if you are not familiar with the breed. All I have now is a couple of crumb snatchers which I adore. On one of the farms I hunt the owners dog goes with me pretty often ( Lab mix ). I get great comfort from a dog tagging with me and feel much better with my phones on and a good dog watching my back. The Cur is one of the most loyal companions I have ever had. Sure enough tough as nails when they feel the need to be and as good a friend as a man or woman could ever want (very popular as hog dogs here in the south). I like my dogs more than people according to my daughter. I certainly trust them more.:laughing7:

I am partial to Black &Tans but have always had a Cur or two around.My Stevens/Mtn Curs are the best Coyote dogs around :thumbsup:

In the western U.S., panthers are being spotted in places they were never present before, especially Oklahoma and Texas. Most biologists think that the larger cats from South america may be migrating into Mexico and the western U.S. These are larger than our North American species of mountain lions, and are solid black. This could be the reason for the missidentification of the two cats. Maybe they have migrated farther than that, as far as the eastern seaboard, and as far as Canada. These are far more dangerous to humans than our native mountain lions. These Jaguars are larger and have been always been known to be maneaters if the situation presents itself. Texas and Oklahoma are full of wild hogs, one of the Jaguars favorite foods. Stay safe and Good Luck. rockhound
I dont know where you got that info but its full of mis truth's!!!Also fYI lions are shot in Texas like limit,shoot on site.
THERE IS NO BLACK BREED OF CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!anywhere!

RJC...not doubting your Bro's story but if a lion was indeed in a dumpster....there was something VERY wrong with it,and would be extremely dangerous!!!Lions very seldom eat what they did not kill,and will not eat rotted flesh

kruger it wasnt in the dumpster,just sitting on it.The dumpster was closed and chained shut because of the bears.

sorry rockhound interesting opinion

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Kruger....that is a sore spot for ya I see. Have to grab the reins and pull em in notch. Had a conversation today with a guy that is well thought of in the community and does a good bit of business with us at the range. I about fell-out when he swore that his 7mm Weatherby Mag was flat with no hold over out to about 500 yards when sighted in at 100. Thought he would stroke when I told him over 30 inches if sighted in at 200 much less 100. He still insisted I was crazy and walked off when I went for the manual. Sometimes when your right you are wrong. As I stated before I know little about big cats but wish I could find some of those gravity defying bullets to send ya for cougar control.:icon_thumleft:

Kruger....that is a sore spot for ya I see. Have to grab the reins and pull em in notch. Had a conversation today with a guy that is well thought of in the community and does a good bit of business with us at the range. I about fell-out when he swore that his 7mm Weatherby Mag was flat with no hold over out to about 500 yards when sighted in at 100. Thought he would stroke when I told him over 30 inches if sighted in at 200 much less 100. He still insisted I was crazy and walked off when I went for the manual. Sometimes when your right you are wrong. As I stated before I know little about big cats but wish I could find some of those gravity defying bullets to send ya for cougar control.:icon_thumleft:

I agree,and apologize,but there is enough BS info,myth's about lions(look what this thread turned into!!!!)out there....fact is,there are hardly any biologists studying them,now or ever.The most knowledgeable people you will encounter are hunters of lions,guys that have been around them there entire hero's.I have a biology degree and it taught me nothing about cats.I learned what I know from doing.Just keeping the record straight.....and I am not sorry for that :thumbsup:

Kruger......would love to really love to get to see one close up in its natural environment. Love to watch the bobcats come to a coyote call .....slinking in. They are abundant, but really have to be lucky to get to watch them for any length of time. Pretty sharp critters. Are the big cats as cautious and reclusive?

Kruger......would love to really love to get to see one close up in its natural environment. Love to watch the bobcats come to a coyote call .....slinking in. They are abundant, but really have to be lucky to get to watch them for any length of time. Pretty sharp critters. Are the big cats as cautious and reclusive?

...more so.As a Gov. Predator Control Agent I call on average 5 call stands a day for coyotes in country heavily populated with both lions and Bobcats.........see tons of Bobcats and in 20 years have only seen one lion come to my call....that being said,I would comfortably say 1 has come in to probably 1 in every 50 stands?They are very patient,extremely stealthy,and overly cautious.One case (fatality) the cat stalked the woman jogger for nearly a mile,until a bend in the trail provided the perfect ambush...which the cat utilized.....
In cat country I always keep something to my back,a tree,rock etc. and if I dont have my dog with me,am very cautious of my surroundings when leaving after a stand...I am not afraid,just very repectful,and aware

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Well, from what I understand, most of the deer and other prey are ready for the big cats at night :icon_thumright:


Thank god you had your glock! I'm hoping it's a 45 and not a 9. We have a serious coyote problem in some of the areas I md so I usually keep the 12 gage close when I'm detecting on my friends land. No one there to help you but yourself. HH

We have a few, 2-300 or more here in the Black Hills of SD. I have seen three in the 15 years I have lived here. Some of the males have migrated into MN , WI and NE. Deer populations have receded some but elk calves were the hardest hit.

and then there is the wolf problem..............

.......dont even get me started...and they have effected the lions in a very negative way as well....they are taking over kills as soon as lions make them....cubs are starving

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