Brass Letter Postal Box - Corbin Cabinet Lock Co.


Jr. Member
Aug 22, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I picked up this brass letter postal box at a garage sale today for $5.00. It appears to be missing a knob or key lock to open the door and another part towards the lower end of box. The box stands close to 12" in height. It was made by the Corbin Cabinet Lock Co. in New Britain, Conn. USA. Does anyone know how old this could be? What would be the value? Thanks..
Corbin Cabinet Lock Company- Brass Letter Box.jpgCorbin Cabinet Lock Company.jpg

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They're still around, now CCL Security. Why not call them (no email given) at 800-537-1881 and see what they can tell you about your find. Or even (gasp) write them a letter. You can give them a link to your thread so they can see for themselves exactly what you're talking about.

Nice find.


Cool find, I've never seen a Solid Brass Letter box..............................HH

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