British Shipwrecks Erebus and Terror 1840

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
August 15, 2008
OTTAWA - The Canadian government confirmed Friday it will embark on the most extensive search ever for the fabled British shipwrecks Erebus and Terror, with Environment Minister John Baird saying the hunt led by Parks Canada scientists will boost "our case for sovereignty" in Arctic waters.

The ships were lost in the Canadian Arctic in the 1840s during the ill-fated Franklin Expedition and are today ranked among the greatest undiscovered prizes of international marine archeology. Believed to lie in waters off King William Island, the ships were under the command of legendary Arctic explorer Sir John Franklin when they became locked in heavy ice that eventually doomed the entire crew of 129 men.

The six-week search - the first season in what could be a three-year project headed by Parks Canada's senior underwater archeologist Robert Grenier and Inuit historian Louie Kamoukak - is set to get under way within days aboard a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker.

Both of the expedition leaders attended a news conference Friday in Ottawa with Baird, who described the lost Franklin ships as something akin to an "Indiana Jones mystery," adding: "We want it to be a Canadian mission. We don't want Hollywood to get there first."

But Baird stressed repeatedly that the search aboard the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Sir Wilfrid Laurier is intended to not only locate an "exciting" piece of global maritime heritage, but also to reinforce Canada's Arctic sovereignty - an issue Prime Minister Stephen Harper flagged earlier this week as a key component of his party's re-election strategy.

"We think every bit of weight we can put behind our case for sovereignty is important," Baird said. "Adding history to that equation can only enhance that case."

Pressed for more details about how a search for two 19th-century British shipwrecks can bolster the country's polar claims, now being sorted out under UN rules related to seabed geology, Baird stated: "We certainly think by establishing a long-standing presence in the Arctic that can enhance issues of sovereignty ... Look at the strait (the Northwest Passage) not far from where this ship is.

"It's certainly part of what we call Canada; others don't necessarily recognize that claim. So we're committed to doing everything we can to have a presence in the north - environmentally, whether it's establishing a long-standing presence and history, whether it's resource-based, whether it's militarily..."

Baird also referred to the Russian government's growing interest in Arctic resources as a sign of the urgency needed in asserting Canada's territorial and economic interests in the North.

Grenier - who gained global acclaim as the lead archeologist in the discovery of two 16th-century Basque whaling vessels at Red Bay, Labrador - has described the Franklin vessels as the 'Holy Grail' of North American shipwrecks.

He said Friday that he has "waited 25 years" to mount a scientific search for the wrecks and that Parks Canada has now found a willing sponsor in Harper's government.

He added that the costs of the project are minimal - just $75,000 this year beyond the usual cost of having a icebreaker in the King William Island region, a committed expenditure anyway for the Coast Guard.

"I cannot promise to find the ship," Grenier said. "But we have a decent chance, that's all I can say. And one thing I will promise you, when we are finished the work there, we should cover between 400 and 800 square kilometres during these weeks. Once we have covered a certain area, it will be marked finished. Nobody has to go there again, which is not the case for many of the searches done before, which were more haphazard, with not as good equipment and not as good expertise."

The prime search area was identified on Friday as the southern waters of Victoria Strait and the eastern part of the Queen Maud Gulf, including O'Reilly and Kirkwall Islands north of the mainland Nunavut coast that have been targeted in previous searches.

The disappearance of Franklin and his men caused a sensation around the world at the time, and rescue ships were dispatched from Britain throughout the 1840s and 1850s.

Terror and Erebus were never found, but the tragic fate of the expedition was eventually confirmed with the discovery of the graves of several sailors and a single page from a log book placed in a cairn at a site called Victory Point.

The log recorded Franklin's death aboard Erebus in June 1847 and the abandonment of the two ships, which had become stranded in the ice near King William Island a year later.

It was clear that the surviving crew faced impenetrable pack ice, dwindling supplies and near-certain starvation.

The new Canadian underwater survey will be accompanied by land-based archeological work, raising the possibility that material relics or even human remains from the Franklin Expedition could be discovered, as well.

Franklin's failed attempt to cross the Northwest Passage and the rescue missions that followed played a key role in Canadian history, helping to chart the country's Arctic waters and cementing Canada's later claim over the entire Arctic archipelago.

''A tragedy can sometimes turn into an amazing gift,'' Grenier said.

Several 20th-century searches for the lost ships failed to find them, although the shoreline gravesites of a crewman was excavated in the 1980s by researchers seeking clues about the expedition's fate.

A 1997 expedition, which included Grenier and B.C. Franklin enthusiast David Woodman, turned up several copper sheets on a small island off the Adelaide Peninsula. The copper sheets - shown to reporters on Friday by Grenier - appeared to be ship cladding, and tests conducted by government scientists point to a strong possibility that the metal came from one of Franklin's lost ships.

In a 1997 agreement between the British and Canadian governments, Britain effectively gave Canada ownership rights over Franklin's ships should they ever be found. British High Commissioner Anthony Cary attended Friday's announcement in a show of support for the new Canadian search.

Franklin's disappearance made him the most famous in a long line of British explorers who attempted to find and traverse the fabled Northwest Passage sea route through Canada's northern frontier. The prospect of a navigable conduit from Europe to Asia across the top of North America was the original impetus for exploring Canada's Arctic waters more than 400 years ago.

Seeking an Arctic sea passage remained an obsession for British, American and Scandinavian explorers throughout the 1800s. The passage, finally completed in 1906 by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, is again drawing international attention because a record-setting retreat of Arctic ice has been creating a reliably open navigation route for several summers running.

Earlier this week, the Canadian Ice Service declared the passage "navigable" for the third year in a row.

The retreat of Arctic ice and the opening of the Northwest Passage have increased the sense of urgency among polar nations - including Canada, Russia, Denmark, Norway and the U.S. - to secure rights to seabed territory and a potential bonanza of undersea oil under the terms of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Next week, another Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker - the Louis S. St-Laurent - will begin a seabed survey in the Beaufort Sea to collect data in support of Canada's seabed claims, to be submitted to the UN by 2013.


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2006
Pensacola, Fl
Detector(s) used
Minelab Explorer XS
Thanks for posting that Gyps. !!! I've always been fascinated by the Franklin Expedition and what those guys endured.



Silver Member
Feb 5, 2005
Port Richey, Florida
Detector(s) used
Aquapulse, J.W. Fisher Proton 3, Pulse Star II, Detector Pro Headhunter, AK-47
Primary Interest:
Its funny that the U.S. can't claim sovereignty over Spanish wrecks in its waters. >:(

Gypsy Heart

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
Few people of the present day are capable of rightly appreciating this heroic deed, this brilliant proof of human courage and energy. With two ponderous craft - regular "tubs" according to our ideas - these men sailed right into the heart of the pack, which all previous explorers had regarded as certain death ... These men were heroes - heroes in the highest sense of the word.
- Roald Amundsen, writing in 1912 of the Erebus and Terror expedition to Antarctica.

The Ships

Hecla-class bomb ship / 3 masts / L,B,D 105' x 28.5' x 13.8' - 32m x 8.7m x 4.2m / 372 tons / Hull: wooden / Complement 67 / Arms: 1 x 13" mortar, 1 x 10" mortar, 2 x 6pdr, 8 x 24 pdr / Designed Sir Henry Peake / Built: Pembroke dockyard, Wales 1826.

Vesuvius-class bomb ship / 3 masts / L,B,D 102' x 27' x 12.5' - 31.1m x 8.2m x 3.8m / 325 tons / Hull: wooden / Complement 67 / Arms: 1 x 13" mortar, 1 x 10" mortar, 2 x 6pdr, 8 x 24 pdr / Designed Sir Henry Peake / Built: Davy, Topsham, England 1813.

Terror saw war service in 1812 in the Crimea, but was then laid up until 1828. She was damaged near Lisbon and withdrawn from service after being repaired.

In 1836 Terror sailed to Hudson Bay under the command of George Back with the intention of reaching Repulse Bay - which she never did. She almost didn't survive the winter, at one point being pushed some forty feet up a cliff before the ice subsided. Ten months after entering the pack Terror limped to Ireland where she was beached and repaired.

Erebus and terror were designed as "bomb ships" for the naval bombardment of shore targets. The main armaments of large bore mortars weighed 3 tons each and required that the ships be considerably re-inforced for the punishing work that this entailed. The mortars had a powerful recoil. Thus they were suited for polar exploratory work by virtue of being stronger than other similar ships available at the time. The ice strengthened sealing and whaling vessels used in later polar expeditions were not available in such numbers at the time of the Erebus and Terror missions.

They also had capacious holds for all of the stores that were needed and shallow drafts (eleven feet) to get close in to shore.

In preparation for the voyage, the admiralty dockyards doubled the thickness of the ships decks with a layer of waterproof cloth being sandwiched in between the old and new layers. The interiors of the two ships were braced fore and aft with oak beams to resist and absorb shock from ice. The hulls were scraped clean and double planked and finally the keels were sheathed in extra thick copper plate. Triple strength canvas was fitted for the sails.

They ships had sail power only for the Antarctic expedition, but were fitted out with single screw propellers powered by 20hp engines for the Northwest Passage voyage.


Antarctic expedition, 1839-1843, James Clark Ross
Northwest passage voyage, 1845-1848, Sir John Franklin

In search of the Northwest Passage, 1845- 1848, John Franklin

After arriving back in England following their Antarctic expedition with James Clark Ross, Erebus and Terror were fitted out with 20 hp steam engines and single screw propellers for a new voyage in search of the Northwest Passage under the command of Sir John Franklin.

The ships sailed again from the Thames on the 19th of May 1845. They had been painted black with a wide yellow stripe running along them. They were provisioned for three years, though by careful use and by getting extra food from hunting and fishing, this might stretch to seven.

They were seen in Baffin Bay near to the entrance of Lancaster Sound on the 26th of July 1845 by two whaling ships that were waiting for the ice to clear. Neither ship, the Erebus nor the Terror nor any of the 133 crew aboard them were ever seen again.

The ships sailed north but found their way blocked by ice and had to turn south again. Eventually they became ice bound in Victoria Strait between King William Island and Victoria Island. Franklin died on board Erebus on June 11th 1847 of natural causes. By spring 1848, 23 crew members were also dead from starvation or scurvy. On April 22nd 1848, the 105 remaining survivors abandoned the ships and attempted to march to Fort Resolution about 600 miles to the southwest - none of them made it alive. All of the crew of both ships died and the Erebus and Terror were lost to the ice.

Pressed for news of the expedition, the British Parliament issued a £20,000 reward for Franklin's rescue - no news or sight of the expedition had been seen or heard since August 1845. There was £10,000 to anyone who just found the two ships and another prize of £10,000 to the first to cross the North-West passage. Lady Jane Franklin, Sir John's wife (now widow though she was not sure of it) was very energetic in her searches, paying with her own money (and that donated from others in response to her forthright approaches) for four ships to go to the Arctic.

She appealed to the Whitehouse in 1849 for help though at first was met with a cool response. Eventually after effectively being shamed by popular public opinion to Lady Franklin's appeal, congress acted. A New York shipping merchant, Henry Grinell offered the use of two of his strengthened ships, the Advance and Rescue, Congress authorized that they be manned by US Navy personnel.

The lure of the search for the lost expedition of Erebus and Terror led by Franklin gripped many men over the next ten years. Forty search parties set out to find them, six went overland through North America and thirty four went by sea. Initially it was thought the men might be found alive, but eventually this became a quest to find out what had happened to the expedition. Ironically, it was the search for the lost men that led to a great opening up and exploration of the Arctic on a previously unprecedented scale.

Some of the expeditions were possibly using "looking for Franklin" as an excuse for their own attempt to reach the North Pole or to be the first through the North-West passage. Indeed for the next half a century the phrase "going to look for Franklin" became a euphemism for an attempt at the North Pole.

In August 1850, the first signs were found. At the mouth of Wellington channel on Beechy Island, were found the remains of where the expedition had wintered in 1845. There were sledge tracks in the earth, fire sites and a massive pyramid of 600 empty cans. There were also three graves. This was a very unusually high rate of loss for a first winter, despite other expeditions losing men it tended not to happen until a number of years had elapsed. Something had clearly made Franklin and his men ill.

The fate of Erebus and Terror was not learned until 1859 when the Fox, one of Lady Franklin's own ships commanded by Leopold McClintock learned their fate after discovering notes and artifacts on King William Island.

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