brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7


Silver Member
Jan 9, 2005
South Georgia
brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Some of you may have read earlier posts about my detecting trips with my brother Eric. He is handicapped, and loves to detect. More of the story is here:,181751.msg1327919.html#msg1327919,197189.msg1396358.html#msg1396358

Treasurenet members Minton7 and Brinker52 sent some coins for my brother to find on our outings. Along with several US coins and tokens, Brinker52 sent several foreign coins, so I was trying to figure out how to plant them so that Eric wouldn't become suspicious over time when he kept finding foreign coins. I got the idea to make a cache for him to find all of them at once. I rooted around in the shop for a rusty can of some sort. Found an old bandaid can that was rusted enough to believe it was underground awhile. It had some old stamps in it, so I left a few in it for him to go along with the coins. The coins rattled really bad in the can, and I couldn't smuggle it out past him like that so I went in and found an old rag and wrapped the coins in the rag, then crammed it in the box.

Well, he stayed at my house for the weekend, so all sunday afternoon we detected. I took him to a school yard so he could dig some coins for a while and hone his detecting skills. He is getting a lot better at finding a coin without digging a crater. We got tired of clad so we decided to go to an old spot that we've hunted before. I waited for him to wander away far enough that he couldn't see what I was doing, and dug a hole. I put the tin in and covered it back up and pushed dead leaves back over the hole. You couldn't tell anything had been done. I got his attention and called him over, told him that I had my best luck "over in that area"....pointing my finger in a circular motion in the general area of the planted "cache". I didn't have to wait long. I could see him checking that beep over and over...trying to decide if he should dig it or not. I turned my side to him so I could see out of the corner of my eye. "oh my goodness!!!" he said in a loud whisper. I looked, and he had the unrolled cloth rag in his hand with a pile of coins there, rattling from his shaking hand.

Than he got paranoid. I had warned him about whooping and hollering when he made a find, because it might attract the wrong kind of attention (not the best neighborhood). He kinda hunkered over to shield his finds from anyone who might be looking. I had to coax him into letting me take a pic on the spot. Then, without studying the coins, he packed them up and stuck them in his pocket. He kept hunting and fiddling with his can in his pocket, but not taking it out, lol! You could tell it got his mind racing though, because he kept talking about wanting to find a treasure chest and stuff like that. A little while later, I slipped a V nickel that Minton7 sent into his dirt pile from a hole he was digging. He found it...he said "United States....nineteen forty....nineteen O four....that's old!". Now he has found a v nickel which is something I haven't been able to accomplish.

He loves doing this stuff. I imagine there are a lot of handicapped children and adults who would absolutely love to go dig up a treasure. Something as simple as a wheat or worn out indian cent that means nearly nothing to us can be a highpoint of life for a handicapped person to find. Maybe some of you out there with time and patience to spare, you could take someone you know who wouldn't otherwise get the chance and let them experience that thrill. I get more satisfaction watching someone like that dig a good find than for me to dig it myself.

Anyway, thank you again brinker52 and minton7! God bless you!


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Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

What a great story,,
Thats was so nice of you you both ( Brinker52 & Minton7) To reach out and make a difference in this young mans life.... this is what makes our nation so good. You made this young man so happy, I would of loved to seen the look on his face.
Have a great Holiday.................many blessings to all of you out in T-hunting land.

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

This is a heartwarming story. Thanks to brinker52 and minton7 for making someone's day a little brighter. Cheese, you do deserve "brother of the year" award.

:wink: RR

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

I have a few Civil war bullets I could send if you want. Just PM me an address and I'll send them out.


Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

you are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

What a priceless story. Every now and then you read a post here that just makes you say "wow, that is great". This is certainly one of those posts. You exemplify what being a brother is all about !!!!.

It's not always about what comes out of the ground. Sometimes it about what comes out of your heart !!!!

You have done good !!!

Enjoy your future hunts together...


Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Again, I don't know what I could add, another great story! :thumbsup:

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

super. post. nice thing you did. :thumbsup:

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Awesome post Cheese - reading this makes the "lousy" in one's day just fade away. Thanks so much for sharing your brother's excitement with us, and you can be certain that all of us here will definitely be looking forward to the next post from you and your bro'... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Wow, thanks for the replies. I'm not doing anything special, or any great person for doing this...he's my brother. I'd be a sorry excuse of a brother if I didn't. :wink: I mainly post this so my brother can see his picture on treasurenet (he loves to look at the pictures of peoples finds....and I think he studies every member's avatar as much as their finds)....and I post it so that the great folks who sent the items can hear the story, and also in hope of inspiring someone out there to take a physically or mentally handicapped person out to find some good stuff and experience the thrill of watching someone's eyes light up because of something you helped do.

It reminds you of the important things. It's easy to forget that it's not how big of a house you had, how many cars you bought, or how much money you made. What people remember after you're dead is how many smiles you made. That builds wealth where it matters...treasures in heaven.

Minton7...I think you're right...I think I grabbed the V nickel out of the pile from Brinker52 instead of yours. Sorry...I meant to include something from each of your contributions in his hunt, but I grabbed the nickel from the wrong pile. He'll get some more of yours next time :D.

As for folks wanting to contribute, I really do have several things for him to find still. He will find it all sometime, and then I'll be looking for more stuff for I won't decline the offers but I don't want to take advantage of anyone's generosity. As of now he has several hunts worth of wheats and a couple silvers, along with several tokens that I haven't planted for him yet. I'm amazed at how many people want to share their finds with my brother. I have to meter it to him a little at a time though, or it will ruin the "specialness" if he just goes out and finds tons of awesome stuff every time know? It's great that there are so many good people out there. I think metaldetectorists are generally way above par when it comes to caliber of people.

Thanks again for the replies...and I'll be posting again next time we get to go out!

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7


Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

This has to be one of the coolest threads I have seen in a long time.

You guys are an incredible group of people!

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

You're just the best brother, Cheese! :sunny: Warms the heart seeing those pictures and reading the story! Just priceless! These are times that you two will never forget. PM me your address. I wanna send somethin' too! :)

Thank you for sharing your adventures!

Nana :)

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Awesome post!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Wow, what a great story. What a great thread. Well done Cheese. I understand what you're saying, but don't sell yourself short. What you're doing is awesome.

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

Back in the late 70's to the late 80's our club; Michigan treasure Hunters would donate our time and machines and coins and prizes for the Michigan Special Olympics. They would hold their games at Brighton High School athletic fields, our club got sawdust by the truckload and would spread it up to 8" deep in a 25 or 30 foot square that we roped off. Then we would instruct the special olympians on how to use the machines, then turn 'em loose. What a sight, they were whacking their competitors in the shins, one kid took off across the field just a swinging away, he ran faster than we did. We put coins in plastic baggies with Mickey D's food coupons, toy trucks and cars, and of course alot of loose change. Everyone was a winner and every adult was rewarded with priceless hugs and thanks. Yes, there were alot of happy tears shared by everyone, including the adults. The special olympics made our hunt an official event at their games for many years. And the participants would eagerly await our return the next year, so much so we would get over 100 kids wanting to do nothing but detect for the whole day. We now have our annual hunt in Sept. of each year and we give the money to the Michigan Kidney Foundation.........NGE Not with the special olympics now.

Re: brother finds a "cache"...thanks brinker52 & minton7

That is an awesome story, and a priceless expression on your brother's face.

Very cool!

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