Brought a tear to her eye (UPDATED), then 2000th post worthy find)


Silver Member
Jul 5, 2006
**** UPDATE*****

For those of you that had the patience to read through this novel of mine, I have an update. The woman that chewed me out, or atleast tried to met me today while I was getting the mail and gave me a big apology with a dinner invite for me and my family.

She said that she had no idea that I was gone to the Army when all those things happened(Talked to the family about it during dinner after I left). She felt a bit left out because she was the wife of the man we were taking about. IT brought back some feelings in her too so she got carried away.

Apology accepted. All is well that ends well.

*********************End Update**************

As some of you know I set the bar pretty high for my 2000th post. I have recieved a few PM's because of it. I set the bar high not necessarily because of my 2000th, but also because I am really bearing down on finding that job. I knew I would probably not reach one of those goals, except finding the job which would have been the absolute best of them all. I guess I should have just said that I would be very busy looking for a job and would not be able to log on very often to post replies. You see I have been here a short time and I think I have made a great many friends. I did not want those great friends to think I was ignoring their great finds because I will not be able to log on and reply very often. That was stupid of me, just should have came out and said it. Thus with that I will tell you now that I might not be able to pop on very often, but in no way would I be ignoring anyones great finds if I am unable to post responses. AND yes it does matter to me what some people think.

I did not find a job, any of that long list of finds, but I did find something that turned out to be a very heart warming story and worthy of a 2000th post. One that I really wanted to share with you all.

I have been given permission to MD the property across the road from me. That was a tough permission to get. I have one neighbor here that pretty much hates everyone, but I am especially his target. Mostly because I helped a few peps he hated, much more to the story, but lets just say the neighbors across from me liked him at first. Now in case you were wondering. As a pre-teen and teenager I did have a smart mouth. I did minor things like egging peps and being an all around smarta$$. I never did any damage to anyone's home, stole anything ...etc. But because of my reputation as a punk (and I was) they saw that it was possible the lies he was telling. Especially since I had been gone away for so long, they did not know if the Army had changed me to where I could do much worse things. BTW, I do not know the lies he was telling, alteast not all of them, but I really don't care. My was a bit angry at this and that they did not even ask me, but oh well.

Anyways, he finally alienated them just as he has everyone else with that mouth of his. And those neighbors saw me yesterday and apologized for believing him. They had called a few peps that he said I did this and that to and they told them the truth that I had done nothing at all to them, in fact some of them LoL I had actually visited, helped, and apologized for being such a punk when I was younger. They said they have seen me MDing a lot and had hoped that gaving me permission to detect this older home would help them feel better about the whole thing. I explained that they did not have to do that, but in the end I accepted and all differences are worked out.However, one that did not know me has an impact on this...will explain later.

They have a large area of land, after job searching I detected for 1 hour today before the rain set in. I found a tootsiecar about 5 inches in the ground. I immediately reconginized the possible significance of this find. Sorry I have to give you some background.

The lady that owns the house is 88 years old. As you can imagine she has some health issues..etc, but for 88 she can atleast get around inside the house with a walker and has her mind. NOW she has never been against me. She just has not left the house other than doctor's appointments for many years. She did not know that her son's were the ones that told me that I was not welcome there. So tonight was the first time I had been able to speak to her in about 3 years.

A little background now on the significance of this find. One of her son's died 10 years ago in his late 40's. He was the baby out of 5 children. He was kinda the black sheep of the family. Partied drank, toked, snorted alot and she had told him that he would have to leave, a grown man should not act like that. Especially since his house was next door and they had parties late at night that pissed off everyone.

Anyways, she thought he would tone it down, but instead he left. For 8 years she had hardly spoken to him and finally he passed away. (NOW I did not know that is why he left the community, nor that there was a problem).

I remembered that he had an exact fixed up model of this toy that was his baby, so I figured that the toy was his. I do not think he had it as a child, but I do believe it was his one way or another.

Anyways, I came in and thanked her for allowing me to MD the yard. I spoke for a while with her, I apologized that I had not been able to see her for a while since I had been so busy, I did not tell her anything about why I really did not see her. Anyways, after speaking for a while I told her that I had found something in the ground that I felt that she might like to have. I handed her the toy and told her I had cleaned all the mud out the best I could for the time being, but could clean it up more, and perhaps paint it back for her if she liked.

Immediately tears began to streak down her cheek. She was holding the toy, hands shaking and began to thank me. She gave me a hug and started to cry more.

I was asked by the woman who stays with her (She was the 2nd wife to the son who died) to come back tomorrow since she was shaken up and probably needed to get some rest.

The older lady thanked me more and I went out the door followed by the lady staying with her. Once on the porch the lady let me have it about bringing this here and punishing the older lady. She told me about why he had moved away, and that the older lady never forgave herself for not spending more time with him. She said you are every bit as cruel as the Lying neighbor had said and to not come back.

I don't know how this is going to work out now. But I do have to say that the older lady that I grew up with. The one that I considered as adopted grandmother (I was never a punk with that family) was very very very happy to have that toy. I am sure it stirred up lots of memories both good and bad, but I can tell from knowing her all those years before leaving from the army that she was quite happy with the find and with me giving it to her.

I will have to post a picture that I got off the internet of this vehicle. I did not realize that this would be that important. I knew it would be important but I did not know the rest of this would happen. So naturally I do not have a picture of the toy or of her getting it. Nor will I ever ask now that I know the rest of the story.

I know some of you might say that in the end this was not a good think for a lady of her age. But you really have to know her and see the look she had in her eyes. The toy I found was not in this good of shape obviously and was grey, but this really really made me feel GREAT today and I have to share this with all of you. I knew that someday I might find and return a ring or something else and that it would a great thing to the one I returned it to. But to know a person for a long time and to see what I saw today is without a doubt the best feeling I have had in years.

I hope all goes well and this does not turn out to be more fallout. I have had enough of politics and foolishness on the TV and radio. I do not need more soap opera around my home or in my life.

BUT I am sure still aglow with warmness.

Thank you for reading this. I have spent almost 36 years with myself and realize that I could have told this in about...ummm probably 200 less words, but one cannot change who they are.

Thank you for reading this and letting me share this with all of you,


By the way its the orange toy with the letter G to the left side of it.

Oh and please do not forget. I will be doing many things and will not be logging on that often. But once I get that job, I can't wait to catch up and see all of your great finds.


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Re: Brought a tear to her eye (story of last post, then 2000th post worthy find)

Man, sounds like too much drama for me, lol. How could the lady think you were being cruel??! Well, you had good intentions anyway, and it sounds like the old lady was moved in a good way by recieving it. Maybe the other lady will figure it out for herself after mulling it over awhile.

Good luck with the job hunting.

Re: Brought a tear to her eye (story of last post, then 2000th post worthy find)

Wow, what a long read! Typical teenage boy. Interesting story though. Good luck with that J-O-B!!! HH, Mike

Re: Brought a tear to her eye (story of last post, then 2000th post worthy find)

Hang in there. I went through the same thing several years ago. That job will come. Great story.

Re: Brought a tear to her eye (story of last post, then 2000th post worthy find)

Very nice story....Always remember you did the right thing.

Re: Brought a tear to her eye (story of last post, then 2000th post worthy find)

postal your actions were of kindness, and even though someone else may not have seen it as that, they were. Hopefully that new job is just around the corner

Re: Brought a tear to her eye (story of last post, then 2000th post worthy find)

I just wanted to say that kharma should be coming your way, and perhaps in the form of the job you want so badly...You did a wonderful thing. The past? Water under the bridge.
Best of luck


cheese said:
Man, sounds like too much drama for me, lol. How could the lady think you were being cruel??! Well, you had good intentions anyway, and it sounds like the old lady was moved in a good way by recieving it. Maybe the other lady will figure it out for herself after mulling it over awhile.

Good luck with the job hunting.

Yes it was kinda of intense when I gave her the toy. I never expected that reaction or the one from the other lady later on. I updated today and all is well that ends well. I love that I found something that meant so much to someone else, and that was a great feeling. But next time I certainly hope it doesn't turn into a soap opera. Way too intense for my likes.

Thank you all. I do expect to find a job soon. I have a few great members that I will be sharing information with soon. They are kind enough to be looking into some contract information for me. I would thank them by name, but I am not sure if they want that or not, so THANK you and you know who you are.

Thankfully I am not tanking monitarily. I have the ability to set back like I am and choose the right job. Alteast for the next few months if it takes that long. IF it takes longer than I know I can get IT jobs, they are just not where I want. But will take them if necessary and keep looking.

Great comments all, thank you,


Wow, how did I miss that one. Well I guess I'm glad I read it after the happier ending. Have you finished hunting it or do you have more to go? Come on scrip, come on scrip. ;) Haven't been hunting much myself since the time change, but I may be on to something good up here. I've located a trolley company's park from a hundred years ago and it hasn't been developed. It opened in 1900 and you would ride the trolley out to the park for a day of picnicing, boating, swimming, dancing etc. They had a pavillion, merry-go-round, trolley station etc. ;D If I can track down the right people, I think I can obtain permission and then it's on!

daytondigger said:
Wow, how did I miss that one. Well I guess I'm glad I read it after the happier ending. Have you finished hunting it or do you have more to go? Come on scrip, come on scrip. ;) Haven't been hunting much myself since the time change, but I may be on to something good up here. I've located a trolley company's park from a hundred years ago and it hasn't been developed. It opened in 1900 and you would ride the trolley out to the park for a day of picnicing, boating, swimming, dancing etc. They had a pavillion, merry-go-round, trolley station etc. ;D If I can track down the right people, I think I can obtain permission and then it's on!

The house right across the road from mine. The driveway just slightly below mine and to the left. It will take a long time to do this property. Lots of area to cover. I will just spot check the lower half though since it was fill because of 25E. The upper part has been there for awhile. This is the 2nd house on the site and I think the first was built around 1905. No one that lived there worked in the mines. But the owner / builder of the second home 1950ish built was a preacher and at first many peps came to his home. So yes come on scrip LoL Please scrip


That sound like one awesome spot you have found there. I hope you get the permission to hunt there. Sounds like it might be a great producer. Good luck on getting the dig.

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