Busy as a beaver hunting silver

Old Dude

Gold Member
Feb 20, 2013
Luzerne County, Pa
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Fisher F75, Garrett ATPro, Garrett GTAx 500
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Hi all. Got out today and swung a little bit as I walked the dogs. This year hasn't been too good in finds so far. I have been in my fields 4 or 5 times now and no old coppers or even an old round ball. Today was a little better. I got a nice tone on the ATP, but wasn't expecting too much as the VDI was only a 74, which is usually a modern cent. When I flipped the frozen plug, I saw something whitish in color fly out, but thought it was just ice crystals. Was pleased to see the first silver of the year ~ a '44P Merc. On the way back to the vehicle, I got a mid tone and 64 on the numbers and out finally comes a splatted old round ball. Only other finds were a beaver tail pulltab, a modern bullet and the notch end of an arrow. Pics show the reason for the title lol.


Upvote 18
Looks like you had a fine day, Dude!

Not bad, not bad at all, ya beat me to the first silver of the year

Good hunt!

Nice job OD. We've got beavers here in Maine the size of grizzly bears :laughing7: you should see the trees they take down

On the way back to the car huh? Ain't that a surprise! ;)

You have a silver coin, in a field, don't get much better. :)

On the way back to the car huh? Ain't that a surprise! ;)

You have a silver coin, in a field, don't get much better. :)
This field has been very good to me Gary. 2 1700's coppers, many 1800's coppers and now 2 1900's silvers.

I like to dig WW2 period coins too OD. In that war, everything was on the line. WTG, Q.
Thank you Mr. Q. I was hoping for another old copper, but I'm not complaining lol.
Nice job OD. We've got beavers here in Maine the size of grizzly bears :laughing7: you should see the trees they take down
This one may be pretty big Abe. I saw one a few years ago at this same spot in the river and he was a nice size then. If it's the same one, he should be huge by now.
Not bad, not bad at all, ya beat me to the first silver of the year

Good hunt!
Thanks Chris. It was definitely unexpected. I just wanted an old round ball lol!
Looks like you had a fine day, Dude!

Thank you! It was indeed a good one after this long winter. In the first pic, you can see some ice crystals in the upper left. I was using a Sampson shovel, and it felt like it was bending. The ground still has a way to go, but I can't wait!

This field has been very good to me Gary. 2 1700's coppers, many 1800's coppers and now 2 1900's silvers.

Sort of like my mansion. Nice to have a place that keeps giving, ain't it.

Nice way to start the year..Maybe you should get that beaver to open up your holes???? Lol

Great job Dave! Congrats!

Congrats on your first silver of the year, OD. Now you'll get on a roll and start pulling all sorts of goodies from the ground.

Congrats on getting that first silver of the year. It's a beauty too.

Funny thing, I bet 90% of my mercs are from 42 to 45. Seems the gov't really spit them out during the war. Most common is a '44. Weird.

Congrats on the first silver of the year!!

Silver is always a good hunt and throw in some old lead, Sweet hunt!!

Good job OD. Nice to see you beating Chris to the goods. Way to keep that whippersnapper down. GL&HH.

Any time you can find silver, it's a great hunt Dave! :occasion14:

Hopefully this is just the start of good things to come for you this year buddy!


Congratulations on the round ball!

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