Buying silver eagles with coin change found on the floor.

If you keep your eyes down, like I do, not long. This is my way of buying silver for quite some time. GL

Awesome idea!

I've been eyeballing coins on the ground for as long as I can remember, a habit my grandfather had taught me. He was an avid coin collector and a big time hunter back in the 80's and 90's.

All my years previous, I didn't think to tally it all. This year I started recording on a calendar how much I've found each day. Any extra I find in reject trays also get tallied.

Here are my monthly totals so far:

January: $7.53
February: $2.18
March, so far: $1.89

Great idea! Lots of coins and some jewelry available to those sharp eyed treasure hunters who constantly scan for them while out and about on errands. Wind blown folding money stuck in chain link fences is one of my all time favorites. I will park farther out from a shopping destination to be able to have more scanning area to and from the store, and will return to my car from a different route as to double my searched area. Cheers!!

I've found $1.91 so far on the year between reject chute and eyeball finds. I have noticed my reject chute finds have dropped off drastically moving my dumps to Saturday mornings as opposed to when I was dumping in the afternoon during the week. During the latter, the entire day had gone by with people putting their coin through and leaving treasures behind, but it's completely different on Saturday mornings for sure.

I normally check where the biggest SNOW PILES in parking lots were during the winter, almost need a MD to scan through all the dirt & garbage.

Tanner and I used to keep a piggy bank on our kitchen counter with all the change we found in one year. Below are the finds from 3 or 4 years ago. We quit keeping track two years ago when our town changed their parking meters to a kiosk system. You do not put money in a meter in front of your car, you do it at a kiosk. This dropped the amount of change we would find walking our dog in the morning to almost zero. We still keep our eyes peeled for change on the ground. Gone are the days we would find $100 a year.

Keep on Searching
Dad and Tanner


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My son " treasure hunts" at the grocery store. All the checkers know him and let him go through there lines. He finds more in the self check out areas lately. The coin star reject slots have been good too. He used to keep it in a jar but lately he has been buying lots of pokemon cards.
My best find was a $50.00 bill on the ground 2 months ago.

I Live in NYC, and I would be rich if i went to every TD bank everyday, just to check the reject slot for change..

I bought an Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, and a China Panda bullion coins back in Jan with my ground finds.. My MD finds I am waiting to spend on a new machine....AT Pro I think.

Great idea!! I find coins constantly while crawling on floors doing my job. If it is an unoccupied dwelling or building, the coins go in my pocket.........
Best places are under/behind baseboard heat and in floor heat vents. Also, the old timers used to put a penny under their jobs back in the day......find lots of wheats that way.............
Thanks for the tip!!

Tanner and I used to keep a piggy bank on our kitchen counter with all the change we found in one year. Below are the finds from 3 or 4 years ago. We quit keeping track two years ago when our town changed their parking meters to a kiosk system. You do not put money in a meter in front of your car, you do it at a kiosk. This dropped the amount of change we would find walking our dog in the morning to almost zero. We still keep our eyes peeled for change on the ground. Gone are the days we would find $100 a year.

Keep on Searching
Dad and Tanner
my sons piggy bank is on the window sill in the kitchen, its filled with my spare change and all the stuff I find on the ground, I also have one full of Canadian change from reject slots and stuff.. ive cashed in his piggy bank twices now, hes not even 2 yet, and ive got about 180$ for him, now he splits it with his other brother, but I use some of the money to buy them junk silver, just picked them up some cull silver dollars the other day

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