Can You Dig it! Thanks KellyCo!


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
Detector(s) used
Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Just got this little consolation prize in the mail from KellyCo. Thought I'd share a pic. :hello::wav:
GoDig 1 email-1.jpg

You won that?

Yep. The shirt and detector. KellyCo had a contest where folks sent in videos of why they were the world's most interesting treasure hunter. I sent them a really simple vid and got this back as a consolation prize. I guess not too many entered. :dontknow:

Nice! WTG! But then we all knew you were interesting, but now your top TH'er!

Wow! I've never nominated for a banner, but this should be a banner find! You found a site and won a treasure! Killer find.

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