Canon City, any hunters around here?

Im a starting hunter up in the Springs. Let me know if ya want to get a hunt going sometime. Im looking for people to hunt with here in CO...moved here last year as well.

dennisdunigan said:
moved to Canon City last year. Any hunters want get together?
I wouldn't mind meeting for coffee and chatting.
Want to make some like minded friends.
Just joined T-net I'll hunt with ya. PM me or email me when ever you want hookup.

My Folks live in Canon. I am up there several times a year. shoot me an email with your info, and next time i am up there we can meet up. i got a few places that i am working on. [email protected]


I live in Colorado Springs and I grew up here and roamed all over the place along the front range. I'm new to arrowhead hunting and would like to get to know some locals and learn what I'm doing the right way. Shoot me an email or give me a [email protected] or 719 499-4139. Hope to meet some of you guys soon.


im here in canon finally! ready ot get out with others and swing the coil. i got a minleab etrac, and been hunting close to 10 years down in new mexico. [email protected]

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