Check for Fires Prior to Mining-all states listed

Looks like all the lighting strikes for some reason are in the national forest"s. In the west. Very strange.Im guessing thats how most of the fires started.

Forests in the west are on mountains. Mountains have steep slopes. When storms have to go over steep mountain slopes they lose energy. Among other ways (rain/wind) they lose their energy as lightning strikes.

Just natures way of keeping things in balance. If the Forest circus hadn't treated the forests as "precious" for the last 100 years the fires would have been small and served their purpose of cleaning out the buildup of underbrush. Now that the forests are packed full of dangerous buildups of hot burning underbrush every fire is a disaster. It's time to let it burn but the circus just can't stop their stupid ways even though they now know their past "management" of the forests is destroying them.

Welcome to big government.

Heavy Pans

Just natures way of keeping things in balance. If the Forest circus hadn't treated the forests as "precious" for the last 100 years the fires would have been small and served their purpose of cleaning out the buildup of underbrush. Now that the forests are packed full of dangerous buildups of hot burning underbrush every fire is a disaster. It's time to let it burn but the circus just can't stop their stupid ways even though they now know their past "management" of the forests is destroying them.

Heavy Pans

^^^^THIS^^^^^^ I remember when a fire management team (the guys running the show) walked out on a fire and told the FS until you manage your forest I will not put one person in harms way because of your stupidity. A new overhead team was brought and and two days later a FF needlessly died - Trinity NFS some years ago. Not too long ago the FS was willing to loose about 15 homes as they didn't want to let fire back burn around them in case the fire went out before it reached the houses. At the very last minute fire back burned and saved the houses in spite of SNFS.. the fire burned 3 more miles - Siskiyou NFS


the fires we have here are ridiculous. checkerboard clearing of forest greatly inhibits fires.

but try to tell that to an enviro-nut.

And WHY do we put up with that kind of behavior from the USFS management ???? Every year its the same thing !!! The west coast burns out of control!!!!!!!! Any person that can think a little could figure out that someone hasn't done their homework OR just cant figure it out OR maybe just DONT want to do it! Im surprised that "we the people" haven't tarred and feathered this management team! I read somewhere that "IF" a home owner or land owner tried to clear the under brush from his land he would be fined by the USFS and "IF" he didn't clear the under brush the fire department would fine him for NOT doing so...................Common sense dictates that a land owner / home owner should try to prevent any fires , if he can do so. Clearing the under brush would be one way to help prevent this from occurring , OR like Clay said let it burn ! Also (to me) it isn't a smart thing to close off back roads that help the fire department to access the back country to fight fires, that the USFS has done!

Because since Smokey the Bear ,close to 100 years,was started with the "only you can prevent forest fires mantra" that worked TOO good. The BLM publications documented the ungodly undergrowth in a huge pictorial a dozen years. It showed before smokey and now so brushed full even animals can't make it through the ungody tanglement. Natures balance has been undone so now controlled burns rule the day, till they escape in over 40% of the time. West of Redding they burned a huge area to clear. All that came back was manzanita even thicker. SOOOOO not learning their lesson they burned yet AGAIN and yep you guessed it NOTHING but manzanita even 100 times thicker on Duncan Creek Graves Ranch. Once the delicate balance is undone manual clearing is the mandate as here in Whiskeytown and many other areas. Not nice to mess with the natural rhythum of things as once the game is played we all lose. Clogged burns too hot and all dies off or just reburns just as Weaverville and downriver to Big Bar,burned a half dozen times over /over /over. Real bummer when 12 miles out in the boonies dredging and they close-read BLOCKED egress and regress to my claims road and I was on the wrong side of the hayfork fires/others. Hiked out with wet rags on my face to try and breathe was no fun.....John

Here is a great example of a healthy forest and how they used to burn. This fire was from the 08 mess. Can't see in the pic, but those burnt trees are still alive IMG_0300.jpg

If they would just let nature take care of itself. They might be surprised at the outcome. Usually they make things worse and spend millions doing it.

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And WHY do we put up with that kind of behavior from the USFS management ???? Every year its the same thing !!! The west coast burns out of control!!!!!!!! Any person that can think a little could figure out that someone hasn't done their homework OR just cant figure it out OR maybe just DONT want to do it! Im surprised that "we the people" haven't tarred and feathered this management team! I read somewhere that "IF" a home owner or land owner tried to clear the under brush from his land he would be fined by the USFS and "IF" he didn't clear the under brush the fire department would fine him for NOT doing so...................Common sense dictates that a land owner / home owner should try to prevent any fires , if he can do so. Clearing the under brush would be one way to help prevent this from occurring , OR like Clay said let it burn ! Also (to me) it isn't a smart thing to close off back roads that help the fire department to access the back country to fight fires, that the USFS has done!
Over here in Aust. after the Black Saturday Fires a new rule was debised by the coroner...10 /30 rule ..a land owner has the right to clear scrub 10 mtr either side of boundary and 30 mtr from the house... helped save a few properties 2 yrs later when the nect firestorm came thru..and yes checkerboard burning works here its helped my brigade pull up some fast running/hot bushies in the past also gives us an opportunity to 'steer' fires to easier accessable areas..stay safe over there..

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