Sr. Member
Found a few Civil War items recently, actually Memorial day. The items are a flattened eagle Button, a 58 caliber dropped bullet and a brass nail that went in the soldiers brogans the "hob nail" to preserve shoe leather. Not the greatest finds but they have a lot of meaning to me. Memorial Day was originally called "decoration" day to remember Civil war dead. Some soldier long ago fighting for the Union left these artifacts behind as a reminder of that tragedy. This was found near modern day Sheppardtown Wva, just across the river from Antietam. Likely persuing the retreating confederate army who were fighting rear guard actions on thier way to Winchester. I wonder if he survived that bloody conflict ? That is half the intrigue to me of civil war finds. Some anonymous soldier long ago parted with these objects and I a former soldier myself found them on a day to honor veterans. Forgive me if I get a bit melodramatic but I can't help it.
The other thing pictured I found is a migratory bird band, put on by fish and wildlife the numbers are still visible. Perhaps ol' Mr Fox had himself a duck dinner
The other thing pictured I found is a migratory bird band, put on by fish and wildlife the numbers are still visible. Perhaps ol' Mr Fox had himself a duck dinner
