Class Ring Recovered...back to owner


Hero Member
Apr 2, 2007
Southern Indiana
Detector(s) used
Whites DFX 300, Vintage Tesoro Sidewinder
I am so excited to report this! I recently posted an ad offering free metal detecting services for anyone who had lost valuables in their yards...or for anyone who was just curious to see if they had treasures in their ground. I have had several responses and today was my first assignment. I was called by a man who told me that in February 08 his son was in a snow ball fight at the neighbors while wearing his week old class ring. it went....not to be found. They searched the yard on several occasions, and even bought a cheapie detector to look for it. Well, I am happy to say, I recovered this gem in about 30 minutes. The ring will shine up good and still look new! Also found a nickel, penny, and a canadien nickel. The dad was very excited to say the least. Although I offered this as a free service....he insisted I at least take gas he gave me $7. That was cool of him.


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Great story, That's a nice looking ring, with that ad, how many responses have you had? I put up notices in stores & places like that up in WI, but no one has ever called!

Great job!!! It sure feels good to get a lost valuable item back to the owner.


seger98 said:
Great story, That's a nice looking ring, with that ad, how many responses have you had? I put up notices in stores & places like that up in WI, but no one has ever called!

Around here...Evansville In....we have these yahoo groups....I am sure they are everywhere. I put ads in the [email protected]. I put it in last week. Have had 4 responses so far. Check the yahoo recycle groups in your area, I am sure you have them. Tomorrow night I am off to a ladies home where she lost her wedding ring in her yard 20 years ago. She says she know within a 20 feet area of where it should be....I am excited, I hope I find it!!

Great Job !! That is the kind of publicity we need .... TREASURE HUNTERS ... REALLY JUST GOOD SAMARITANS..

chainsaw said:
Great Job !! That is the kind of publicity we need .... TREASURE HUNTERS ... REALLY JUST GOOD SAMARITANS..

I appreciate everyones kind words.....and yes, I love to dig up a nice silver and everything else....but it sure feels nice when you see the look of shock and excitement on the owners face when they see there lost found!


That's cool. I live across the creek from you here in Louisville. Good luck. Karma exists.

wildcatman71 said:
but it sure feels nice when you see the look of shock and excitement on the owners face when they see there lost found!
Yep and it never gets old. Congrats :thumbsup:

I have a sneaky suspicion that this post will find it's way to Honorable Mention

Man i bet he was tickled to death to get that thing back. WTG.... :thumbsup: HH

Good Job, I hope you get some good places to hunt from your good services. You deserve it !


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