๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION I made someones day today - Wedding band found for owner **VIDEO**


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Carolina
๐Ÿฅ‡ Banner finds
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab Manticore , Tesoro Silver uMax
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
On Friday I had searched the local lost & found ads on Craigslist like I do once in awhile. I noticed a guys cry for help for someone with a metal detector. His ad read:

"I need friendly person with metal detector to help me find my wedding ring in the back yard of my friends house. I'm broke and can't afford a metal detector myself. Please help! Ed "

Well, being the "friendly person" that I am, I gave Ed a call. Turns out he's had numerous calls on his ad, but no one wanted to make the trip to where he lived. Ed was only 20 minutes from me, so I offered to come by Sunday (today) to help him find the ring. He said he didn't have a lot of money, but he could give me $20 for my trouble. I told him I don't want any money, and we (our elite group on TN) do this kind of thing to help others.
I arrived today about 2:30pm and met Ed who said he had lost his ring a few weeks ago when he and a buddy were clearing out some debris and brush from the backyard. He showed me the path he had taken throughout the day from the backyard to the front curb.
I started in the backyard and was greeted with pull tabs, foil, and buried cans. :'( Ed was starting to get worried now thinking the ring was gone for good. He then told me that he had removed a section of the fence and "flung it" to the side in order to get the stuff they were hauling from the back to the front. Being the gridder that I am, I was on my 2nd pass outside of the fence about 4' from the fence line and got a signal with the Mighty Tesoro. I moved the leaves aside, and BINGO, there was the shiny gold & diamond wedding band in all it's glory saying, "I'm down here, pick me up!" ;D Needless to say, Ed couldn't believe his eyes, and had a smile from ear to ear. The first thing he said to me was, "You are my hero. Thank you so much." Ed is a professional chef by the way fresh from Las Vegas and offered to make my wife & I a nice dinner for helping him out.
"Congrats Ed, I'm glad I could be there to help." :thumbsup:

Here's the video. Enjoy.



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Fantastic MM. I could tell by the look on his face he was really thankful.


Thats awesome that you took the time to even look. Congratulations on actually finding it!!!

That was a pretty nice looking ring, no wonder he was so upset.

dcooper1 said:
Thats awesome that you took the time to even look. Congratulations on actually finding it!!!
That was a pretty nice looking ring, no wonder he was so upset.

Thanks DC.
Same thing I thought, nice ring!
After I saw that one I told my wife she got off cheap on mine. :tongue3:

SC_hunter said:
Fantastic MM. I could tell by the look on his face he was really thankful.

Thanks SC. :thumbsup:

ocalasix said:
WTG MM!!!...

scoring one for the good guys!..gregg

Thanks Ocala.
This is my third returned wedding band now. I'm starting to get the hang of this. ;D :thumbsup:

Thanks, You make us all look good. I hope you are rewarded with a nice CS buckle.

Great job there. Thanks for taking the time to find that ring. It sure does make you sad to lose one.


Doug, you are a real class act. What a terrific deed. That ring owner will remember this day for the rest of his life. Great job!

Nice job Doug, but what else did you find? Or did you leave right away?

********THANKS EVERYBODY********
I didn't find squat yesterday when I went detecting, so it was a bit of a wasted day for me. This ring find today was my highlight for sure. :thumbsup:
Be sure to check the local lost & found sections in your areas. There may be someone out there needing your help. :wink:
Have a great week.

Great Job :thumbsup: It is acts of kindness like this that will help us keep our hoby from being stopped by laws. I am personally thankful for you doing that for this person. I would take that offer on the dinner or a chance to hunt the house.

Keep @ it and HH!!

seger98 said:
Nice job Doug, but what else did you find? Or did you leave right away?

MUD(S.W.A.T) said:
Great Job :thumbsup: It is acts of kindness like this that will help us keep our hoby from being stopped by laws. I am personally thankful for you doing that for this person. I would take that offer on the dinner or a chance to hunt the house.

Keep @ it and HH!!

Thanks guys.
When I pulled up to this place it wasn't in the best neighborhood, so I was wondering if I should have brought the ol' Smith & Wesson instead of the pinpointer. :o ;D Poor Ed had just moved to this area from Vegas and was renting a room from this home owner & his wife.
There was cr-p everywhere at this place both inside & out, about 5 broken down cars out front, two large dogs in cages in the house, the lawn looked like it hadn't been tended to in years, and the owner (who looked like a gang member straight out of Thugland) was in the living room playing video games! Needless to say, I was happy to help Ed and be on my way. I did find a memorial penny though. :thumbsup:

DD-777 said:
MOST EXCELLENT!!! Congrats on finding the ring Doug. That was a fantastic thing you did for him. Give me a call when he comes to cook for you... :wink: ;D

Thanks Andy.
He has an Italian last name too. ;D Glad you are feeling better. :thumbsup:

When you told me last week that you were going to look for that ring, I would have bet Dman's 3 metal detectors that you WOULD FIND IT!!!! WTG-A gourmet chef is a good friend to have. The most that I ever received from hunting was when I found a pager someone lost on the Hartsville, TN Battlefield. I mailed it in and they sent me $25. Before Dman and I began relic hunting, I was hunting with a friend in an area behind a row of houses in the woods for CW Relics. On some fallen leaves lay a faded $10 bill. My friend said I had the "Find of the day" because we used that to buy our lunch. HH.

I bet Alabama Nana and Mr. Nick would drive over if you invited them to eat the chef's meal-LOL!!!

VOL1266-X said:
When you told me last week that you were going to look for that ring, I would have bet Dman's 3 metal detectors that you WOULD FIND IT!!!! WTG-A gourmet chef is a good friend to have. The most that I ever received from hunting was when I found a pager someone lost on the Hartsville, TN Battlefield. I mailed it in and they sent me $25. Before Dman and I began relic hunting, I was hunting with a friend in an area behind a row of houses in the woods for CW Relics. On some fallen leaves lay a faded $10 bill. My friend said I had the "Find of the day" because we used that to buy our lunch. HH.
I bet Alabama Nana and Mr. Nick would drive over if you invited them to eat the chef's meal-LOL!!!

Thanks VOL.
I love it when I can find the rings fairly quickly. This one only took 15 minutes. The one before this one only took 2 minutes, but the one before that was tough. Took me hours in the middle of the hot humid NC summer with all those wonderful bugs. :( I did find it though! That one had been buried for years, and the yard was FULL of pull tabs and trash.

WTG MM!! First of all, my hats off to you for checking the ads for something like this, and then for helping Ed with his lost ring. I know the feeling when they see their ring show up. What an awesome feeling to be a part of. Things like this can only be good for our hobby. Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

Big E

Big E said:
WTG MM!! First of all, my hats off to you for checking the ads for something like this, and then for helping Ed with his lost ring. I know the feeling when they see their ring show up. What an awesome feeling to be a part of. Things like this can only be good for our hobby. Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

Big E

Thanks so much Bid E. :thumbsup:
I try to do what's right and help others even if it costs me money to do it. Too much bad in the world today, so we need some good to offset it. :thumbsup:

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